Script All Server Level Objects to Recreate SQL Server

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For this tip, I will provide a guide on how to create a console application that will generate create scripts for server level objects for multiple SQL Server instances. This is handy in the event of a disaster and you need to create a clone of the SQL Server that is no longer available. I hope that time will never come, but if it does, it never hurts to be proactive. Being proactive and resourceful are great characteristics of a successful SQL Server DBA.


From MSDN, SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) is a collection of objects designed for programming all aspects of managing Microsoft SQL Server. It is a good idea to learn a bit of programming when using SMO. It can be used via PowerShell programming or using .NET Framework programming. For this tip, I will be featuring the latter.

The scripts and language used here are all in C# as I'm a previous developer in C#. If you are VB scripting guy, you will need to do a bit of conversion, but the logic is the same.

From your MS Visual Studio, create a new console application in your preferred language. In my case, I mainly use C# so I have the figure below:

New Console Application

It should open up a new Project Solution and in your main program class you can copy the following code:

namespace SkeletonSetup
class Program
    private static string serverName = string.Empty;
    static void Main(string[] args)
            //Get Server List
            ArrayList serverList = dl.GetServerList();

            //For each server hostname in the list, generate the object scripts                
            foreach (int i in serverList)
                string serverName = i.ToString();
                int result = dl.GenerateObjectScript(serverName);


To start coding you need to add reference for some SMO dlls. A good reference of how to do this is in this tip. You need to use the following for the SMO namespace:

using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Mail;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

In your host SQL Server, create a table that will contain all the server host names you are managing. Insert all your server hostnames into this table. If you are not using the default port 1433 then also include the port you are using in the format HostName, Port (i.e. Server1, 29140 or Server22).

Create Table ServerList
    ServerName nvarchar(50)

For the class I created below, the code will loop thru the ServerList table and put all the ServerName values in an ArrayList object. So from our main program above, we need to create a new class just below it. We'll call it GetServerList() and it should return an ArrayList object containing our server names:

     public ArrayList GetServerList()
        ArrayList serverList = new ArrayList();

        ServerConnection conn = new ServerConnection();
        conn.LoginSecure = true;
        conn.ServerInstance = hostServer;;
        Server srv = new Server(conn);

        string sqlcmd = "SELECT ServerName FROM dbo.ServerList";
        SqlDataReader reader = srv.ConnectionContext.ExecuteReader(sqlcmd);

        while (reader.Read())

        return serverList;

Using this ArrayList object, the code will create a connection to the SQL Server, script out the server objects via the ScriptingOptions object and create a .sql file per object. You need to prepare the output folder for your script to store the *.sql files that will be created. For this we need to create a new class, you can go ahead and create this after the GetServerList() class and call it GenerateObjectScript() class.

If you look through the code below, you can see the different items that will be generated. Each section generates different *.sql files, so this will give you an idea of the objects that will get scripted.

   public void GenerateObjectScript(string serverName)
        //Generate the scripting for the server
        ServerConnection conn = new ServerConnection();
        conn.LoginSecure = true;
        conn.ServerInstance = serverName; 
        Server srv = new Server(conn);

        //Scripting options    
        ScriptingOptions scriptingOptions = new ScriptingOptions();
        scriptingOptions.IncludeIfNotExists = true;
        //Script out for version SQL 2012
        scriptingOptions.TargetServerVersion = SqlServerVersion.Version110; 
        scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = false;
        //Assign an output folder path;     
        string scriptPath = @"\\DBA\Scripts\ServerSkeleton\" + serverName + @"\";  

        GenerateConfigurationScript(srv, scriptPath);

        if (srv.Information.Version.Major == 11 && srv.IsHadrEnabled)
            foreach (AvailabilityGroup ag in srv.AvailabilityGroups)
                foreach (AvailabilityGroupListener agl in ag.AvailabilityGroupListeners)
                    scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "CreateAGListenerScript.sql";
                    scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = true;

                scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = false;
                foreach (AvailabilityDatabase adb in ag.AvailabilityDatabases)
                    scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "CreateAGDatabaseScript.sql";
                    scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = true;

                scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = false;
                foreach (AvailabilityReplica agr in ag.AvailabilityReplicas)
                    scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "CreateAGReplicaScript.sql";
                    scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = true;

                scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = false;
                scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "CreateAGScript.sql";

        if (srv.IsClustered)
            scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "ClusterInformation.sql";

        scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = false;
        foreach (Database db in srv.Databases)
            scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "CreateDatabaseScript.sql";
            scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = true;

        scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = false;
        foreach (BackupDevice bd in srv.BackupDevices)
            scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "CreateBackupDeviceScript.sql";
            scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = true;

        scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = false;
        foreach (Trigger trigger in srv.Triggers)
            scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "CreateTriggerScript.sql";
            scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = true;

        if (srv.Endpoints.Count > 1)
            scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = false;
            foreach (Endpoint endpoint in srv.Endpoints)
                if (!endpoint.IsSystemObject)
                    scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "CreateEndpointScript.sql";
                    scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = true;

        scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = false;
        foreach (Job job in srv.JobServer.Jobs)
            scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "CreateAgentJobsScript.sql";
            scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = true;

        scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = false;
        foreach (LinkedServer linkedServer in srv.LinkedServers)
            scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "CreateLinkedServerScript.sql";
            scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = true;

        scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = false;
        foreach (Login login in srv.Logins)
            scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "CreateLoginsScript.sql";
            scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = true;

        //server audit
        scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = false;
        foreach(Audit audit in srv.Audits)
            scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "CreateServerAuditScript.sql";
            scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = true;

        //server audit specifications
        scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = false;
        foreach (ServerAuditSpecification sas in srv.ServerAuditSpecifications)
            scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "CreateServerAuditSpecificationsScript.sql";
            scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = true;

        scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = false;
        foreach (Alert alert in srv.JobServer.Alerts)
            scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "CreateAlertsScript.sql";
            scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = true;

        scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = false;
        foreach (Operator operators in srv.JobServer.Operators)
            scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "CreateOperatorsScript.sql";
            scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = true;

        scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = false;
        foreach (MailProfile mailProfile in srv.Mail.Profiles)
            scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "CreateMailProfileScript.sql";
            scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = true;

        scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = false;
        foreach (MailAccount mailAccount in srv.Mail.Accounts)
            scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "CreateMailAccountScript.sql";
            scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = true;

        //proxy settings
        scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = false;
        foreach (ProxyAccount proxyAccount in srv.JobServer.ProxyAccounts)
            scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "CreateProxyAccountsScript.sql";
            scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = true;

To also create a script of your sp_configure settings, you can compile them into one executable script. For this we create another class GenerateConfigurationScript() and we pass the Server object and string scriptPath from our GenerateObjectScrip() class earlier:

public void GenerateConfigurationScript(Server srv, string scriptPath)
        string fileName = scriptPath + "CreateConfigurationScript.sql";

        //write the configuration settings
        TextWriter textWriter = new StreamWriter(fileName);
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.AdHocDistributedQueriesEnabled.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.AdHocDistributedQueriesEnabled.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.Affinity64IOMask.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.Affinity64IOMask.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.Affinity64Mask.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.Affinity64Mask.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.AffinityIOMask.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.AffinityIOMask.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.AffinityMask.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.AffinityMask.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.AgentXPsEnabled.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.AgentXPsEnabled.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.AllowUpdates.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.AllowUpdates.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.BlockedProcessThreshold.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.BlockedProcessThreshold.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.C2AuditMode.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.C2AuditMode.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.CommonCriteriaComplianceEnabled.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.CommonCriteriaComplianceEnabled.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.CostThresholdForParallelism.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.CostThresholdForParallelism.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.CrossDBOwnershipChaining.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.CrossDBOwnershipChaining.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.CursorThreshold.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.CursorThreshold.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.DatabaseMailEnabled.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.DatabaseMailEnabled.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.DefaultBackupCompression.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.DefaultBackupCompression.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.DefaultFullTextLanguage.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.DefaultFullTextLanguage.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.DefaultLanguage.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.DefaultLanguage.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.DefaultTraceEnabled.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.DefaultTraceEnabled.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.DisallowResultsFromTriggers.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.DisallowResultsFromTriggers.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.IsSqlClrEnabled.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.IsSqlClrEnabled.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.MaxDegreeOfParallelism.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.MaxDegreeOfParallelism.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.MaxServerMemory.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.MaxServerMemory.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.MaxWorkerThreads.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.MaxWorkerThreads.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.MinMemoryPerQuery.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.MinMemoryPerQuery.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.MinServerMemory.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.MinServerMemory.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.NestedTriggers.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.NestedTriggers.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.NetworkPacketSize.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.NetworkPacketSize.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.OleAutomationProceduresEnabled.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.OleAutomationProceduresEnabled.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.OpenObjects.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.OpenObjects.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.OptimizeAdhocWorkloads.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.OptimizeAdhocWorkloads.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.RemoteAccess.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.RemoteAccess.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.RemoteDacConnectionsEnabled.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.RemoteDacConnectionsEnabled.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.RemoteLoginTimeout.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.RemoteLoginTimeout.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.RemoteProcTrans.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.RemoteProcTrans.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.RemoteQueryTimeout.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.RemoteQueryTimeout.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.ReplicationMaxTextSize.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.ReplicationMaxTextSize.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.ReplicationXPsEnabled.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.ReplicationXPsEnabled.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.ScanForStartupProcedures.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.ScanForStartupProcedures.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.ServerTriggerRecursionEnabled.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.ServerTriggerRecursionEnabled.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.SetWorkingSetSize.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.SetWorkingSetSize.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.ShowAdvancedOptions.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.ShowAdvancedOptions.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.SmoAndDmoXPsEnabled.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.SmoAndDmoXPsEnabled.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.TwoDigitYearCutoff.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.TwoDigitYearCutoff.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.UserConnections.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.UserConnections.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.UserOptions.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.UserOptions.ConfigValue.ToString());
        textWriter.WriteLine("EXEC sp_configure '" + srv.Configuration.XPCmdShellEnabled.DisplayName + "', " + srv.Configuration.XPCmdShellEnabled.ConfigValue.ToString());

