create table Failed_Jobs ( [Status] [varchar](6) NOT NULL, [Job Name] [varchar](100) NULL, [Step ID] [varchar](5) NULL, [Step Name] [varchar](30) NULL, [Start Date Time] [varchar](30) NULL, [Message] [nvarchar](4000) NULL) insert into Failed_Jobs select 'FAILED' as Status, cast( as varchar(100)) as "Job Name", cast(sjs.step_id as varchar(5)) as "Step ID", cast(sjs.step_name as varchar(30)) as "Step Name", cast(REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,sjh.run_date)),102),'.','-')+' '+SUBSTRING(RIGHT('000000'+CONVERT(varchar,sjh.run_time),6),1,2)+':'+SUBSTRING(RIGHT('000000'+CONVERT(varchar,sjh.run_time),6),3,2)+':'+SUBSTRING(RIGHT('000000'+CONVERT(varchar,sjh.run_time),6),5,2) as varchar(30)) 'Start Date Time', sjh.message as "Message" from sysjobs sj join sysjobsteps sjs on sj.job_id = sjs.job_id join sysjobhistory sjh on sj.job_id = sjh.job_id and sjs.step_id = sjh.step_id where sjh.run_status <> 1 and cast(sjh.run_date as float)*1000000+sjh.run_time > cast(convert(varchar(8), getdate()-1, 112) as float)*1000000+70000 --yesterday at 7am union select 'FAILED',cast( as varchar(100)) as "Job Name", 'MAIN' as "Step ID", 'MAIN' as "Step Name", cast(REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,sjh.run_date)),102),'.','-')+' '+SUBSTRING(RIGHT('000000'+CONVERT(varchar,sjh.run_time),6),1,2)+':'+SUBSTRING(RIGHT('000000'+CONVERT(varchar,sjh.run_time),6),3,2)+':'+SUBSTRING(RIGHT('000000'+CONVERT(varchar,sjh.run_time),6),5,2) as varchar(30)) 'Start Date Time', sjh.message as "Message" from sysjobs sj join sysjobhistory sjh on sj.job_id = sjh.job_id where sjh.run_status <> 1 and sjh.step_id=0 and cast(sjh.run_date as float)*1000000+sjh.run_time > cast(convert(varchar(8), getdate()-1, 112) as float)*1000000+70000 --yesterday at declare @cnt int select @cnt=COUNT(1) from Failed_Jobs if (@cnt > 0) begin declare @strsubject varchar(100) select @strsubject='Check the following failed jobs on ' + @@SERVERNAME declare @tableHTML nvarchar(max); set @tableHTML = N'

Failed Jobs Listing - ' + @@SERVERNAME +'

' + N'' + N'' + N'' + N'' + CAST ( ( SELECT td = [Status], '', td = [Job Name], '', td = [Step ID], '', td = [Step Name], '', td = [Start Date Time], '', td = [Message] FROM Failed_Jobs FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) + N'
StatusJob NameStep IDStep NameStart DateMessage
' ; EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @from_address='', @recipients='', @subject = @strsubject, @body = @tableHTML, @body_format = 'HTML' , @profile_name='test profile' end drop table Failed_Jobs