Custom sp_start_job to delay next task until SQL Agent Job has completed

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The system stored procedure sp_start_job is a very useful T-SQL command that starts a SQL Agent job. The problem with this is that it starts the job and it doesn't wait until the job is finished and sometimes I want to start a job and wait until the job is finished and move on to another job or task that depends on the result of the previous job.

For example, in one of my previous tips, "Maintain Customized Indexes on Replication Subscriber Tables via Pre and Post Scripts", in the case of the Pre Snapshot job, I want to make sure the Pre Snapshot job is finished before I move on to the next step. Another example, we are using Change Data Capture on replication subscribers and I want to break the Change Data Capture before I apply the snapshot and there is a job that takes care of that, so I want to run that job first and make sure the job has completed before I move on to next step.


I have created a custom stored procedure called "sp_start_job_wait" and basically it starts a job by using sp_start_job and checks if the job is finished using a loop. You can download the stored procedure here.

Let's take a look at a couple of examples.

Example 1

This is the typical use of sp_start_job_wait. This will run job "zzzDBATest" and then by default, it checks the job status every 5 seconds and exits based on the job completion status.

-- Starts a job call zzzDBATest  
exec sp_sp_start_job_wait 'zzzDBATest'

When the job succeeded, the output looks like this.

Job 'zzzDBATest' started successfully.  
The job ran Successful

When the job failed, the output looks like this.

Job 'zzzDBATest' started successfully.  
Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_sp_start_job_wait, Line 76 [ERROR]:zzzDBATest job is either failed or not in good state. Please check

When the job is canceled, the output looks like this.

Job 'zzzDBATest' started successfully.  
The job is Cancelled

Example 2

You can also specify parameters like this if you know the job takes longer to finish and you don't want to check every 5 seconds. In this example we are checking every 5 minutes.

-- Starts a job call zzzDBATest
DECLARE @RetStatus int  
exec sp_sp_start_job_wait
@job_name = 'DBA - Test Job',
@WaitTime = '00:05:00',
@JobCompletionStatus = @RetStatus
OUTPUT select @RetStatus


Here is the stored procedure and here are some points regarding the proc. Again, you can download the stored procedure here.

  • It uses the xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs store procedure to check the status of the job
  • I used the "raiserror('JOB IS RUNNING', 0, 1 ) WITH NOWAIT" to print out the status if it is running or not right away while I am running from SQL Server Management Studio. This way I can see if it is working or hung.
  • It queries the sysjobhistory table
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_sp_start_job_wait
@job_name SYSNAME,
@WaitTime DATETIME = '00:00:05', -- this is parameter for check frequency
@JobCompletionStatus INT = null OUTPUT


-- DECLARE @job_name sysname
DECLARE @job_owner sysname

--Createing TEMP TABLE
last_run_date INT NOT NULL,
last_run_time INT NOT NULL,
next_run_date INT NOT NULL,
next_run_time INT NOT NULL,
next_run_schedule_id INT NOT NULL,
requested_to_run INT NOT NULL, -- BOOL
request_source INT NOT NULL,
request_source_id sysname COLLATE database_default NULL,
running INT NOT NULL, -- BOOL
current_step INT NOT NULL,
current_retry_attempt INT NOT NULL,
job_state INT NOT NULL)

SELECT @job_id = job_id FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs
WHERE name = @job_name

SELECT @job_owner = SUSER_SNAME()

INSERT INTO #xp_results
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs 1, @job_owner, @job_id

-- Start the job if the job is not running
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 * FROM #xp_results WHERE running = 1)
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @job_name = @job_name

-- Give 2 sec for think time.
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02'

DELETE FROM #xp_results
INSERT INTO #xp_results
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs 1, @job_owner, @job_id

WHILE EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 * FROM #xp_results WHERE running = 1)


-- Information
raiserror('JOB IS RUNNING', 0, 1 ) WITH NOWAIT

DELETE FROM #xp_results

INSERT INTO #xp_results
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs 1, @job_owner, @job_id


SELECT top 1 @JobCompletionStatus = run_status
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory
WHERE job_id = @job_id
and step_id = 0
order by run_date desc, run_time desc

IF @JobCompletionStatus = 1
PRINT 'The job ran Successful'
ELSE IF @JobCompletionStatus = 3
PRINT 'The job is Cancelled'
RAISERROR ('[ERROR]:%s job is either failed or not in good state. Please check',16, 1, @job_name) WITH LOG

RETURN @JobCompletionStatus


There you have it. Now, by using this proc I can control jobs and job dependencies easily. By using this process, I was able to make post-snapshot tasks a dependency with the replication script.

I'd like to thank to Srikant Tadimalla and Sourav Biswas for feedback and changes to some of the code to make it work with SQL 2000 as well.

