Launch the Report Wizard


The Report Wizard guides you through the steps to build a simple report.  In this section we will launch the report wizard and get going with creating our first report.

In the earlier section on Projects and Solutions, we created a blank solution and added a Report Server project to the solution.  If necessary open the solution by clicking File, Open, Project/Solution from the top-level menu and navigating to the solution file; e.g. MSSQLTips_SSRS_2008_Tutorial.sln.  The BIDS Solution Explorer shows our Report Server project along with Shared Data Sources and Reports nodes as shown below:

olution explorer reports project

Right click on the Reports node and select Add New Report to launch the Report Wizard as shown below:

eport wizard

Note the checkbox "Don't show this page again".  You way want to click it as there isn't much need to see this dialog every time you want to design a new report using the wizard.  Click the Next button to create a data source for your report which we will cover in the next section.

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