Simple T-SQL Code Comparison With PowerShell

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We would like to automate a simple compare of objects (stored procedures, views, functions, etc.) that we plan to change on SQL Server with the old and new object set side by side. Is there a way to do this and automate future changes in PowerShell?


Using the SQL management objects library and some PowerShell techniques, we can do a simple stack of two objects side-by-side, one which is the scripted object that existed before the change and the other is the object that the old object was changed to.

For organization purposes, let's first focus on scripting the existing object and saving it to a file.

Function Return-Object {
        , [ValidateLength(3,200)][string]$database
        , [ValidateLength(3,200)][string]$objects
        , [ValidateLength(3,300)][string]$name
        , [ValidateLength(3,500)][string]$outfilepath
        , [ValidateSet("2008R2","2012","2014","2016")][string]$version
        $nl = [Environment]::NewLine

        switch ($version)
            "2008R2" { 
                Write-Host "Adding libraries for version $version"
                Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\SDK\Assemblies\Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll"

            "2012" { 
                Write-Host "Adding libraries for version $version"
                Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\SDK\Assemblies\Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll"

            "2014" { 
                Write-Host "Adding libraries for version $version"
                Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\SDK\Assemblies\Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll"

            "2016" { 
                Write-Host "Adding libraries for version $version"
                Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\SDK\Assemblies\Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll"

        $sqlsrv = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Server($server)
        $outfile = $outfilepath + $name + "1.sql"
        $sqlsrv.Databases["$database"].$objects["$name"].Script() | Out-File $outfile

In the case of the above script, we return the script of the object that we pass in and note that we can enter both the object type ($objects) and the object name ($name). We also will see that the returned file will have a 1 attached to it. This is designed so that we can save our original object, such as view_MyView as view_MyView.sql while the scripted object will have a one attached to the name, such as view_MyView1.sql. Since we'll be changing the object from an original file, this file of the old object will allow us to see each object.

Let's create two stored procedures that we'll be comparing:




 ---- Returns the server name


The first procedure (without the comment) is the procedure that is live on the server and will be the procedure that we call our function Return-Object. The second procedure is the new procedure and we'll have it saved in the same directory, but without the 1 attached to its name, so as an example in this case, C:\Files\stpCompare.sql and C:\Files\stpCompare1.sql. In our simple comparison, we will want to compare these files together line-by-line and output an HTML file that shows the comparisons stacked next to each other.

Function Compare-Objects {
        , [string]$name
        $sqlfileone = $filepath + $name + "1.sql"
        $sqlfiletwo = $filepath + $name + ".sql"
        $sqlobject1 = Get-Content $sqlfileone
        $sqlobject2 = Get-Content $sqlfiletwo

        $htmlbody = "<html><head><title></title></head><body><p><table><tr><th>Existing T-SQL</th><th>New T-SQL</th></tr>"

        $column1 = $sqlobject1 | ForEach-Object {$x = 1} { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Line = $x;Html = "<tr><td>" + $x + "</td><td>" + $_ + "</td></tr>" }; $x++ }
        $column2 = $sqlobject2 | ForEach-Object {$x = 1} { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Line = $x;Html = "<tr><td>" + $x + "</td><td>" + $_ + "</td></tr>" }; $x++ }

        $columnhighlight = ""
        $lengthloop = $column2.Length
        $begin = 1

        while ($begin -le $lengthloop)
            $highlight1 = $column1 | Where-Object {$_.Line -eq $begin} | Select-Object Html
            $highlight2 = $column2 | Where-Object {$_.Line -eq $begin} | Select-Object Html

            ### If logic if lines are the same or not
            if ($highlight1.Html -ne $highlight2.Html)
                $columnhighlight += ($highlight2.Html).Replace("<td>","<td><b><i>").Replace("</td>","</i></b></td>")
                $columnhighlight += $highlight2.Html

        $tableone = $htmlbody + "<td><table><tr><th>Line Number</th><th>TSQL:</th></tr>" + $column1.Html + "</table></td>"
        $tabletwo = $tableone + "<td><table><tr><th>Line Number</th><th>TSQL:</th></tr>" + $columnhighlight + "</table></td></table></p></body></html>"

        $finalresult = $filepath + $name + ".html"
        $tabletwo | Out-File $finalresult -Force

