Parallelize Data Flows with SSIS Balanced Data Distributor Transformation

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You have developed an ETL project that loads the contents of a flat file into a SQL Server database and after performing some tests you notice that there is a bottleneck with the transformations that slows the SSIS package execution. In this tip I will show you how we can speed up the SSIS package by using the Balanced Data Distributor Transformation.


You probably know that a project involving extraction, transformation and loading of data (ETL) is a resource intensive task, specially these days when we have to process large amounts of data. You also probably know that analysts need to make quick decisions based on the information, so having the data loaded as quickly as possible is a must.

When analyzing ETL process performance we have to measure the time spent on each step, say the extraction phase, the data transformation and the final load. Usually the transformation phase is the longest and this is what I will cover in this tip.

There is a data transformation component for SQL Server Integration Services available to download for free in the Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Feature Pack called the Balanced Data Distributor that will allow us to increase the speed of the data transformation process.

SSIS Balanced Data Distributor Transformation

This transformation splits one source of data evenly to a number of outputs, which is known as Round Robin distribution. This takes advantage of the parallel processing capabilities of modern computers. It's very easy to use because you don't have to configure anything, just connect a data source and configure as many destinations as you want.

Usage Scenario for the Balanced Data Distributor Transformation

There are some conditions that must be met in order to take advantage of this transformation. The first and most obvious is that the data source must be big enough to justify its usage. But even if you have a huge data source this transformation could be worthless unless the next condition is true. The data source must be read faster than the rest of the transformations. In that case we can benefit from running the transformations in parallel.

The last condition to meet is that the data doesn't need to be sorted at the destination, because when we split the source into many transformations the output won't be ordered.

Sample Demonstration of the Balanced Data Distributor Transformation

For this example I will use code from two of my previous tips Export SQL Server Data with Integration Services to a Mainframe to generate a sample binary file and Importing Mainframe Data including Packed Numbers with SQL Server Integration Services to load its content back to a database. The difference is that this time we will load data in parallel.

The first step is to create a sample database.

USE [master]

( NAME = N'TestDB_file1', 
			FILENAME = N'E:\MSSQL\TestDB_1.mdf',
			SIZE = 128MB , 
( NAME = N'TestDB_log_file1',
			 FILENAME = N'E:\MSSQL\TestDB_1.ldf',
			 SIZE = 8MB,
			 MAXSIZE = 2048GB,


Now we create a sample table.

USE SampleDB

	DROP TABLE Customers

   CustomerID			INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
   CustomerName			VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL,
   CustomerAddress		VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL,
   CustomerCategory		TINYINT  NOT NULL,
   CustomerBalance		DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL

We need to fill the table with sample data in order to export it to a file following the instructions of this tip Export SQL Server Data with Integration Services to a Mainframe. To generate test data you can take a look at tips like Generating SQL Server Test Data with Visual Studio 2010 and Populating a SQL Server Test Database with Random Data.

After completing those steps we have a flat file with test data ready to be loaded and we can use the Integration Services package included in the Importing Mainframe Data including Packed Numbers with SQL Server Integration Services tip. You can also download the code from these tips including the code from this tip from this link.

Before starting to load data we will truncate our sample table.

USE SampleDB

TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.Customers

We will use the non-parallel version as shown below and we will measure the time to load the 2.5GB file I have created for this tip. I put my source file on a RAM drive to have a very fast data source. The next image shows the data flow after executing.

Non-Parallel Data Flow View.

As you can see in the image below the package took 55 minutes to load the file.

Non-Parallel Data Flow Execution Log.

Now after truncating the table we are going to load the same file, but this time we use the Balanced Data Distributor Transformation to parallelize our workload.

In order to create a parallel version of this package we will copy and paste the Script Component and the OLEDB Destination tasks until we have the desired number of parallel executions and add the Balanced Data Distributor Transformation (I created 4 of these). Then we connect the Flat File Source to the Balanced Data Distributor as an input and the Script Components as outputs like on the next screen capture.

Parallel Data Flow View.

The next image shows the execution log where you can see that it took only 19 minutes to load the same file.

Parallel Data Flow Execution Log.
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About the author
MSSQLTips author Daniel Farina Daniel Farina was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Self-educated, since childhood he showed a passion for learning.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

View all my tips

Comments For This Article

Monday, August 10, 2015 - 9:49:52 AM - Dennis Back To Top (38411)

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the article.
In the past I have seen Conditional Splits used to accomplish this.
RowNumber % 4 == 0
RowNumber % 4 == 1 
RowNumber % 4 == 2
RowNumber % 4 == 3

The conditional Split  ignores the first 2 limitations I.e. the size and the speed of the source.

Is there any big gain in using this component over the Conditional Split?

Monday, July 13, 2015 - 10:37:30 PM - Daniel Farina Back To Top (38200)

Hi Kris!

You can use SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2013. It's available online for free

Yes! you can download and use Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Feature Pack, if you take a look on the system requirements it doesnt say anything about a minimum version of SQL Server. But if you prefer you can download Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 SP2 Feature Pack from this link Or Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Feature Pack from this other link

although BDDT Transformation and Multicast Transformation looks like the same thing, there is a crutial difference amongst them. The Multicast Transformation splits one source of data amongst various destinations by sending the same input to every destination. I mean, All the destination will receive all the input rows. In the other hand, the BDD transformation divides the source data by the amount of destinations.

A common case to use Multicast Transformation is when you need to load one data source to multiple servers. Instead of adding more data flows you use the Multicast Transformation. For example if your source has 1000 rows and you add a Multicast Transformation with 4 outputs then the 4 outputs will get 1000 rows each.

I hope it was clear.


Thank you for reading!


Friday, July 10, 2015 - 6:58:07 PM - cal Back To Top (38178)

Hi, I downloaded the package from that link. Which version of Visual Studio can open those dtsx files after open the sln? Thanks! 

Friday, July 10, 2015 - 9:45:04 AM - Kris Maly Back To Top (38172)

What is the difference between BDDT Transformation and Multicast Transformation?

Friday, July 10, 2015 - 8:47:50 AM - Kris Maly Back To Top (38171)


I have MicrosoftSQL Server 2012 and SSDT can I install Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Feature Pack ?

Any advice or suggetion or guidence

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