Using rowversion with SQL Server Integration Services to reduce load times

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You want to reduce the load time of your SSIS packages, but you found that the source of the problem is that you are doing full comparisons between your source system and your destination. Perhaps you've come to find that your source system has been difficult for you to detect when data changes have occurred.


SQL Server includes an internal mechanism that detects when there are changes to a row. In SQL Server 2005, the rowversion data type was added to essentially replace the timestamp data type. This data type is read-only and automatically populated by SQL Server much in the same way an identity value is handled.

The value stored for rowversion is a hexadecimal value and is essentially a binary(8). Whenever there is an insert or update to a table with a rowversion column, the rowversion value will automatically increment. By querying this value, we can select rows that have changed and create processes that incrementally extract data.

One of the great things about rowversion is that it exists in all versions of SQL Server, unlike Change Data Capture which exists only in Enterprise Edition.

SQL Server Timestamp Data Type

If you check the documentation for the rowversion type, you'll find a note in Books Online that mentions that the timestamp syntax is deprecated.

However, you may find that when you add a rowversion column to a table that a column of timestamp data type has been created. This is because timestamp is the synonym for rowversion.

The following is from Books Online (

"timestamp is the synonym for the rowversion data type and is subject to the behavior of data type synonyms. In DDL statements, use rowversion instead of timestamp wherever possible."

Adding a Rowversion to a SQL Server Table

Here's an example of a table with a Rowversion column.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[RowVersionDemo](
 [DemoID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
 [FirstName] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [LastName] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [Address1] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [City] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [Region] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [PostalCode] [varchar](20) NULL,
 [VersionStamp] [rowversion] NOT NULL,
([DemoID] ASC)

I typically call my rowversion column VersionStamp. I don't like to use SQL keywords for column names so this works out quite well. You can, however, name it anything. I've seen many places actually simply name it "rowversion".

For existing tables, you can simply use the following syntax:

alter table <tablename> add VersionStamp rowversion;

This can take quite a bit of time to run on larger tables, however, and it might be a good idea to schedule a maintenance window in production systems.

Using Rowversion for SQL Server ETL

One of the more useful cases for rowversion is ETL. We can utilize the rowversion values in order to do incremental extracts.

The first thing we will want to do in this case is to define an upper bound. SQL Server has two built-in objects that are used to help with determining the max row version. They are @@dbts and min_active_rowversion().

In general, it can be safely said that you should almost always use min_active_rowversion. If you look up min_active_rowversion on Books Online, then you will find an example that demonstrates the difference between @@dbts and min_active_rowversion.

In your ETL process, you'll want to store the min_active_rowversion in a utility table. Then, the next time your process runs, you will extract any data greater than that value.

The Process

In this particular demonstration, we are going to follow these steps:
  • Get the Last Successfully Extracted Rowversion (LSERV).
  • Get the current rowversion in the database with min_active_rowversion.
  • Extract records with a rowversion value greater than LSERV (incremental extract).
  • Load the extracted records to a staging table.
  • Insert into destination from staging where records do not exist in the destination.
  • Update records in the destination from staging where records do exist in both.
  • Update the LSERV value with min_active_rowversion.

Staging is a completely optional process for this. It is a recommended approach, however, for performance reasons. Staging many updates to a table and running an update with a join is often much faster than using SSIS's OLE DB Command transformation.

Database Setup

Before creating the SSIS package for this demo, we will need to create some tables.

We will need the following:

  • A source table populated with some sample records.
  • A utility table that stores the last rowversion we used in our extraction.
  • A destination table that stores the output of our ETL process.
  • A staging table that is used for updates in our ETL process.

Here's the source table:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[RowVersionDemo](
 [DemoID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
 [FirstName] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [LastName] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [Address1] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [City] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [Region] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [PostalCode] [varchar](20) NULL,
 [VersionStamp] [rowversion] NOT NULL,
([DemoID] ASC)

