INSERT INTO SQL Server table with SELECT command


In some of our earlier examples we used the a SELECT statement to verify the results of the INSERT statements previously issued.  As you know, the INSERT command adds records to a table and the SELECT statement retrieves data from one or more tables.  Did you know that you can use a SELECT statement with an INSERT command to populate a table?  Let's take a look at three examples.


In the first example, the INSERT command is used with static values from the SELECT command as shown below:

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Customer]
SELECT 'Karon'
 ,'[email protected]'

In the second example, the INSERT command is used with numerous static values with separate SELECT and UNION commands resulting in three records being inserted as shown below:

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Customer]
SELECT 'Katie', 'QueenCrab', '444-333-3333', '[email protected]', 1,'2011-09-15'
SELECT 'Jessica', 'TastyTuna', '555-333-3333', '[email protected]', 1,'2011-09-15'
SELECT 'Sharon', 'WellDoneSteak', '666-333-3333', '[email protected]', 1,'2011-09-15'

In the third example, the INSERT command is used with a SELECT command accessing data from an archive table to populate the dbo.Customer table as shown below:

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Customer]
SELECT [FirstName]
FROM Archive.dbo.Customers_OLD

Comments For This Article

Friday, December 6, 2019 - 10:43:16 AM - Genti Perja Back To Top (83309)


Insert into tbl1(col1,col2) -- col3 removed from the list of columns

Select col1,col2 from tbl2

Friday, December 9, 2016 - 2:26:48 AM - ElyasFeyzollahi Back To Top (44928)

Hi how to can i write this code?

Insert into tbl1(col1,col2,col3) 

Select col1,col2 from tbl2 

,'data for col3'

I want insert col3 with out this select and insert manualy

What do i do?

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