Find SQL Server Integer Columns to Make Skinnier

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An interesting scenario came up recently where a user needed to squeeze every byte out of a SQL Server table. The question they had was, how can they identify columns that are defined as, say, int or bigint, but that store much smaller values in every row? In a space-sensitive scenario, altering those columns to a more appropriate data type could be a big win.


When row and table size become a crippling limitation, my first recommendation will be to pursue other avenues – maybe removing unused indexes, adding compression, or considering clustered columnstore indexes. But sometimes you don't have those luxuries, and need to look at different approaches.

We can identify candidate columns that might be defined too large by looking at the metadata and the tables directly. If all the values in a bigint column can fit into an int column, for example, we can alter the column to int, saving 4 bytes per row. If they all fit into a smallint, we can save 6 bytes per row. That doesn't sound like much, but if you have multiple such columns across millions of rows, the difference can be staggering.

For simplicity, I'm going to stick to integer-based types: bigint, int, smallint, tinyint, and bit. You might wonder, why would you consider bit when tinyint offers the same saving? Well, if you have multiple bit columns in a table, up to 8 of them can collapse to a single byte, while each tinyint column will always take up its own byte.

Different SQL Server Data Types to Store Integer Values

Before you can analyze any columns, you need to put together the different types and their supported range of values. We know from the documentation that the following values are supported for each type:


But we can generate these programmatically, which I prefer over copying and pasting from the documentation (never mind memorizing). The above results were generated by the following query:

DECLARE @src bigint = 2;
SELECT [type],minval,maxval FROM 
  (N'bit',      0, 1),
  (N'tinyint',  0, 255),
  (N'smallint', -(POWER(@src,15)),       (POWER(@src,15)-1)),
  (N'int',      -(POWER(@src,31)),       (POWER(@src,31)-1)),
  (N'bigint',   -(POWER(@src,62)-1)*2-2, (POWER(@src,62)-1)*2+1)
) AS v([type],minval,maxval);

We can use this query as the basis for what we're going to do next: join to the catalog views for tables and columns to find all the candidate columns where we might be able to recover space. We also need to add some additional contextual information, such as the ranking of the types, whether they can be a "source" (we don't want to consider changing a bit to anything, for example) or a "target" (similarly, we don't want to consider changing anything to a bigint), the type_id, and the number of bytes that type occupies. Let's expand our initial query:

DECLARE @src bigint = 2;
SELECT seq,src,trg,type_id,[type],bytes,minval,maxval FROM 
  (1,0,1, 104, N'bit',      1, 0, 1),
  (2,1,1, 48,  N'tinyint',  1, 0, 255),
  (3,1,1, 52,  N'smallint', 2, -(POWER(@src,15)),       (POWER(@src,15)-1)),
  (4,1,1, 56,  N'int',      4, -(POWER(@src,31)),       (POWER(@src,31)-1)),
  (5,1,0, 127, N'bigint',   8, -(POWER(@src,62)-1)*2-2, (POWER(@src,62)-1)*2+1)
) AS v(seq,src,trg,type_id,[type],bytes,minval,maxval);

Now it gets a lot more complicated, because we need to join this set to all of the columns in all of the tables, determine how many rows are in each of those tables, and discover which of them are candidates for shrinking (in other words, all of the values in the column fit into an integer type with a lower seq value from the chart above).

Create Sample Tables to Test Different Integer Data Types

Let's say we have the following two tables:

CREATE TABLE dbo.floob(x bigint, y int, z smallint);
INSERT dbo.floob(x,y,z) VALUES(1,1,1),(32766,32766,254);
CREATE TABLE dbo.mort(a int, b tinyint);
INSERT dbo.mort(a,b) VALUES(1,1),(32768,254);	

The first table has bigint, int, and smallint columns, and all three columns could potentially be made smaller, since they contain no values that actually require the capacity of the current data type. In the second table, both columns will need to stay defined as is, since the largest value in each column will not fit into the next smallest integer type.

