Install Reporting Services


SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 (SSRS) is a feature included in the SQL Server 2008 product.  To install SSRS you run the SQL Server 2008 SETUP.EXE program which guides you through the various installation and configuration options for the product.  In this section we will discuss the installation and configuration options that pertain to installing SSRS. 

As you proceed through the SQL Server 2008 installation process, you will reach the Feature Selection dialog.  Click the checkbox for Reporting Services to perform the installation of SSRS as shown below under Instance Features:

ql install feature selection

Note that you should also probably check everything under Shared Features, especially Business Intelligence Development Studio as we use this tool to design, develop, test, and deploy reports.

Later in the SQL Server 2008 installation process you will reach the Reporting Services Configuration dialog as shown below:

srs config options

Select the first option - Install the native mode default configuration.  This will install SSRS and configure it for you automatically.  SharePoint integrated mode disables the Report Manager and allows you to store reports in SharePoint document libraries; to run a report you simply click on it.  The last option is useful where you want to configure the report server manually using the Reporting Services Configuration Manager.

You can begin using SSRS as soon as the SQL Server 2008 installation is complete, assuming you chose Install the native mode default configuration.

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