After you have created everything, save the project. Go to Project > Build to build the project file and create an executable file. From the project bin folder, there should now be an executable for your project. Open a cmd window, locate your created executable file and execute. Make sure that the account you are using to run this has access to view server state and definitions in SQL Server, so that scripting of the objects will be successful.

And viola! You now have scripted out your server level objects for all the SQL Servers you manage. You can now add these generated scripts to your armory and feel more prepared and confident in the event of a disaster (knock on wood)!

Next Steps
  • You can create a scheduled task and run this monthly or quarterly depending on your deployments and configuration changes.
  • Download the .Net solution code.
  • For more articles on SQL Server Management Objects, visit this link.
  • For more tips on preparedness for disaster recovery and rebuilding your SQL Server, visit this link.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Carla Abanes Carla Abanes is a certified Microsoft SQL Server Database Administrator with extensive experience in data architecture and supporting mission critical databases in production environments.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

View all my tips

Comments For This Article

Thursday, October 22, 2015 - 10:17:58 AM - Ted Higgins Back To Top (38958)

Great information on SMO.  I currently use Powershell and SMO to perform these tasks. 

Using SMO with C# is something I wanted to learn, so I appreciate the demo code.

Thanks for the Tip!



Monday, June 22, 2015 - 7:23:03 PM - Scott Back To Top (37983)

I didn't get that error in testing, it may be a version difference.  I put the code in a Windows Forms application in Visual Studio 2010 (.Net Framework 4.0).  It has no problem with "switch(login.LoginType)".  I have SQL 2012 client tools installed, so I have version of the SMO libraries.  And it scripts the logins exactly how I want them, including server role memberships.

On the other hand, LoginType is an enum and I don't know what version of C# would complain about that for a switch expression.  Even the error message you quoted below says an enum is legal.  Maybe your project is missing the correct reference to the SMO libraries to define the LoginType enumeration?

An alternative would be "switch(login.LoginType.ToString())", then use string literals in the case labels (case "SqlLogin":, case "WindowsUser":, etc).

Friday, June 19, 2015 - 3:10:29 PM - Jack Back To Top (37965)

Hey Scott,

Getting the following error "switch (login.LoginType)" in ScriptLogin method.

"A switch expression or case label must be a bool, char, string, integral, enum, or corresponding nullable type."




Monday, June 15, 2015 - 4:39:19 PM - Alex Back To Top (37929)

Hey guys, has anyone used this for the proxy settings? This does not bring over the credentials for proxy users. Has anyone know/found a work around for this? I am unable to come up with my own or find anything even close on the internet. Besides that, great post all around. I do believe this entire thing would work better if you incorporated a UI with it so you can make it personal and select certain options, especially for large data complexes.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015 - 9:49:36 AM - Carla Abanes Back To Top (37871)

Thank you @Scott! Also thank you for sharing your Login scripts, surely many will find this useful.

Monday, June 8, 2015 - 11:13:37 PM - Scott Back To Top (37777)

I'd like to add that this was an excellent article, despite any minor quibbles I had.  It certainly demonstrates the power of SMO scripting in C#.

