Development Best Practices for SQL Server

MSSQLTips sponsored on-demand webinar

Webcast Abstract

I always think of best practices as being a combination of using industry standard ideas (source control, for example), using positive design patterns specific to SQL Server, and avoiding the many pitfalls that can affect any application that uses a database. It's also complicated by two big things; the tendency to think there is only one right way to do things and the database being the hardest part to change once it's in use.

This presentation will give an overview of these things, but focus on best practices for SQL Server that I think are reasonable and useful based on a lot of experience. Some of it requires just learning rules (be wary of functions) and some of it requires you to understand how SQL Server works so that you can work with the platform instead of against it. My approach is to show things I think work and why this will give you a starting point for seeing what works for you and your applications in the real world.

We'll cover quite a few areas from coding to design to testing, so there should be something here for DBAs, developers, and managers.

Speaker - Andy Warren

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