Compare-Objects -filepath "C:\Files\" -name "stpCompare"

And our output when we call this with the other function:

code output

The above function loops through each line of the files and numbers the lines in one column of the HTML table while adding another column with the actual line of code, then saves that to an HTML table with the code and line numbers stacked side-by-side. What this function does not do is continue to go loop through the lines and measure if there is a line that exists on one file that is also present on another file, for an example if line 8 in the existing procedure had SELECT *, but in the new procedure that line was on line 10. This does highlight the differences overall using bold and italics and is useful for change summaries, especially if you're wanting a receipt of changes that were made, or if you're wanting to attach the HTML documents and have them emailed to the teams and managers making or monitoring the changes.

Next Steps
  • Consider that with source control, changes are tracked through the history. For an example, if we're using GitHub, we can click the history selection on an online repository and view past changes. In many cases though, source control may not be manager friendly, so providing a summary like the above in case of an issue can help.
  • The script is object independent as far as views, procedures and tables are concerned.
  • This is very useful for change and deployment accountability and summaries.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Tim Smith Tim Smith works as a DBA and developer and also teaches Automating ETL on Udemy.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

View all my tips

Comments For This Article

Friday, July 29, 2016 - 5:22:45 AM - Tim Back To Top (43002)

@mblixt Excellent; added to GitHub with you as a contributor.  If you're on there, send me your username and I can you to a repo for this.

Saturday, July 23, 2016 - 6:13:07 PM - mblixt Back To Top (42960)

very nice idea! I liked it so much I added some functionality like date and comparison to last written output on the fly without any access to an SQL to test against. (the idea was to have an scheduled job running this and only saving an output if it is was changed from last run..)

since I will very likely use this or something based upon this I post my drafts here. (once again - untested code against SQL so beware of bugs...)

Function Return-MSSQLObject{
    # from
    # added some error handling and such
        [ValidateLength(3,500)][string]$outfilepath = 'c:\sqlcompareobjects\',
        $nl = [Environment]::NewLine
        $criticalerror = $false
        $versioncode = ('100','110','120','130')
        $versionumber = ('2008R2','2012','2014','2016')
            #if the user did not specify a version
            $prepath = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\'
            $postpath = '\SDK\Assemblies\Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll'

            $foundversions = @()
            $versioncode | ForEach-Object {
                if(Test-Path ($prepath+$_+$postpath)){
                    Write-Host 'found an library'
                    $foundversions += $versioncode
                Write-Warning ('no libraries at all for SQL found under path {0} - aborting execution' -f $prepath)
                $criticalerror = $true
            elseif($foundversions.Count -gt 1){
                Write-Warning 'found more than one SQL installation - specify which one to use with the ''version'' parameter'
                $criticalerror = $true
                $version = $versionumber[$versioncode.indexof($foundversions[0])]
                Write-Host ('Adding libraries for SQL version {0}' -f $version)
                Add-Type -Path ($prepath+$foundversions[0]+$postpath)
            $path = $prepath+$versioncode[$versionumber.IndexOf($version)]+$postpath
            if(Test-Path $path){
                Write-Host ('Adding libraries for SQL version {0}' -f $version)
                Add-Type -Path $path
                Write-Warning ('Cannot find path {0} - aborting execution' -f $path)
                $criticalerror = $true
            $now = [datetime]::Now.Tostring('yyyyMMdd_HHmm') # ISO standard form of date time
            $sqlsrv = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Server($server)
            $outfile = $outfilepath + $name + '_' + $now + '.sql'
            $newitem = $sqlsrv.Databases["$database"].$objects["$name"].Script()
            $previousitempath = Get-ChildItem -Path $outfilepath | Where-Object {$_.Fullname -match ($name+'_\d{8}_\d{4}')} | Sort-Object {$_.LastWriteTime} -Descending |  Select-Object -first 1 -ExpandProperty FullName
                $create_a_new_item = $true
                $previousitem = Get-Content $previousitempath
                $newitem | Out-File $env:TEMP+'\'+$name
                $currentitem = Get-Content -Path ($env:TEMP+'\'+$name)
                if((Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $previousitem -DifferenceObject $currentitem | Select-Object SideIndicator -ExpandProperty SideIndicator).count -gt 0){
                    $create_a_new_item = $true
                    Remove-Item -Path $env:TEMP+'\'+$name -Force
                    Write-Host ('New and old object is the same - no need to write a new one')