And some insert statements to populate it with some sample data:

insert dbo.RowVersionDemo (FirstName,LastName,Address1,City,Region,PostalCode)
values ('Debra','Shields','P.O. Box 458, 8841 Arcu St.','Newcastle','NS','72745');

insert dbo.RowVersionDemo (FirstName,LastName,Address1,City,Region,PostalCode)
values ('Grace','Ewing','243 Non, St.','Orlando','NW','33894-145');

insert dbo.RowVersionDemo (FirstName,LastName,Address1,City,Region,PostalCode)
values ('Rhoda','Kerr','P.O. Box 128, 751 Cursus, Street','Oklahoma City','OK','88991');

insert dbo.RowVersionDemo (FirstName,LastName,Address1,City,Region,PostalCode)
values ('Evan','Harris','Ap #168-9244 Mauris Rd.','Taupo','NI','62784');

insert dbo.RowVersionDemo (FirstName,LastName,Address1,City,Region,PostalCode)
values ('Clinton','Gates','Ap #788-801 Mauris. Rd.','Acquedolci','Sicilia','4557');

Here's the utility table:

create table dbo.ETLRowversions (
 RowversionID int not null identity(1,1),
 SchemaName nvarchar(128),
 TableName nvarchar(128),
 VersionStamp varchar(50),
 constraint PK_ETLRowversions primary key clustered (RowversionID)

Insert a record that will be used to hold our rowversion value.

insert dbo.ETLRowVersions (SchemaName,TableName) values ('dbo','RowVersionDemo');

Here's the destination table:

create table dbo.RowversionExport (
 DemoKey int not null identity(1,1),
 DemoID int not null,
 FirstName varchar(50),
 LastName varchar(50),
 Address1 varchar(50),
 City varchar(50),
 Region varchar(50),
 PostalCode varchar(20),
 VersionStamp binary(8),
 constraint PK_RowversionExport primary key clustered(DemoKey)

Notice I set the VersionStamp data type to binary(8) instead of rowversion. This is because rowversion is read-only and we would not be able to copy the source rowversion value to the destination table.

Lastly, here's the staging table:

create table dbo.Stage_RowversionExport (
 DemoID int not null,
 FirstName varchar(50),
 LastName varchar(50),
 Address1 varchar(50),
 City varchar(50),
 Region varchar(50),
 PostalCode varchar(20),
 VersionStamp binary(8)

create nonclustered index Stage_RowversionExport_Idx on dbo.Stage_RowversionExport(DemoID);

Now that we have the tables in place, we can build the SSIS package.

SSIS Demo with RowVersion

In this demo, we will create an SSIS package that extracts data from our source table and stores it in a destination table. The process will use rowversion to do incremental extractions. This means that the next time the package runs, it will only extract data that has changed.

Initial Setup

  • Make sure you've completed the Database Setup steps first.
  • Create a new SSIS package.
  • Create a Connection for your database in the Connection Manager.
connection manager

Get the Max Rowversion

  • Create a variable in your SSIS package called MaxRV.
  • Data Type is String
  • Value is 0x0000000000000001
  • In SSIS development, I often set a default value for variables.

    Max Rowversion Variable

    • Drag an Execute SQL Task control onto the Control Flow.
    • Rename the task as Get MaxRV.
    • Open the Execute SQL Task.
    • Set the Connection to your database connection you created.

    Set the SQLStatement to:

    select ? = CONVERT(varchar(50),min_active_rowversion(),1)

    Since 2008, the CONVERT function very conveniently handles conversion between binary and string types.

    Click the Parameter Mapping page inside the Execute SQL Task Editor.

    • Click Add.
    • Change the Variable Name to User::MaxRV.
    • Change the Direction to Output.
    • Change the Data Type to VARCHAR.
    • Change the Parameter Name to 0.

    Max Rowversion Output Parameter

    Click OK.

    Get the Last Rowversion

    • Create a variable in your SSIS package called LSERV.
    • (LSERV = Last Successfully Extracted Row Version).
    • Data Type is String
    • Value is 0x0000000000000001
    • Drag another Execute SQL Task control onto the Control Flow.
    • Rename the task as Get LSERV.
    • Open the Execute SQL Task.
    • Set the Connection to your database connection you created.

    Set the SQLStatement to:

    Select ? = isnull(VersionStamp,'0x0000000000000001') 
    from dbo.ETLRowversions 
    where SchemaName = 'dbo' 
    and TableName = 'RowVersionDemo'

    Click the Parameter Mapping page inside the Execute SQL Task Editor.

    • Click Add.
    • Change the Variable Name to User::LSERV.
    • Change the Direction to Output.
    • Change the Data Type to VARCHAR.
    • Change the Parameter Name to 0.

    Last Rowversion Output Parameter

    Click OK.

