Azure Data Factory Get Metadata Example

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In a previous post (Lookup activity), we discussed Lookup activity to read the content of the database tables or files. ADF also has another type of activity: Get Metadata activity, which allows reading metadata of its sources. We are going to explore the capabilities of this activity, in this post.


The Get Metadata activity allows reading metadata information of its sources.

The list of attributes returned by this activity is dependent on its source type, some attributes are available only for file-based sources, others available for database tables and there are few attributes applicable for both types. Here is the full list of attributes, borrowed from Microsoft's site:

Attribute name Data source type Description
itemName File storages Name of the file or folder.
itemType File storages Type of the file or folder. The output value is File Folder.
size File storages Size of the file in bytes. Applicable to file only.
created File storages Created date/time of the file or folder.
lastModified File storages Last modified date/time of the file or folder.
childItems File storages List of sub-folders and files inside the given folder. Applicable to the folder object only. The output value is a list of name and type of each child item.
contentMD5 File storages MD5 of the file. Applicable to file only.
structure File and database systems Data structure inside the file or relational database table. The output value is a list of column name and column type.
columnCount File and database systems The number of columns inside the file or relational table.
exists File and database systems Whether a file/folder/table exists or not. Note if "exists" is specified in the GetaMetadata field list, the activity will not fail even when the item (file/folder/table) does not exist; instead, it returns exists: false in the output.

Please note that the childItems attribute from this list is applicable to folders only and is designed to provide list of files and folders nested within the source folder.

The Metadata activity can read from Microsoft's on-premises and cloud database systems, like Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL database, etc. As to the file systems, it can read from most of the on-premises and cloud storages on Azure, please see here a list of all sources.

The data obtained by Get Metadata activity can be used by subsequent iterative activities, to perform copy or transformation activities on a dynamic basis.

Creating Get Metadata activity

To demonstrate Get Metadata activity at work, I will create a data flow with the following logic:

  • Read the list of the files available in the source folder, using Get Metadata activity and pass this data to ForEach activity
  • Within the ForEach activity, read the properties of each file, using another Get Metadata activity and pass it to conditional activity, to determine if the file has been modified within the last 7 days
  • Copy each recently changed file into the destination database.

Here are the steps to create this data flow:

Create new pipeline and drag-drop a Get Metadata activity from the General group (I have named it as Get_Folder_Metadata_AC) to its design surface. This activity will read names of all files in its source container:

adf get metadata

Switch to Dataset tab and select BlobSTG_DS dataset we created in one of the earlier posts (see Transfer On-Premises Files to Azure Blob Storage for more details).  This dataset points to csvfiles blob container:

adf get metadata

Next, click the '+New' button to add metadata field and select Child Items from the dropdown list-this field will produce names of the files in the csvfiles container:

adf get metadata

Next, let's add ForEach activity to our pipeline (I've named it as ForEach_AC), link it to the Success end of the Get_Folder_Metadata_ACactivity  and add the following expression to its Items text box: @activity('Get_Folder_Metadata_AC').output.childItems. This expression will extract childItems values from the output of the Get_Folder_Metadata_AC activity:

adf get metadata

Next, let us switch to Activities tab and click the Add activity button to start adding child tasks to the ForEach activity:

adf get metadata

The first activity within the ForEach loop is going to be Get Metadata activity (I've named it as Get_File_Metadata_AC), which is going to read its input file's modified date/time attribute:

adf get metadata

Let us switch to the Dataset tab to specify dataset details. Because this activity is going to receive its file name from the parent activity, its source needs to be a parameterized dataset. I have created a parameterized blob storage dataset (I have named it as blobSTG_DS3) with the FileName parameter (see Transfer On-Premises Files to Azure SQL Database for details on how to create parameterized dataset). Here is the screenshot with the details of parameter configuration for this dataset:

azure blob storage

Next, we need to assign an expression @dataset.FileName to this dataset's filename property, so that it reads the file name from dataset's FileName parameter. Here is the screenshot of the dataset's Connection tab settings:

azure blob storage

Next, let's return to Get_File_Metadata_AC activity, select dataset BlobSTG_DS3 dataset we just created and enter an expression @item().name into its FileName parameter text box. This expression is going to pass the next file name value from ForEach activity's item collection to the BlobSTG_DS3 dataset:

adf get metadata

Next, let's add the fields Last modified and Item Name fields, using the New button- these fields will be required for the subsequent activities:

adf get metadata

Next, let's add If Condition activity (I've named it as CheckDate_AC) and link it to the Success end of the Get_File_Metadata_AC activity:

adf get metadata

Let's switch to the Settings tab and enter the following expression: @greaterOrEquals(activity('Get_File_Metadata_AC').output.lastModified,adddays(utcnow(),-7)). This expression will check whether or not the Last modified field obtained from the previous activity falls within last 7 days period:

adf get metadata

Next, switch to Activities tab and click Add If True Activity button, to start building tasks which will be executed when the condition evaluates to true:

adf get metadata

Within child activities window, add a Copy activity (I've named it as Copy_Data_AC), select BlobSTG_DS3 dataset as its source and assign an expression @activity('Get_File_Metadata_AC').output.itemName to its FileName parameter. This expression will ensure that next file name, extracted by Get_File_Metadata_AC activity is passed as the input file name for copy activity. Here's the screenshot:

adf get metadata

Next, switch to the Sink tab, select FactInternetSales_DS dataset we created earlier and enter following purge query for destination table - Delete from FactInternetSales. This will ensure that this activity doesn't fail with duplicate key errors, in case the rows we're transferring already exist in the destination table:

adf get metadata

Finally, let's click the navigation link at the top of the screen and return to the parent pipeline's design screen:

adf get metadata

Now that we have completed building data flow, we can test it. I will execute this pipeline twice to test the following scenarios:

  • The first execution will be done with older files in the source container
  • The second execution will be done with a newly modified file added to the source folder.

Let us open the blob storage page and ensure that all the files existing in its csvfiles container are dated more than 7 days from the execution date:

adf get metadata

Let us start the pipeline in the debug mode and examine execution logs in the Output window:

adf get metadata

As you can see from the logs, all the activities, except the copy activity has executed successfully. The copy activity did not run, because the files in the source container are older than 7 days.

Next, I will upload a new file, using Upload button from Azure portal's blob storage page:

csv files

Let us execute the pipeline in a debug mode again and examine execution logs. As you can see from the logs, this execution included the copy activity as well, which is what we expected:

adf get metadata

As usual, we will need to publish the changes, to ensure that they are permanent.

I have included JSON scripts for this pipeline here, for your reference.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Fikrat Azizov Fikrat Azizov has been working with SQL Server since 2002 and has earned two MCSE certifications. He’s currently working as a Solutions Architect at Slalom Canada.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Comments For This Article

Monday, March 15, 2021 - 5:54:34 AM - haritha Back To Top (88396)
How do i mention Sheet ranges dynamically

Wednesday, June 3, 2020 - 8:28:04 AM - Giovanny Back To Top (85830)

Thanks, everything went correctly.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020 - 10:00:25 PM - Fikrat Back To Top (85300)

Hi Steve,

You might miss the Metadata configuration step, which involves adding 'Child Items' field, see details above. This field ensures that metedata component returns the names of files it includes.

Thursday, April 2, 2020 - 6:19:30 AM - Steve Back To Top (85251)

Hi - This is really useful but its not quite working for me!  I am getting an error in the final copy step:

"The expression 'activity('Get_File_Metadata').output.itemName' cannot be evaluated because property 'itemName' doesn't exist, available properties are 'exists, effectiveIntegrationRuntime, executionDuration, durationInQueue, billingReference'.",
    "failureType": "UserError",

I cant work out why its not sending itemName (ive check the output of get_file_metadata)? Just a couple of things - the data comes from a Gen2 Data Lake and i have an Input Folder and an Output folder (the idea being the files strat in input and get copied to output). Im also confused as to why the final copy, the data source isnt the initial dataset - surely that is the source i want to copy from?

Thanks for any advice :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 - 10:21:50 AM - Fikrat Back To Top (85189)

Filter activity might be helpful to address your issue (please have a look at )

Monday, March 23, 2020 - 3:27:48 AM - Lokesh Sharma Back To Top (85169)

This is pretty useful. Thank you. If there a way to prefilter the files in GetMetaData activity from a source directory based on some condition (like pass only those files to ForEach loop which have been added/modified in last 7 days)

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