How to Secure SQL Server - End to End Security

dbWatch sponsored on-demand webinar

Webcast Abstract

Data is the lifeblood for almost every organization. As a result, platforms like Microsoft SQL Server are high-value targets for attackers. However, knowing what to do and not do can be daunting.

In this webinar, we'll walk through a framework to secure your SQL Servers from end-to-end. Starting with the install and walking through surface area, permissions, backups, encryption, and concluding with decommissioning, we'll cover every area you'll need to consider for your SQL Server environment. Where they are applicable, we'll also point out industry good practices and where to find the documentation on them.

By the end of the webinar, you should leave with a plan for where to start, what's most important, and where to go for more information to ensure you can properly harden and secure the SQL Servers in your organization.

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Speaker - Brian Kelley and Per Christopher Undheim

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