    Connect Get MaxRV and Get LSERV tasks together.

    Control Flow 1

    Extracting the Data

    Now we will query our table. I will use the sample table and 5 records from above for this demo.

    SSIS has trouble handling binary parameters. Because of this, we need to generate an expression for our SQL statement to be used for our data extraction.

    • Create a variable in your SSIS package called SQLStatement.
    • Data Type is String.
    • Click the ellipsis next to the Expression column.

    Use the following Expression:

    "select * from dbo.RowVersionDemo where VersionStamp > " +  
    @[User::LSERV] + " and VersionStamp <= " +  @[User::MaxRV]

    After clicking the Evaluate Expression button, you'll see the following:

    SQL Cmd Variable Expression

    Click OK.

    Drag a Data Flow Task onto the Control Flow. Connect Get LSERV to the Data Flow Task.

    Drag a Data Flow Task onto the Control Flow.

    • Open the Data Flow Task. This will take you to a different tab.
    • Drag OLE DB Source to the Data Flow Task canvas.
    • Edit the OLE DB Source.
    • Change the Data access mode to SQL command from variable.
    • In the Variable name dropdown, choose User::SQLStatement.

    SQL Command from Variable

    Click Preview. You should have no results returned, but there are no errors. This is because we specified default values for our rowversion variables.

    Click OK.

    Check for Existing Records

    One common way to handle the checking of whether a record is an insert or update is to use a Lookup transformation in SSIS. This works well as long as the data set is not massive. In the case of larger data sets, it is often better to stage all of the data and use a T-SQL Merge statement.

    Drag a Lookup transformation to the Data Flow Task. Connect the OLE DB Source to the Lookup transformation.

    On the first page, change the drop-down from "Fail component" to "Redirect rows to no match output".

    • Go to the Connection page.
    • Click the bullet next to "Use results of an SQL query:"

    For the query, use the following:

    select DemoID from dbo.RowVersionExport

    • Go to the Columns page.
    • Connect DemoID to DemoID.
    • Make sure to click the checkbox
    • Click OK.

    Lookup Transformation

    Output to Destination

    Drag an OLE DB Destination control to the Data Flow canvas. Connect the Lookup transformation to it. When prompted, choose the Lookup No Match Output.

    Lookup Output

    Rename the OLE DB Destination to Inserts.

    Double-click the control to open it for editing. In the drop-down that is blank, change it to our destination table: dbo.RowversionExport

    OLE DB Destination

    Click the Mappings page and verify that the mappings look correct.

    Click OK.

    Staging Updates

    In the case of ETL with SQL Server, many have discovered that bulk inserting data to a staging table and running a single update is much faster than sending a stream of update statements. We will use this approach in this example. Alternatively, if you do not want to use a staging table at all, then you would need to use the OLE DB Command with SSIS.

    Drag an OLE DB Destination control to the Data Flow canvas. Connect the Lookup transformation to it. Automatically, the "Lookup Match Output" should be assigned as the output from the Lookup Transformation.

    Rename the OLE DB Destination to Updates.

    • Double-click the control to open it for editing.
    • In the drop-down that is blank, change it to "dbo.Stage_RowversionExport".
    • Click the Mappings page and verify that the mappings look correct.

    Click OK.

    Now your Data Flow Task should look like the following:

    Now your Data Flow Task should look like the following

    In this particular example, we are going to update the destination and overwrite the record there with any record that has changed from the source.

    Go back to the Control Flow.

    • Drag an Execute SQL Task onto the Control Flow.
    • Rename the task to "Update From Stage".
    • Connect the Data Flow Task to this task.
    • Double-click the control to open it for editing.
    • Change the Connection to your database.

    Change the SQLStatement to the following:

    update dest
    set dest.FirstName=stg.FirstName,
    from dbo.Stage_RowversionExport stg
    join dbo.RowversionExport dest
     on stg.DemoID = dest.DemoID

    Click OK.

    Handling the Staging Table

    However, we're not done with the staging table. Currently with this model, we have no way to clean out the table and there's an issue with an index on it. Indexes can reduce the load time of bulk insert operations.

    To deal with this, we will bring another Execute SQL Task into our Control Flow.

    Name the task "Truncate Stage". We'll want to move the connector from Get LSERV and connect it to Truncate Stage, then the connector from Truncate Stage should go to Data Flow Task.

