Protecting your data with data anonymization

DATPROF sponsored on-demand webinar

Webcast Abstract

Data protection legislation guidelines reject the use of production data content in non-production or lower environments, such as Development, Test, QA, Sandboxes, etc. In addition, most organizations forbid using production data in lower life cycle databases, but it is very difficult to anonymize data with native SQL Server tools, so this best practice is not often followed.

Some organizations elect to simply redact or null vast arrays of content which makes the resulting database unusable from every aspect including application and analytic development. These decisions also impact Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning development which completely stymies the usefulness of these technologies.

This session will flow through the full anonymization cycle from start to finish, from the point that an executive forbids you using production data in your development databases through to the instrumentation of data masking practices within the development life cycle.

Speaker - Gerry Leith

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