SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) is Missing After Installing SQL Server 2014

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I installed SQL Server 2014, but now the SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) application used to develop BI solutions in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), and SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is missing.  How do I get the tools back? 


As you are installing the Developer and Enterprise edition of SQL Server 2014, you may quickly notice that the BI tool set / application is glaringly missing. What was previously known as Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) was changed to SQL Server Data Tools in SQL Server 2012. Now in SQL Server 2014, SSDT is completely missing from the SQL Server installation process. However, there are several ways to get the SSDT for Business Intelligence (BI) application set installed on your system without too much effort. 

Installing SQL Server 2014 BI Tools

In past versions of SQL Server, the BI tool set used to develop SSIS, SSAS, and SSRS solutions was always included as part of the SQL Server installation, in particular under the Shared Features section as shown below.

SQL 2012 Install

However, when you go to install SQL 2014 as described by Dallas Snider in his tip, you will quickly notice that SQL Server Data Tools or SQL Server Data Tools-Business Intelligence are not in the available features list.

Missing Features from SQL Server 2014 installation

Evolution of SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT and SSDT-BI)

This situation is complicated by a lack of education and communication on Microsoft's part. Most folks only realize that the BI tool set is missing after they complete the install and then attempt to create a new SSAS, SSIS, SSRS project or upgrade an existing project. To further confuse the issue, SSDT has actually morphed into a series of tools not all of which are related to Business Intelligence (BI).

"Plain" SSDT in SQL Server 2014 is actually an add-in to Visual Studio that provides support for database refactoring, schema comparisons, and creation of various objects such as views and procedures. It also provides source control functionality by allowing offline project work among other features.

Then there is SSDT-BI or SQL Server Data Tools for Business Intelligence. This tool, also a Visual Studio add-in / component, is the true BI tool set many BI Developers are used to utilizing in the development of SSIS, SSAS, and SSRS solutions.

To further the confusion, both tools are downloaded from the same website: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/hh297027.aspx.

SSDT Website

Moreover, two versions of each distinct tool is available, one for Visual Studio 2012 and one for Visual Studio 2013 as illustrated below.

SSDT Intall

Installing SQL Server Data Tools

Microsoft is definitely moving toward separating the SSDT tool sets from the normal SQL Server install; however the install process to get the BI tools "back" is rather easy. The big decision you need to make is whether you would want to install the BI tools as part of Visual Studio 2013 or as part of Visual Studio 2012. Once you make that decision, installing the tools often moves forward with very few issues.

For this tip, we will use the Visual Studio 2013 version. Please note that you do not need Visual Studio 2013 installed on your box in order to install the SSDT-BI tools. The setup program will install the Visual Studio 2013 shell and then provide the BI tools as one component of Visual Studio. The SSDT-BI install actually adds all the following components:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1,
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Shell (Isolated) Redistributable Package,
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Shell (Integrated) Redistributable Package,
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Shell (Isolated) Redistributable Package,
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Shell (Integrated) Redistributable Package,
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2012,
  • and Microsoft Report Viewer 2014 Runtime.

The actual install process is quite normal and looks very similar to the regular SQL Server install. As shown below, after moving through the initial install screens, to complete the SSDT-BI install just select the SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence for SQL Server 2014 option on the Feature Selection screen, specifically under the Shared Features section. Finally, clicking next, you can navigate through the remaining installation screens which are straight forward.

Install SSDT

Now, on the Start screen, SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2013 appears.

SSDT Start Menu

And finally, we can open SSDT for Visual Studio 2013 and now the various SSIS, SSAS, and SSRS projects are available for use.

SSDT Projects


For those BI developers that like to be on the cutting edge of new products from Microsoft, you likely would want to install any new versions of SQL Server that become available. For SQL Server 2014 though, the SQL Server Data Tools-BI (SSDT-BI) application, used for the development of SSAS, SSRS, and SSIS solutions, is no longer part of the normal SQL Server 2014 feature install media. Microsoft has decoupled the SSDT-BI tool set, and now you must complete a separate install in order to obtain the BI tools.

To further confuse the change, SSDT is now the name for two products:

  • "plain" SSDT, which allows database developers to re-factor databases, create objects, and assist with database source control
  • SSDT-BI is now the Visual Studio component that was previous known as SSDT and further back BIDS.