    We will bring another Execute SQL Task into our Control Flow.

    Double-click Truncate Stage to edit it.

    Set the Connection to your database.

    Set the SQLStatement to the following:

    truncate table dbo.Stage_RowversionExport
    alter index all on dbo.Stage_RowversionExport disable

    Now this will ensure that our indexes are disabled and that this table is cleared out. This will allow for fast loads to our staging table. However, we need to re-enable this index at some point.

    Rebuild the Indexes

    After the Data Flow Task, and before Update From Stage, create a new Execute SQL Task.

    Name this "Rebuild Indexes".

    Double-click the task to edit it.

    Set the Connection to your database.

    Set the SQLStatement to the following:

    alter index all on dbo.Stage_RowversionExport rebuild

    Click OK.

    Update our Utility Table

    Finally, we're on the last step of the process. All we need to do now is update our utility table with the rowversion values and then we can rerun this process as much as we like.

    Create a new Execute SQL Task. Name this to "Update LSERV". Connect Update From Stage to the new task.

    Double-click the task to edit it.

    Change the connection to your database.

    Set the SQLStatement to the following:

    update dbo.ETLRowVersions
    set VersionStamp = ?
    where TableName = 'RowVersionDemo'
    and SchemaName = 'dbo'

    • Click the Parameter Mapping page.
    • Click the Add button.
    • Change the Variable Name to User::MaxRV.
    • Change the Data Type to VARCHAR.
    • Change the Parameter Name to 0.

    Input Parameter

    Click OK.

    Time to Execute!

    The package is built, and we should be able to run it to review the results and see how the incremental load process works. The first run will insert everything to the export table, which is expected.

    Now let's insert a record and update a record. When we rerun the package, we should see the results.

    Current results of the RowversionExport table:

    Data Set 1

    Execute the following statements in SQL Server Management Studio:

    update dbo.RowVersionDemo
    set LastName = 'Swords'
    where LastName = 'Shields';
    insert dbo.RowVersionDemo (FirstName,LastName,Address1,City,Region,PostalCode)
    values ('Clio','Wilder','208-5401 Enim St.','Fort Worth','TX','6278');

    Notice the different VersionStamp value in our source data after the update statement.

    Data Set 2

    Run the SSIS package again.

    Then we have the output from this. This will have the newly inserted record and the change from the update will be there as well.

    Data Set 3
    Next Steps

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    About the author
    MSSQLTips author Robert Biddle Robert Biddle is a Data Architect with over 10 years of experience working with databases. He specializes in data warehousing and SSIS.

    This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

    View all my tips

    Comments For This Article

    Tuesday, November 9, 2021 - 7:48:33 AM - db042190 Back To Top (89426)
    thx Robert. i'll read about the decoupled architectures but in my case the source oltp is still a factor. "reach in" or "decoupled", something has to touch the oltp in my case in order to detect changes. and my oltp wont suddenly have additional capabilities when decoupled architectures show up, at least not without some change or replacement or watcher of/over the oltp.

    Monday, November 8, 2021 - 12:07:52 PM - db042190 Back To Top (89423)
    thx erland and robert. given the complexity of what i'm looking at, my head is taking me back somewhat to basics. On one hand i'd really like to extract (without deadlocks, quickly) only records that change the state of a hybrid warehouse/operational table i'm contemplating. On the other hand, even records that don't change might suddenly be relevant in the next extract because of their direct or indirect relationship to records that did change. I'm not very knowledgeable about replication and other tools like it, but in the "roll your own" space my head says to introduce the row version column and casted (to bigint) row version column and "trickle" extract changes (just at the table level) to a tabular model. Then depending on performance, either let the model's speed (table relationship wise) drive the report i have in mind or use it periodically to update an aggregated schema i have in mind that would be the source of that new report.

    Tuesday, November 2, 2021 - 11:41:13 PM - Robert Biddle Back To Top (89403)

    Microservices with either Event Hubs or some other queuing mechanism like Apache Kafka. It's a pretty major change architecturally. I've had discussions in the past with other architects about things like CDC. Technically these methods are an antipattern called reach-in reporting. It's not necessarily bad but the coupling of these technologies can have negative impacts.

    There's things like how to handle CDC schema changes gracefully, then there is the potential if a query gone awry causes massive system slowdown. Then there is also the consideration that app/dev teams are widely disconnected with changes for these older patterns.

