SELECT command for SQL Server Tutorial


If you are starting to learn the T-SQL language then starting with the SELECT statement makes a great deal of sense. The SELECT statement is used to access data and is generally the most used command in SQL Server. The main components of a SELECT statement are:

SELECT -- Column names
FROM -- Table or View name
WHERE -- Filter criteria
GROUP BY -- Logic to roll-up records
HAVING -- Criteria for GROUP BY logic
ORDER BY – Sort data either ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) by column name or position

SELECT can be combine with other statements to do the following:

  • JOIN - JOINing data from multiple tables to build a single result set
  • Add Records - INSERT with a SELECT statement to add records into an existing table
  • Add Records - SELECT...INTO statement to create a new table based on the column list specification and enter records into the new table
  • Combine Results - UNION or UNION ALL command to have multiple set of logic returned in a single result set
  • Improve Performance - Include an index hint to force a particular lock level or index usage for the query

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