The SSDT-BI tools can be easily downloaded from the MSDN website, and then subsequently installed on your server or desktop. The install process possess a very similar look and feel to the regular SQL Server 2014 install; during the SSDT-BI install you will now be given the option of  adding the SSDT-BI on the shared features screen.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Scott Murray Scott Murray has a passion for crafting BI Solutions with SharePoint, SSAS, OLAP and SSRS.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Comments For This Article

Saturday, March 17, 2018 - 7:17:35 AM - Scott Murray Back To Top (75454)

 Ayodele Seun, that sounds likes an issue with the install.

Friday, March 16, 2018 - 8:10:17 PM - Ayodele Seun Back To Top (75452)

 Hello there I have issues with my application. I have the last screenshot in your post, I mean each time I want to create a project I have all the Business Intelligence working fine, but the issue is just that I cannot create a catalog in my SSMS. I keep getting the error that SSISDBBackup.bak is missing.


Please help its quite urgent.

Thank you in anticipation


Saturday, February 25, 2017 - 6:13:28 AM - shabnam Back To Top (46668)


 thank u..it was great

Sunday, June 5, 2016 - 3:43:09 AM - balamurugan Back To Top (41611)

I am very concern about below points,

  • "plain" SSDT, which allows database developers to re-factor databases, create objects, and assist with database source control
  • SSDT-BI is now the Visual Studio component that was previous known as SSDT and further back BIDS

New version of SSDT(14.0.60525.0) has both feature in single pack(SSDT & SSDT-BT), so no need to install extra package SSDT-BI

Tuesday, April 5, 2016 - 11:26:56 PM - Sammo Back To Top (41144)

 This post is so informative I have to bookmark it at once! Thank you very much!

Thursday, February 11, 2016 - 2:56:32 PM - David Back To Top (40652)

 Thanks for the article - it was painful trying to figure out where SSIS had gone...


Thursday, February 4, 2016 - 1:24:23 PM - Joshua Back To Top (40599)

 I want to thank you for an article which addresses a critical part of a puzzle I need to solve.

I need to say at the outset that I do not have a deep understanding of many of the pieces to this puzzle, so if I display ignorance please be kind and patient with me.

My goal is to install TFS (Team Foundation Server) 2015 for users running Visual Studio 2010 Professional. The Microsoft compatibility matrix indicates that this combination is supported, although that may not actually be the case at all.

A prerequisite for installing TFS is installing SQL Server, so that I have installed Windows Server 2014 R2, and SQL Server 2014 on top of that. Opening the TFS management console produces the infamous "Invalid License Data. Reinstall Required" error message, in a window with the title of "Visual Studio 2010". This error message is not exclusive to TFS, and many postings regarding all kinds of non-Microsoft third party applications indicate as much.

I have seen postings claiming solutions to that error ranging from the absurd to the ridiculous, including setting the hardware clock back and forth, granting the Everyone group access to parts of the registry, and poring Coke into the power supply (just kidding). None of them appear to be rooted in actual knowledge of the situation.

From reading too many postings on the web, I discovered that SQL Server 2014 installs Visual Studio 2010 Isolated Shell.

From this article I learned that the DDTS/DDTS-BI install is missing from the SQL Server install process.  

My questions are:

1) Does the DDTS/DDTS-BI install upgrade/replace/supercede the VS 2010 Shell install ?

2) Does that remedy the error produced by opening the TFS management cosole ?

3) Every walk-through guide I have seen shows DDTS/DDTS-BI being installed on the desktop. Does the DDTS/DDTS-BI install need to be run on the desktop, server or both ?

4) Can the DDTS/DDTS-BI install for 2012/2013 be run on workstations running VS 2010 Pro ? 

5) Microsoft no longer offers the DDTS download which corresponds to VS 2010. Does that indicate an incompatibility between SQL Server 2014 and VS 2010 ?

I understand that things like TFS are outside of the scope of this article, but I have not found the information I need to understand and address the issue I described all in one place. Your article sheds light on what seems to be a critical part of the sequence I need to follow, and I am hoping to gather that information here. 


Sunday, November 29, 2015 - 2:47:17 AM - Arash Back To Top (40151)

you saved me hours of frustration about the issue .

if Microsoft wants to fade out a product line he better be brave and announce it rather than trying to hide it .


Wednesday, July 22, 2015 - 8:51:18 AM - shnex Back To Top (38273)

Finally one good piece of information regarding the changes. Thanks!

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