    Eventing gets past all of that. It does introduce new challenges but it does bring these capabilities too.

    Tuesday, November 2, 2021 - 6:07:24 PM - Erland Sommarskog Back To Top (89399)
    As one of the "nay sayers" in that thread, I like to point out that I recommended Change Tracking, not Change Data Capture, two features that often are confused. It is true that Microsoft has not made very many updates to any of them in recent releases - but nor have they with rowversion. :-)

    Rowversion can certainly be a valid solution for change detection, particulary if you can assume that the system is idle when you get the changes. But in a high-concurrency environment, you can miss changes. I have seen this happen, but that was not really an ETL scenario. It all depends on what you want to achieve.

    Tuesday, November 2, 2021 - 8:54:09 AM - db042190 Back To Top (89395)
    thx Robert. What do you mean by decoupled architectures? Is there an architecture that is preferred over datetimes, row versions, cdc, change tracking, various sql tran shipping features etc for trickling oltp data into warehouses?

    Friday, October 22, 2021 - 7:37:55 PM - Robert Biddle Back To Top (89352)

    To the naysayers for Row version, CDC is a valid option in some cases and will ensure the best consistency. It's not available on all platforms though and there doesn't seem to be a lot of future investment in CDC from Microsoft.

    In general, I wouldn't worry about uncommitted transactions being a problem. I mostly understand what the comments being made but my personal experience hasn't come up with issues.

    It's probably worth mentioning that these "reach-in" methods aren't becoming the norm standard going forward with decoupled architectures.

    Friday, October 15, 2021 - 1:36:15 PM - db042190 Back To Top (89335)
    Hi Robert. I love this approach and have been using it for years successfully without having ever read your design. What do you say to the nay "sayers" at posts like who basically say RVs aren't meant for this? i think their only valid arguments have to do with uncommitted data in highly volatile environments. In those cases, they are saying that an rv whose value is in the range may not be read because its as of yet uncommitted. i told them higher rvs than the threshhold would be picked up next time.

    Thursday, February 21, 2019 - 12:54:02 PM - Sac Back To Top (79082)


     I am following this process and getting error message, Could you please let me know why

     [OLE DB Source [29]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14.

    An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server"  Hresult: 0x80040E14  Description: "Statement(s) could not be prepared.".

    An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server"  Hresult: 0x80040E14  Description: "Incorrect syntax near '>'.".

    Thursday, March 31, 2016 - 1:58:46 PM - Robert Biddle Back To Top (41107)

     @ helpseeker


    You need to reset your VersionStamp column in the ETLRowversions table for that load.

    Set it to null to resync everything or for initial data loads.


    Wednesday, March 30, 2016 - 4:43:35 AM - Helpseeker Back To Top (41095)

     Hi Robert,


    Thank you for the wonderful demo.

    Am facing problem with this query. initial load will happen only time. if i trucate the destination table and try to rerun the package, thought package does not show any error but data will not move to destination table.

    Could you please help in fixing this issue?

    Thanks in advance.


    Monday, December 21, 2015 - 6:21:28 PM - DHRUV ARORA Back To Top (40290)

    Hi Robert, would this approach of incremenally loading or updating the data work in case the source data coming from flat file or excel file ? 




    Tuesday, January 6, 2015 - 9:39:18 AM - Armando Prato Back To Top (35839)

    A little late to this tip but I really enjoyed it.  Very well done!

    Wednesday, November 26, 2014 - 10:07:32 AM - Kingston Back To Top (35416)
    Really useful. Much appreciated !!!

    Thursday, October 9, 2014 - 12:45:29 PM - Robert Biddle Back To Top (34908)

    @Chris Earnest

    Hi Chris, I'm glad the guide has been useful for you.

    You have a great question and this is a common thing that developers run into with Data Warehousing. You can use the MaxRV and LSERV variables the same. It sounds like you are wanting to join two or more tables and want to use Rowversion to get the delta of the result set. To do that, You would need to use an OR piece in your Where clause. Of course ORs are bad, but do not forget that Rowversion can be indexed as well, which will help with performance.

