What Effect Does Persisting a Computed Column Have in SQL Server?

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In my last tip, I showed the impact of persisting a computed column to individual data and index pages. At the end of the tip, I posed the following questions for these same operations at scale:

  • Does the operation cause a significant increase in pages or a large number of page splits?
  • Does the operation create fragmentation?
  • Does the operation block other queries?
  • Does the operation generate significant log activity?
  • Does it make more sense to create an index *after* a computed column has been persisted?
  • Are these observations consistent when a persisted computed column is later made to be *not* persisted?

Today I'm going to deal with a few of those questions, using a table with 2.5 million rows.


First, we need a template for a table that we're going to create, with a few extra columns just to make sure each row takes up some legitimate space on a page:

  id INT IDENTITY(1,1),
  some_big_int BIGINT, 
  some_filler CHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'a',
  comp AS (100-id),

Then a script that would fill this table up with 2.5 MM rows:

INSERT dbo.Comp(some_big_int)
  SELECT TOP (2500000) o2.[object_id]
    FROM master.sys.all_objects AS o
    CROSS JOIN master.sys.all_objects AS o2;

Next, we have to figure out exactly what we're going to be testing. I came up with the following six scenarios to test the impact of performing, in different sequences, the operations required to make a computed column persisted and indexed:

  • Test 1: Populate the above table with 2.5 MM rows, persist the column, create the index
  • Test 2: Populate the above table with 2.5 MM rows, create the index, persist the column
  • Test 3: Create the table *without* the computed column, fill it with 2.5 MM rows, create the computed column, persist the column, create the index
  • Test 4: Create the table *without* the computed column, fill it with 2.5 MM rows, create the computed column persisted, create the index
  • Test 5: Create the table with the computed column already persisted, fill it with 2.5 MM rows, create the index
  • Test 6: Create the table with the computed column already persisted, create the index, then fill it with 2.5 MM rows

For each test, we're going to re-create a database from scratch, and allocate 3 GB immediately for data and 6 GB for log (to prevent unexpected growth operations from interfering with our observations). Then we're going to measure the following:

Metric Method
Duration of each operation in the sequence Simple delta in SYSDATETIME()
Resulting size of the table page_count, avg_fragmentation_in_percent from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats()
Level of fragmentation
Number of "bad" page splits generated Event counts from Jonathan Kehayias' Extended Event session
Net impact to the transaction log DBCC SQLPERF(LOGSPACE);

And for tests where the table or any index ends up being severely fragmented, we're going to add an online rebuild operation (and time that too) to make sure the end result is optimal.

The test scripts are rather long and tedious, and I will likely blog about them separately. In the meantime, I am just going to share the results, because those are more interesting anyway.


I ran all 6 tests 10 times, and took down the averages. I've rounded in most cases for simplicity, particularly in cases where the numbers for any given test were exactly the same every time.

    Tests 1 through 4

    These tests all yielded about 99.2% fragmentation in the clustered index after the column was made persisted, and an initial page count of over 172,000 (both of these before the rebuild, of course). They all used about 69.3% of the transaction log (0.693 * 6 GB = ~4.2 GB), and each test yielded over 86,000 page splits. The average duration for the first four tests was roughly the same, ranging from 49 to 55 seconds. In almost all cases, more than half of this time was taken by the clustered index rebuild.

    Tests 5 and 6

    Both of these tests already had the column marked as persisted before a single row was added to the table, so SQL Server was able to organize the clustered index in such a way that very few page splits occurred, virtually no fragmentation was present, and no rebuild was required. Test 5 was almost 50% faster; it seems that creating the index after populating the data made much better use of I/O than maintaining the index during the insert. (Next time I'll test with TABLOCKX).

    Charts showing the results for a few metrics follow.


    This chart simply shows total duration, and also duration without any rebuilds:

    Duration (seconds)

    Duration Breakdown

    I stacked each test using a timeline-style chart so that you could see both how long each test took in whole, and where time was spent in each case.

    Duration Breakdown (seconds)

    "Bad" Page Splits

    This chart demonstrates the number of bad page splits that were caused in each test, mostly by persisting the computed column (a quite small number of page splits occur during other operations, such as initial data population and index creation and/or rebuild):

    'Bad' Page Splits

    Page Count

    The total number of pages in the clustered index as a result of persisting the computed column. This chart also shows the result after the rebuild for tests 1 through 4:

    Page Count in Clustered Index

    Transaction Log Usage

    Based on DBCC SQLPERF(LOGSPACE);, this chart shows how much log was used in the user database during each test (while the tempdb log was used, it was negligible - at most 1.768 MB). It is interesting to note - while not broken down this way on the chart - the index rebuild was only 21% of the log usage in the first four tests, so it is not solely responsible for the difference:

    Transaction Log Usage (MB)

Based on these results, it is clear that much less work is required when the computed column is persisted up front (but not indexed until after population). If you can, you would get the job done quickest if you can take a maintenance window, create a new version of the table with the persisted column already defined, populate that table, and create the index (then swap the new table into the old table's spot by renaming or transferring schemas).

I did not get around to test locks and blocking (for the index-related operations, Enterprise customers can get around any blocking using ONLINE = ON), and I'm going to leave the less common operation of un-persisting a computed column for another day (or as another exercise for the reader).

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Aaron Bertrand Aaron Bertrand (@AaronBertrand) is a passionate technologist with industry experience dating back to Classic ASP and SQL Server 6.5. He is editor-in-chief of the performance-related blog, SQLPerformance.com, and also blogs at sqlblog.org.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Comments For This Article

Monday, March 23, 2015 - 4:03:21 PM - ArtofSQL Back To Top (36643)

Good information and a nice breakdown of the different scenarios! Thanks for sharing!

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