Finding Other Integer Data Type Candidates for Space Savings

Now let's find all of these columns that might meet our criteria into a #temp table, so we can further process them with dynamic SQL:

DECLARE @src bigint = 2;
;WITH types AS 
    (1,0,1, 104, N'bit',      1, 0, 1),
    (2,1,1, 48,  N'tinyint',  1, 0, 255),
    (3,1,1, 52,  N'smallint', 2, -(POWER(@src,15)),       (POWER(@src,15)-1)),
    (4,1,1, 56,  N'int',      4, -(POWER(@src,31)),       (POWER(@src,31)-1)),
    (5,1,0, 127, N'bigint',   8, -(POWER(@src,62)-1)*2-2, (POWER(@src,62)-1)*2+1)
  ) AS v(seq,src,trg,type_id,[type],bytes,minval,maxval)
cols AS
  SELECT t.[object_id],
         [schema] =, 
         [table]  =, 
         [column] = QUOTENAME(, 
         [type]   = + COALESCE(' (alias: ' + + ')', ''),
         trgtype = trgtyp.[type],
         savings = srctyp.bytes - trgtyp.bytes, 
         [rowcount] = (SELECT SUM([rows]) FROM sys.partitions
           WHERE object_id = t.object_id AND index_id IN (0,1))
  FROM sys.tables AS t
  INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS s
  ON s.[schema_id] = t.[schema_id]
  INNER JOIN sys.columns AS c
  ON t.[object_id] = c.[object_id]
  INNER JOIN sys.types AS styp
  ON c.system_type_id = styp.system_type_id
  AND c.system_type_id = styp.user_type_id
  LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.types AS utyp
  ON c.user_type_id = utyp.user_type_id
  AND utyp.user_type_id <> utyp.system_type_id
  INNER JOIN types AS srctyp
  ON srctyp.type_id = c.system_type_id
  INNER JOIN types AS trgtyp
  ON trgtyp.seq < srctyp.seq
  WHERE srctyp.src = 1
  AND trgtyp.trg = 1
SELECT * INTO #cols FROM cols;

SELECT * FROM #cols;

The results in this case are as follows:

Results of a query mapping existing columns to potential new data types

On first glance, except that this scenario is intentionally simple, I can't tell which of these are relevant or possible. I probably could have worked in a join to retrieve the smallest/largest value from each table, but I'm going to keep this in separate steps so that the initial query is not overwhelming (it would have already had to be in dynamic SQL). We can easily generate this dynamic SQL now, so that we can retrieve the min/max value from each column, compare it to our possible ranges, and weigh our options:

DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max) = N';WITH x([object_id],[column],minval,maxval) 
AS (',
        @core nvarchar(max) = N'
    SELECT $oid, ''$c'', MIN($c), MAX($c) FROM $obj UNION ALL';    
SELECT @sql += REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@core,'$oid',RTRIM(object_id)),
  '$c',[column]),'$obj',QUOTENAME([schema]) + '.' + QUOTENAME([table]))
  FROM (SELECT [schema],[table],[column],object_id FROM #cols
  GROUP BY [schema],[table],[column],object_id) AS x;
SET @sql += N' 
  SELECT c.[schema],c.[table],c.[column],c.is_nullable,
    current_type = c.[type],potential_type=c.trgtype,
    range = RTRIM(c.minval) + '' -> '' + RTRIM(c.maxval) 
  FROM x
  INNER JOIN #cols AS c 
  ON x.[object_id] = c.[object_id]
  AND x.[column] = c.[column]
  AND x.minval >= c.minval
  AND x.maxval <= c.maxval;';
PRINT @sql;
-- EXEC sys.sp_executesql @sql;

The above code is pretty ugly, but below is the resulting query that is produced and the output from the PRINT command in the above code which is easier to read and follow:

;WITH x([object_id],[column],minval,maxval) 
AS (
    SELECT 629577281, '[x]', MIN([x]), MAX([x]) FROM [dbo].[floob] UNION ALL
    SELECT 629577281, '[y]', MIN([y]), MAX([y]) FROM [dbo].[floob] UNION ALL
    SELECT 629577281, '[z]', MIN([z]), MAX([z]) FROM [dbo].[floob] UNION ALL
    SELECT 645577338, '[a]', MIN([a]), MAX([a]) FROM [dbo].[mort] UNION ALL
    SELECT 645577338, '[b]', MIN([b]), MAX([b]) FROM [dbo].[mort] UNION ALL 
  SELECT c.[schema],c.[table],c.[column],c.is_nullable,
    current_type = c.[type],potential_type=c.trgtype,
    range = RTRIM(c.minval) + ' -> ' + RTRIM(c.maxval)  
  FROM x
  INNER JOIN #cols AS c 
  ON x.[object_id] = c.[object_id]
  AND x.[column] = c.[column]
  AND x.minval >= c.minval
  AND x.maxval <= c.maxval;	

And if we run that query instead of print it (uncomment EXEC sys.sp_executesql @sql;), we see the following results:

Details of results around all columns that *could* be made smaller

We list all of the potential target data types, not just the smallest one. It may be that all of the current values in a bigint could fit into a smallint or tinyint, but you might find that int is safer. So this presents you with the full list rather than just the most optimal one. You can make your decision from there, based on how close the current values fit within the new range, how much space is actually saved, and other factors.

There are some other caveats, of course. This script is just meant to identify the columns and estimate the space savings in the base table. It doesn't check if these columns will introduce complications because they are computed, part of a constraint, are nullable, or exist in the key of any indexes. It also can't determine the intention or potential future use of any column. And since making a fixed width column smaller is usually a size-of-data operation, you have to consider the time this will take and the impact it will have on the transaction log while it is in progress. For these reasons, the script doesn't actually generate any ALTER TABLE commands – I want the actual change to be somewhat cumbersome for you because I want you to really think about what you are doing before you do it.


With just a little exploration and some dynamic SQL, you can quickly determine if there are significant space saving to be had by converting integer-based columns into smaller integer-based types. You could extend this solution to cover string-based columns, which can often have a bigger impact due, since string columns are often oversized and data size estimates are much more heavily influenced by the defined size rather than the actual data. I'll save that for a future tip.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Aaron Bertrand Aaron Bertrand (@AaronBertrand) is a passionate technologist with industry experience dating back to Classic ASP and SQL Server 6.5. He is editor-in-chief of the performance-related blog,, and also blogs at

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Comments For This Article

Wednesday, August 14, 2019 - 10:06:50 AM - Aaron Bertrand Back To Top (82060)

@gabriele PRINT is truncated because SSMS artifically truncates the output. Get SSMS 18.2 (see this tip: or change PRINT @sql; to CONVERT(xml, @sql) or use a function (see this tip:

Anyway the point of that is to show you that the script is building the right thing generally, not for you to inspect line by line.

The space savings are expressed in bytes (based on a column called bytes).

Wednesday, August 14, 2019 - 6:13:29 AM - gabriele Back To Top (82056)

I have two small issues:

- the data of the statment with the final "PRINT @sql;" in the results is being truncated

- what's the space_savings unit of measure?

Thank you very much

Wednesday, August 14, 2019 - 3:04:22 AM - Wilfred van Dijk Back To Top (82053)

Another datatype which often can be replaced is DATETIME. This field is often used when only a DATE is needed (for example fields like "invoicedate"). These fields have a timepart of '00:00:00'

Friday, July 26, 2019 - 12:13:15 PM - Aaron Bertrand Back To Top (81877)

@David those are good enhancements, I only included them in the output specifically because bit vs. tinyint can be an improvement in some cases (but totally understand why bit isn't always considered the same family).

Thursday, July 25, 2019 - 10:46:07 AM - David Plaut Back To Top (81864)

Really nice but I made a few minor tweaks,

I don't want to see rows where savings = 0 and don't want to mess with the bit field type.

I limited it to one table and I'm a happy camper. I used:

AND = 'myTableName'

and srctyp.bytes - trgtyp.bytes > 0

AND trgtyp.[type] <> 'bit')

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