Study material for exam 70-765 Provisioning SQL Databases

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I am planning to take the Microsoft 70-765 exam on Provisioning SQL Databases. Do you have tips for preparing for this exam?  Can you provide a study guide for the Microsoft 70-765 exam?  What are the key technologies that I need to study in order to pass the exam?


In this tip, we will talk about videos, books and provide some links for related articles and tips. This is one of the core exams for the Microsoft SQL Certification Series.

What is the Microsoft 70-765 certification exam?

This is oriented for DBAs. It is oriented to Azure SQL Database administration and virtual machines in Azure.

Who should take the exam?

This exam is for DBAs, and Database Developers. If you are a developer that requires learning Azure SQL Database administration, this exam is for you.

Is it an exam oriented to SQL Server 2016?

Yes, but it is focused on Azure SQL Databases and Azure virtual machines.

Which SQL Server 2012/2014 exam is similar to this one?

None of the previous exams are similar to this one. This is an entirely new exam.

Is this exam difficult?

We believe that Azure SQL has great documentation. In our opinion, the help is great and you have online support in Azure.

What do I need for this exam?

You will need a local machine with at least SQL Server 2016 Express Edition, which is free. The SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and an Azure Subscription.

I do not have an Azure Subscription. What are the requirements?

You only need a credit card and you can get a free trial with $200 USD of credit. This option is for 30 days. After 30 days, you will need to pay for the Azure Services that are not free. You can continue using free services.

I do not have a credit card, but I want to use the 30 days trial option to play with Azure. What can I do?

Even if you do not pay. You need a credit card for the free trial. You may want to ask someone you know for the credit card.

Are the Azure SQL Services expensive?

The cheapest price is 0.1 USD per hour. For a complete list, you can check here:

Is there another way to have Azure access?

Yes, you can buy a Visual Studio Subscription. It includes access to Microsoft magazines, tools, videos, courses, licenses and of course Azure. Here you have a list of different subscription options:

Which books would you recommend for this exam?

There are some books that may be helpful

Beware that the Azure world is constantly changing. Some books that are up to date now may be obsolete tomorrow. Make sure to have the latest edition and read the last changes in the Azure SQL world.

Are there some courses for this exam?

Can you provide some links to study?

Gladly, here you have some links:

Implement SQL in Azure

Manage databases and instances

Deploy and migrate applications

Next Steps

There are several links that will be useful to you:

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Daniel Calbimonte Daniel Calbimonte is a Microsoft SQL Server MVP, Microsoft Certified Trainer and 6-time Microsoft Certified IT Professional. Daniel started his career in 2001 and has worked with SQL Server 6.0 to 2022. Daniel is a DBA as well as specializes in Business Intelligence (SSIS, SSAS, SSRS) technologies.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Comments For This Article

Monday, January 22, 2018 - 3:36:50 AM - Eugen Berend Back To Top (75003)


The syllabus of the 70-765 Exam was significantly changed. The "Deploy and migrate applications" topic was entirely removed.

Passed  that exam in the past year, an easy one.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017 - 1:59:28 PM - Lohith KS Chalam Back To Top (47512)

 Thanks Daniel for the information. I see that to earn MCSA certification, we need to complete 70-764 along with this exam.


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