use master go if ((object_id('sp_osbufferdescriptors') is not null) and (objectproperty(object_id('sp_osbufferdescriptors'), 'IsProcedure') = 1)) drop proc [dbo].sp_osbufferdescriptors go create proc [dbo].sp_osbufferdescriptors @top int = 0, -- Limits the result set to the top # specified - if null/default/0, all records are returned @opts int = 0 -- Option values for execution - bit flags: -- - If no opts are set, database level information is -- returned for the database context we're executing in -- 1 bit - If set, system level os_buffer information is returned -- only - no db level information is returned -- 2 bit - If set, and the 1 bit is NOT set, all db specific -- information is gathered by iterating through all -- databases on the system and gathering info as /* -- Get database level information for the current db only exec sp_osbufferdescriptors; -- Only the top 20 results exec sp_osbufferdescriptors @top = 20; -- Get system level information only exec sp_osbufferdescriptors @opts = 1; -- Only top 5 results exec sp_osbufferdescriptors @top = 5, @opts = 1; -- Get database level information for all db's on the system exec sp_osbufferdescriptors @opts = 2; -- Only top 20 results exec sp_osbufferdescriptors @top = 20, @opts = 2; */ set nocount on; set transaction isolation level read uncommitted; declare @sql nvarchar(4000); -- Format incoming data select @opts = isnull(@opts,0), @top = case when @top > 0 then @top else 0 end; -- If no options were specified, we get the data for the current db and exit if @opts = 0 begin -- Get largest buffer consumers for the given database select @sql = N' select ' + case when @top > 0 then N'top ' + cast(@top as nvarchar(20)) else N'' end + N' count(*) as bufferCount, db_name() as dbName, object_name(p.object_id) as objectName, isnull(,''HEAP'') as indexName, max(p.partition_number) as partitionCount, sum(p.rows) as indexRowCount, sum(a.total_pages) as auTotalPages, sum(a.used_pages) as auUsedPages, sum(a.data_pages) as auDataPages from sys.partitions p with(nolock) join sys.allocation_units a with(nolock) on p.partition_id = a.container_id join sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors b with(nolock) on a.allocation_unit_id = b.allocation_unit_id join sys.indexes i with(nolock) on p.object_id = i.object_id and p.index_id = i.index_id where b.database_id = db_id() group by p.object_id, order by count(*) desc, p.object_id,;'; exec (@sql); return; end -- If 1 bit is set, we get system level information only... if @opts & 1 = 1 begin -- Get largest buffer consumers for the system select @sql = N' select ' + case when @top > 0 then N'top ' + cast(@top as nvarchar(20)) else N'' end + N' count(*) as bufferCount, case when grouping(b.database_id) = 1 then ''--- TOTAL ---'' else case when b.database_id = 32767 then ''resourceDb'' else db_name(b.database_id) end end as dbName from sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors b with(nolock) group by b.database_id with rollup order by case when grouping(b.database_id) = 1 then 0 else count(*) end desc;'; exec (@sql); return; end -- If the 2 bit is set, we get database level information for multiple db's as appropriate if @opts & 2 = 2 begin -- Create a temp object for storage create table #osBufferDescriptorsDbData ( bufferCount bigint, dbName nvarchar(250), objectName nvarchar(250), indexName nvarchar(250), partitionCount int, indexRowCount bigint, auTotalPages bigint, auUsedPages bigint, auDataPages bigint); -- Gather up the appropriate data from each database on the server (not system db except tempdb) select @sql = N'use [?]; if ''?'' in (''master'',''model'',''msdb'') return; insert #osBufferDescriptorsDbData (bufferCount, dbName, objectName, indexName, partitionCount, indexRowCount, auTotalPages, auUsedPages, auDataPages) select ' + case when @top > 0 then N'top ' + cast(@top as nvarchar(20)) else N'' end + N' count(*) as bufferCount, db_name() as dbName, object_name(p.object_id) as objectName, isnull(,''HEAP'') as indexName, max(p.partition_number) as partitionCount, sum(p.rows) as indexRowCount, sum(a.total_pages) as auTotalPages, sum(a.used_pages) as auUsedPages, sum(a.data_pages) as auDataPages from sys.partitions p with(nolock) join sys.allocation_units a with(nolock) on p.partition_id = a.container_id join sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors b with(nolock) on a.allocation_unit_id = b.allocation_unit_id join sys.indexes i with(nolock) on p.object_id = i.object_id and p.index_id = i.index_id where b.database_id = db_id() group by p.object_id,;'; exec sp_MSforeachdb @sql; -- Return the results select @sql = N' select ' + case when @top > 0 then N'top ' + cast(@top as nvarchar(20)) else N'' end + N' * from #osBufferDescriptorsDbData with(nolock) order by bufferCount desc, dbName, objectName;'; exec (@sql); -- Cleanup drop table #osBufferDescriptorsDbData; end go