                $newitem | Out-File $outfile
} # END Return-MSSQLObject

Function Compare-MSSQLObjects{
            try to compare the latest two files given its exported name
            taken from
            full credit of the code goes to Tim Smith, just expanded his code a bit
            .PARAMETER Path
            The path which the files will reside in
            .PARAMETER Name
            The base name of the files to look for
            Compare-MSSQLObjects -Path 'C:\Files\' -Name 'stpCompare'
            will look into the folder c:\files and try to find the two latest written files which fit the regex pattern stpCompare_\d{8}_\d{4}
            if not two files is found an error will occur and execution will be terminated, otherwise the files will be loaded into memory and converter to HTML and line for line
            compared, if they differ they will show up as BOLD in the right hand column output will be saved as an html file in the same folder as specified in Path
        [string]$Path= 'c:\sqlcompareobjects\',
        $lastfiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path | Where-Object {$_.Fullname -match ($Name+'_\d{8}_\d{4}')} | Sort-Object {$_.LastWriteTime} -Descending |  Select-Object -first 2 -ExpandProperty FullName
        if($lastfiles.count -ne 2){
            Write-Warning ('Sorry there is not two files in path {0} with the name {1} so comparison is impossible' -f ($Path,$Name))
            $newestfile = $lastfiles[0]
            $almostnewestfile = $lastfiles[1]

        $sqlobject2 = Get-Content $newestfile
        $sqlobject1 = Get-Content $almostnewestfile

        $dummy = $newestfile -match '\d{8}_\d{4}'
        $newestdate = $Matches[0]
        $dummy = $almostnewestfile -match '\d{8}_\d{4}'
        $almostnewestdate = $Matches[0]

        $htmlbody = '<html><head><title></title></head><body><p><table><tr><th>Existing T-SQL from '+$almostnewestdate+'</th><th>New T-SQL from '+$newestdate+'</th></tr>'

        $column1 = $sqlobject1 | ForEach-Object {$x = 1} { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Line = $x;Html = '<tr><td>' + $x + '</td><td>' + $_ + '</td></tr>' }; $x++ }
        $column2 = $sqlobject2 | ForEach-Object {$x = 1} { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Line = $x;Html = '<tr><td>' + $x + '</td><td>' + $_ + '</td></tr>' }; $x++ }

        $columnhighlight = ''
        $lengthloop = $column2.Length
        $begin = 1

        while ($begin -le $lengthloop)
            $highlight1 = $column1 | Where-Object {$_.Line -eq $begin} | Select-Object Html
            $highlight2 = $column2 | Where-Object {$_.Line -eq $begin} | Select-Object Html

            ### If logic if lines are the same or not
            if ($highlight1.Html -ne $highlight2.Html)
                $columnhighlight += ($highlight2.Html).Replace('<td>','<td><b><i>').Replace('</td>','</i></b></td>')
                $columnhighlight += $highlight2.Html

        $tableone = $htmlbody + '<td><table><tr><th>Line Number</th><th>TSQL:</th></tr>' + $column1.Html + '</table></td>'
        $tabletwo = $tableone + '<td><table><tr><th>Line Number</th><th>TSQL:</th></tr>' + $columnhighlight + '</table></td></table></p></body></html>'

        $finalresult = $path + $Name +'_comparing_outputs_'+$almostnewestdate+'_and_'+$newestdate + '.html'
        $tabletwo | Out-File $finalresult -Force
} #END Compare-MSSQLObjects

Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - 8:44:29 AM - Tim Back To Top (41917)


The error on System.Data.SqlClient indicates that the connection is invalid, or was terminated.

Monday, July 18, 2016 - 10:58:01 AM - Sujoy Back To Top (41908)



 Exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: Session Provider, error: 19 - Physical connection is not usable)

Friday, July 15, 2016 - 10:30:44 AM - Wanderlei Santos Back To Top (41897)

Great script, but it would be nice if we could report differences side-by-side like a unix 'diff -y' command. Compare-object is similar, but not side-by-side, and has other issues.


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