If it doesn't do everything you need it to, it should be easy to modify the code to suit yourself.

Monday, June 8, 2015 - 10:52:47 PM - Scott Back To Top (37776)

I like to have SQL logins scripted with the original SID and with the password hash, which the SMO scripting object won't do.  I may have a password repository for most logins, but some users may have changed their password without updating the repository.  So I'm not happy unless I script the logins myself.

    scriptingOptions.FileName = scriptPath + "CreateLoginsScript.sql";
    scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = false;
    foreach (Login login in SourceServer.Logins)
        if (!login.IsSystemObject)
            ScriptLogin(login, scriptingOptions);
            scriptingOptions.AppendToFile = true;

private void ScriptLogin(Login login, ScriptingOptions scriptingOptions)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(String.Format("IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.server_principals WHERE name = N'{0}')\nCREATE LOGIN [{0}] ", login.Name));
    switch (login.LoginType)
    case LoginType.AsymmetricKey:
        sb.AppendFormat(" FROM ASYMMETRIC KEY [{0}];", login.AsymmetricKey);
    case LoginType.Certificate:
        sb.AppendFormat(" FROM CERTIFICATE [{0}]", login.Certificate);
    case LoginType.SqlLogin:
        // This query packs sid and password_hash into one string, so the single value can be returned by ExecuteScalar.  This avoids the SqlDataReader required for ExecuteReader.
        // sid is VARBINARY(85), so CHAR(200) will hold the largest possible value with room to spare.
        String cmd = String.Format("SELECT CAST(master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(sid) AS CHAR(200)) + master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(password_hash) FROM sys.sql_logins WHERE name = N'{0}'", login.Name);
        String results = (String)SourceServer.ConnectionContext.ExecuteScalar(cmd);
        String sid = results.Substring(0, 200).TrimEnd();
        String pwd = results.Remove(0, 200);
        sb.AppendFormat("WITH SID={0}, PASSWORD={1} HASHED, CHECK_POLICY={2}, CHECK_EXPIRATION={3}", sid, pwd,
            login.PasswordPolicyEnforced ? "ON" : "OFF", login.PasswordExpirationEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF");
        if (login.Credential.Length > 0) { sb.AppendFormat(", CREDENTIAL=[{0}]", login.Credential); }
        sb.AppendFormat(", DEFAULT_DATABASE=[{0}], DEFAULT_LANGUAGE=[{1}]", login.DefaultDatabase, login.Language);
    case LoginType.WindowsGroup:
    case LoginType.WindowsUser:
        sb.AppendFormat("FROM WINDOWS WITH DEFAULT_DATABASE=[{0}], DEFAULT_LANGUAGE=[{1}]", login.DefaultDatabase, login.Language);
    default:    // Unexpected type, return immediately.
    if (login.IsDisabled) { sb.AppendFormat("ALTER LOGIN [{0}] DISABLE;\nGO\n", login.Name); }
    foreach (String ServerRole in login.ListMembers()) { sb.AppendFormat("EXEC sys.sp_addsrvrolemember N'{0}', N'{1}';\nGO\n", login.Name, ServerRole); }

    using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(scriptingOptions.FileName, scriptingOptions.AppendToFile))

Monday, June 8, 2015 - 10:38:42 PM - Carla Abanes Back To Top (37775)

Thanks for your feedback @Reza and @jeff_yao! I shall prepare a code for scripting the replication and login/credentials object and share in my upcoming posts.



Monday, June 8, 2015 - 12:29:54 PM - jeff_yao Back To Top (37774)

A good start regarding system backup via non-db-backup style. However, a few other server level objects are missing, such as server role/memberhsip (together with the missing stuff @Reza methioned), and other stuff like credential, policy/condition are not included. I'd aslo recommend replication configuration to be scripted out together even with server-level registration settings such as start-up parameters, default data/log file locations etc.

Monday, June 8, 2015 - 10:30:47 AM - Reza Back To Top (37773)

I do not see in any part of the provided code the login migration and user mapping has been provided. It only proivde the login shell. again thanks for this article.

Monday, June 8, 2015 - 7:31:26 AM - Carla Abanes Back To Top (37771)

Hi Ranjith,

You may remove this reference to ScriptDRJobs. Must be a typ from my end and this reference is not needed in this tip. Let me know if you still have issues running the above code.



Monday, June 8, 2015 - 4:30:34 AM - Ranjith Back To Top (37769)



Thank you for the wonderful post, i have downloaded the code but the reference "ScriptDRJobs" is not found and I am hitting the error. Can you please advise?





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