Next Steps
  • You can change the stored proc to have additional parameters like sp_start_job does by adding @job_id, @step_name, etc...
  • You can change the stored proc to call Sql Server remotely by putting the @remote_server_name parameter and either using xp_cmdshell with sqlcmd or OPENQUERY
  • Download the procedure and implement this in your environment where you have a need to control job dependencies.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Kun Lee Kun Lee is a database administrator and his areas of interest are database administration, architecture, data modeling and development.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

View all my tips

Comments For This Article

Sunday, December 27, 2020 - 5:20:39 PM - Hamid Back To Top (87956)
Thanks Kun.
I run my jobs by this batch file in command prompt and work very good.

osql -S . -U <sql user> -P <sql password> -Q "exec dbname.dbo.sp_sp_start_job_wait 'my jobs' "

Monday, January 7, 2019 - 1:21:32 PM - Tim De Back To Top (78653)

Thanks Kun!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018 - 12:24:38 PM - Murthy Back To Top (75676)

 Thanks for sharing! 


Wednesday, November 1, 2017 - 1:40:21 PM - Lee Back To Top (69055)

Thanks for this - very useful!

Currently I'm using it when setting up or refreshing transactional replication. I can ensure the snapshot runs before the subscribers start and also that the subscribers run consecutively to avoid timeouts and overloading the publisher\distribution database. All unattended.

note: The "TOP 1 job status" fix mentioned by Juergen is not in the code accessed by the "here" link. Also the sproc name is "sp_sp_..." in the window above. 


Tuesday, November 8, 2016 - 8:37:59 AM - Thomas Back To Top (43723)

Works perfect!

I use it to remote start SQL Jobs with osql from an automation software.

thank you :-)

Thursday, June 30, 2016 - 11:38:02 AM - @SQLMMA Back To Top (41796)

Thanks so much! Works great!

Friday, August 7, 2015 - 4:52:32 AM - Khushi Back To Top (38401)

I have  tried with  this SP  and try to run the  job  but  it is failed  normally  hwne  i run the  job is sucessfully run but  while  run through SP  

it is not working below message is displayed..I dont know where  is worng.


Please  help me this is  just test job simple slect stament  in that job.

Job 'Test_Job_Autosys' started successfully.

Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_sp_start_job_wait, Line 76

[ERROR]:Test_Job_Autosys job is either failed or not in good state. Please check

Monday, January 27, 2014 - 4:57:46 AM - ledub Back To Top (29229)

Great, it's very useful to synchronize maintenance plans, backup, etc ...

thanks a lot, guy

Wednesday, December 4, 2013 - 11:50:45 AM - Paul-Benjamin TOUZET Back To Top (27689)


when I use your procedure with a remote server I have the following error:

Error 18483: Could not connect to server because "" is not defined as a remote login at the server.

The only change I have done is to use my remote server like this:

INSERT INTO #xp_results EXECUTE SIE48.master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs 1, @job_owner, @job_id where SIE48 is my remote server.


This is this line who raise the error.


Thanks in advance for your help,


Thursday, November 22, 2012 - 11:21:46 PM - Rafi Back To Top (20482)

good job.solved all my issues.

Thanks for sharing Kun

Monday, June 11, 2012 - 4:14:42 PM - Aaron Sentell Back To Top (17932)

Great little piece of code. I could have used this many times in the past. Thanks for sharing it.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011 - 1:42:11 PM - Derf Back To Top (15412)

That is amazingly usefull. Thanks for sharing.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011 - 8:33:20 AM - Kun Lee Back To Top (13000)

Hi juergen

Thank you for your comment and you are right about that. I am going to fix the article.

thank you so much for recommendation.




Friday, February 11, 2011 - 8:47:27 AM - juergen Back To Top (12915)

The query for the completition status should be changed - because here you can get a resultset and your infomation about might be wrong!

I would recommend following - if you want to get the completition status for the whole job (not only single steps):

SELECT top 1 @JobCompletionStatus = run_status
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory
WHERE job_id = @job_id
and step_id = 0
order by run_date desc, run_time desc

instead of

SELECT @JobCompletionStatus = run_status
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory
WHERE job_id = @job_id

Friday, December 3, 2010 - 8:40:11 PM - Kun Lee Back To Top (10413)

 This should be easy. From SSIS Package, you can use "Execute SQL Task" and call the store procedure directly like "exec sp_sp_start_job_wait 'zzzDBATest'" and make sure to configure to move next step when it succeeded only.


Please let me know if this wasn't what you were looking for.



Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - 2:49:47 PM - ksturg53 Back To Top (10406)

Good stuff!  I wonder if you could assist with implementing this into an SSIS package. I'd like to add the step to set off the job and then not have the following step in the package run until the job is complete. Ideas?

Thursday, November 18, 2010 - 8:41:06 AM - Steve hogg Back To Top (10374)

This is awesome! Thanks so much for sharing.

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