    So an example query might look something like the following for an extraction, when using more than 1 table in a join:

    "select rvd.* from dbo.RowVersionDemo rvd join dbo.RowVersionDemo2 rvd2 on rvd.RowVersionDemoID = rvd2.RowVersionDemoID where (rvd.VersionStamp >= " +  
    @[User::LSERV] + " and rvd.VersionStamp < " +  @[User::MaxRV] + ") OR (rvd2.VersionStamp >= " + @[User::LSERV] + " and rvd2.VersionStamp < " + @[User::MaxRV] + ")"

    With that statement, you'll want to also make sure your OLE DB Source query in the Data Flow Task uses 4 parameters instead of 2.

    Now, if you're not needing to join at all and you just want to load multiple tables, then you have some interesting options. No matter what solution you pick, you'll want to first get MaxRV and LSERV. Then you can either choose to do your data loads in parallel or you can set up sequences. I recommend organizing your packages with Sequence Containers in either case. After the Data Flow tasks, you'll want to make sure to do the update of the Utility table.

    Essentially you'll want your flow to look like the following:

    Get MaxRV => Get LSERV => Data Flow Task => Update Utility Table

    You can have one Data Flow Task or many, but you will always have Get MaxRV and Get LSERV at the start once, then Update Utility Table at the end.

    Wednesday, October 8, 2014 - 2:57:17 PM - Chris Earnest Back To Top (34897)

    Thanks for such a detailed and clear explaination of this process!

    How would I modify the process you describe here to work in SSIS packages loading  two or more  seperate tables from the same source DB concurrently?
    If I understand correctly it seems the MaxRV and LSERV variables are fine As Is, as long as all the source tables come from the same DB - is that right?

    The SQL Statement variable though has to be unique for each data load task.. i sthat right? is there anything else that I would need to do differently?

    Monday, September 1, 2014 - 7:21:21 PM - Robert Biddle Back To Top (34345)


    Record deletions won't be tracked with Rowversion. To do that, you would have to use another technology like CDC or ChangeTracking. Alternatively you could also do a key comparison between source and destination systems to find what is missing. To do that, you would use an OLE DB Source and a Lookup Transformation, only using SELECT statements with just the primary keys in each. Then in the Lookup component, choose to Redirect Rows that Do Not Match. This will tell you which records have been deleted.

    You can use either of the SQL Statements and they will work.

    Sunday, August 31, 2014 - 11:06:30 PM - Roberto Franco Back To Top (34337)

    Sorry if my question is stupid but I'm a novice: what happens to record deletions? Will they fall in the "Updates" task or what?


    another question: do I have to use @mahesh SQL statement or the original one? Why didn't you edit the original post with @mahesh one?


    thank you so much for your great article!!




    Thursday, July 31, 2014 - 9:36:16 AM - Robert Biddle Back To Top (33959)


    I'm surprised I missed that. I often have to take some time to think about that expression every time I write it.

    Either expression works, however yours is what I consider the better option. Because the same bounds are used every time, there's no room for data loss. The default value used for LSERV on the initial load is 0x0000000000000001. That value should not exist as a rowversion in the database. Of course, that's an assumption, which is why I think your option is better.

    Great catch! Thank you!

    Thursday, July 31, 2014 - 9:28:16 AM - Robert Biddle Back To Top (33958)


    For SSIS 2008, the process is similar. Expressions are not shown conveniently in the same grid as the rest of the properties of a Variable are. Create the Variable, then make sure you have that row selected in the list of variables. Look to the Properties window which is to the bottom-right by default. There you will see Expression as one of the options.


    Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - 2:37:35 PM - mahesh Back To Top (33942)

    Good Tip. But Sql statement parameter should be

    "select * from dbo.RowVersionDemo where VersionStamp >= " + 
    @[User::LSERV] + " and VersionStamp < " +  @[User::MaxRV]


    "select * from dbo.RowVersionDemo where VersionStamp > " +  
    @[User::LSERV] + " and VersionStamp <= " +  @[User::MaxRV]

    Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - 9:46:02 AM - Steven Back To Top (33933)

    Great article. I was wonder where I would place the expresssion for the variable SQLStatement in Visual Studio 2008 since I don't seem to have a expression text box under the variable tab.

    Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - 9:08:08 AM - Jeremy Kadlec Back To Top (33932)


    Great job on your first tip!

    Thank you,
    Jeremy Kadlec Co-Leader

    Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - 8:33:32 AM - Koen Verbeeck Back To Top (33930)

    Congrats on your first tip!

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