use master; go if exists (select * from sysobjects where name='sp_indexdefrag' and type='P') drop proc sp_indexdefrag; go create procedure dbo.sp_indexdefrag @maxfrag decimal = 0.0, -- Maximum fragmetation to allow an index to have without defraging @processresults bit = 0, -- Set to 1 to perform the actual defrag/rebuild on any resulting tables. -- If 0, only the results of the scan will display @endtime datetime = null, -- If set, the operation will stop as soon as the specified endtime is reached @opts int = 0, -- Options that define execution. -- 1 bit = If set, a full rebuild on each index instead of just a defrag. -- 2 bit = If set, perform a stats update on the affected tables as well as the defrag -- 4 bit = If set, dm_db_index_physical_stats results are output -- 8 bit = If set, dm_db_index_physical_stats results are saved to the fully qualified location specified in -- the @contigouttable parameter (i.e. server.db.owner.tablename) -- 16 bit = If set, and if the 1 bit is set, rebuild in performed online -- 32 bit = If set, all execution of index defragging is disabled and statements are simply printed... -- 64 bit = If set, and 8 bit is set, the insert into the contigout table is just that, a straight insert, instead of a -- drop of the existing table if it exists then a select...into operation (what happens if the 64 bit isn't set) -- 128 bit = If set, and the 1 bit is set (i.e. perform a full rebuild), and the 16 bit is set (online operation), and -- an index is partitioned, we will simply rebuild the given partition(s) offline - by default, we throw an -- error (not supported) @contigouttable varchar(200) = 'dbo.ztbl_fraginfo' -- Fully qualified (i.e. server.db.owner.tablename) table to store the contig output to, be sure -- to set the 8 bit in @opts as well, or this is ignored. If the table exists, it will be -- dropped and recreated, so be sure to specify the name of a table you don't want destroyed as set nocount on; set transaction isolation level read uncommitted; /* exec zSql2005_Maint.dbo.sp_indexdefrag 1.0, 1, default,49, null */ -- Declare variables declare @tablename varchar(128), @execstr nvarchar(4000), @ispartitioned tinyint, @objschema varchar(250), @frag decimal, @indexname varchar(255), @partition int, @itype nvarchar(250), @clist nvarchar(3500) -- Set defaults select @maxfrag = coalesce(@maxfrag, 0.0), @clist = '', @processresults = coalesce(@processresults, 0), @endtime = case when @endtime is null then dateadd(hh, 12, getdate()) -- 12 hours max, even if not told so when datepart(yyyy, @endtime) = '1900' then dateadd(hh, 12, getdate()) when datediff(hh, getdate(), @endtime) > 12 then dateadd(hh, 12, getdate()) -- again, 12 hours max when datediff(mi, getdate(), @endtime) < 0 then getdate() -- No negative times else @endtime end; if @maxfrag > 100 select @maxfrag = 100.0; -- Cleanup if needed if object_id('tempdb..##fraglist') > 0 drop table ##fraglist; print 'Getting contig data' -- Get the fragmentation information for all indexes of user tables... set @execstr = ' select as objectName, o.type as objectType, o.object_id as objectId, schema_name(o.schema_id) as objectSchema, i.index_id as indexId, i.type_desc as indexType, as indexName, case when p.partObjId > 0 then 1 else 0 end as isPartitioned, s.partition_number as partitionNumber, s.alloc_unit_type_desc as allocUnitType, s.index_depth as indexDepth, s.index_level as indexLevel, s.avg_fragmentation_in_percent as avgFragPercent, s.fragment_count as fragCount, s.avg_fragment_size_in_pages as avgFragSizePages, s.page_count as pageCount, s.avg_page_space_used_in_percent as avgPageSpaceUsedPercent, s.record_count as recCount, s.min_record_size_in_bytes as minRecSizeBytes, s.max_record_size_in_bytes as maxRecSizeBytes, s.avg_record_size_in_bytes as avgRecSizeBytes into ##fraglist from ' + db_name() + '.sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(db_id(), default, default, default, ''SAMPLED'') s join ' + db_name() + '.sys.indexes i with(nolock) on s.index_id = i.index_id and s.object_id = i.object_id join ' + db_name() + '.sys.objects o with(nolock) on i.object_id = o.object_id left join (select object_id as partObjId, index_id partIndId from ' + db_name() + '.sys.partitions where partition_number > 1 group by object_id, index_id) p on s.object_id = p.partObjId and s.index_id = p.partIndId where o.is_ms_shipped = 0 and s.index_type_desc <> ''HEAP'''; exec (@execstr); -- If we are flagged to process the results, do the defrag/rebuild on each of the indexes as needed if (@processresults > 0) begin print 'Processing defrag/rebuilds'; -- Declare cursor for list of indexes to be defragged, ordered by most fraged declare indexes cursor local fast_forward