Building Better SQL Server Queries and Working with Data

IDERA sponsored on-demand webinar

Webcast Abstract

One of the most important parts of SQL Server is being able to use the data as well as using the functionality that SQL Server offers to query data and get your questions answered. It may be the data already exists in the database and you want to know tips and tricks to manipulate the data or you may just want to know how to write better queries to make things run faster. In addition, sometimes you need to import or export data to add additional supporting data or provide the results in Excel or some other format.

In this webinar we will cover the following topics:

  • Tips and tricks for writing better queries
  • Using subqueries effectively
  • Using temporary tables and CTEs
  • Understanding when and how indexes are used
  • Grouping and rolling up data
  • Union, Intersect, Except and Merge queries
  • How to check for query improvements using execution plans and IO and Time statistics
  • Overview of ways you can import and export data

Speaker - Eric Blinn

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