for select objectName, isPartitioned, avgFragPercent, indexName, partitionNumber, objectSchema, indexType from ##fraglist where ((avgFragPercent >= @maxfrag) or ((100.0-avgPageSpaceUsedPercent) >= @maxfrag)) and indexDepth > 0 and pageCount > 2500 order by avgFragPercent desc; -- Open the cursor open indexes; -- Index loop while 1 = 1 begin -- loop through the indexes fetch next from indexes into @tablename, @ispartitioned, @frag, @indexname, @partition, @objschema, @itype; if @@fetch_status <> 0 break; -- Check to see if we should be doing a full rebuild or just a defragmentation if (@opts & 1 = 1) begin if @ispartitioned > 0 begin -- If we are set to perform an online rebuild and the object is partitioned, we'll throw an error unless the user said to ignore (128 bit) if @opts & 144 = 16 begin raiserror('Index [%s].[%s].[%s] is partitioned and an online rebuild was requested - online rebuilds of a partition are not supported. Try again specifying either an offline rebuild or to ignore online partition errors (set option 128).', 16, 1, @objschema, @tablename, @indexname); set @execstr = ''; end else begin set @execstr = 'alter index ' + quotename(@indexname) + ' on ' + quotename(db_name()) + '.' + quotename(@objschema) + '.' + quotename(@tablename) + ' rebuild partition = ' + cast(@partition as varchar(20)) + ' with(sort_in_tempdb = on);'; end end else begin set @execstr = 'alter index ' + quotename(@indexname) + ' on ' + quotename(db_name()) + '.' + quotename(@objschema) + '.' + quotename(@tablename) + ' rebuild with(sort_in_tempdb = on' + case when @opts & 16 = 16 then ', online = on' else '' end + ');'; end -- Not performing full rebuild... end else begin if @ispartitioned > 0 set @execstr = 'alter index ' + quotename(@indexname) + ' on ' + quotename(db_name()) + '.' + quotename(@objschema) + '.' + quotename(@tablename) + ' reorganize partition = ' + cast(@partition as varchar(20)) + ';'; else set @execstr = 'alter index ' + quotename(@indexname) + ' on ' + quotename(db_name()) + '.' + quotename(@objschema) + '.' + quotename(@tablename) + ' reorganize;'; end -- Execute the defrag/rebuild -- Execute or print... if len(@execstr) > 0 begin if @opts & 32 = 32 begin print @execstr; end else begin -- Print an update line print 'Executing defrag/reindex for table/view ' + quotename(@tablename) + ', index ' + quotename(@indexname) + ' - fragmentation currently ' + ltrim(rtrim(convert(varchar, @frag))) + '%'; exec (@execstr); end end -- Ensure we haven't passed our time threshold if datediff(ms, getdate(), @endtime) < 0 begin print 'HIT TIME THRESHOLD OF ' + quotename(cast(@endtime as varchar)) + ' - EXITING NOW'; break; end -- Check to see if we are flagged to update statistics on the affected tables in addition to the defrag/rebuild... -- Don't bother updating stats if we performed a full rebuild, that updates stats for us... if (@opts & 3 = 2) and (upper(@itype) <> 'XML') begin -- Update stats on the table and index in question... set @execstr = 'update statistics ' + quotename(@objschema) + '.' + quotename(@tablename) + ' (' + quotename(@indexname) + ');'; -- Execute the stats update -- Execute or print... if @opts & 32 = 32 begin print @execstr; end else begin -- Print an update print 'Updating stats for table ' + quotename(@tablename) + ', index ' + quotename(@indexname); exec (@execstr); end end -- if (@opts & 3 = 2) -- Ensure we haven't passed our time threshold if datediff(ms, getdate(), @endtime) < 0 begin print 'HIT TIME THRESHOLD OF ' + quotename(cast(@endtime as varchar)) + ' - EXITING NOW'; break; end end -- while 1 = 1 -- Close and deallocate the cursor close indexes; deallocate indexes; end -- if @processresults = 1 -- If we are supposed to output the contig info somewhere, do so if (@opts & 8 = 8) and (len(@contigouttable) > 0) begin if @opts & 64 = 0 begin select @execstr = 'if object_id(''' + @contigouttable + ''') > 0 drop table ' + @contigouttable + ' ' + ' select * into ' + @contigouttable + ' from ##fraglist'; end else begin select @clist = @clist + case when len(@clist) > 0 then ',' else '' end + name from tempdb.sys.columns where object_id = object_id('tempdb..##fraglist'); select @execstr = 'insert ' + @contigouttable + ' (' + @clist + ') select * from ##fraglist'; end exec(@execstr); end -- if (@opts & 8 = 8) and (len(@contigouttable) > 0) -- Show the results of the initial frag list, if asked to do so if @opts & 4 = 4 select * from ##fraglist where avgFragPercent >= @maxfrag and indexDepth > 0 order by avgFragPercent desc; if cursor_status('local', 'indexes') >= 0 begin -- Check to ensure the indexes cursor is closed close indexes; deallocate indexes; end drop table ##fraglist; print 'Processing complete.'; go