Easily Import CSV Files with R in SQL Server 2016

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To load csv files with just T-SQL is often a headache depending on the contents and the format of the csv files. In fact, according to MSDN, SQL Server does not officially support csv file bulk load operations.

"Comma-separated value (CSV) files are not supported by SQL Server bulk-import operations. However, in some cases you can use a CSV file as the data file for a bulk import of data into SQL Server."

There are two challenges:

  1. If a csv file is separated by, say a comma, and in some fields, say [Address] there are commas, then we cannot load the file unless we replace the field separator from a comma to another character, such as a vertical bar |.
  2. We need to manually create tables first before loading. When we continue to receive csv files with different number of fields, this can be tedious work.

Is there anyway that we can do to make csv file loading more efficient and pleasant?


With SQL Server 2016 R service, we can easily solve the two challenges mentioned above as R is very good at processing csv files due to its data analysis nature.

So here is the case scenario, followed up with the algorithm.

Case Description

In a folder, we have multiple csv files and we want to load each csv file into its corresponding staging table in a SQL Server instance. We do not care about data types for these staging tables, so all staging tables just have their columns set to varchar(300) data type. We also assume each csv file has its first line as the header line.

Here are the requirements for the file loading:

  • The only input to the loading process is the folder name where all the csv files are located.
  • Each staging table will be named after the csv file, for example, a csv file is name "employee salary.csv", the staging table will then be [csv].[employee salary], with [csv] as the schema.
  • The column names of each staging table are the same as the csv field names contained in the header line
  • .

Process Algorithm

To meet the requirements, we need to follow these steps:

  1. Find all .csv files under the specified folder, and save the full path name of each file in a table variable, let's call it @tblFile.
  2. Loop through @tblFile, read each file's first line with R to get the csv fields, save all the field names into a table variable, @tblColumn.
  3. Loop through @tblColumn to construct a dynamic SQL statement to create a table for each file, and then execute the dynamic statement.
  4. Loop through @tblFile to construct a dynamic SQL statement to read the csv file with R and insert the results into the corresponding table created in step 3.

Test Environment Setup

Assume we have a folder c:\MyTest\, which contains two .csv files and another two are just "noise" files to further test our solution's robustness.

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[Product List.csv] has the following contents:

"product name", category, "unit price"
glove, clothing, 5.0
apple, food,  2.0
wine,  alcohol, 12.99
bicycle, "personal transportation", 599.0

[Employee.csv] has the following contents:

firstname, lastname, Address, Phone
james, Smith, "123 Yellow Street, Seattle, WA", 111-222-3333
jenny, Chuang, "Unit 235, 333 Main Street, Vancouver, BC", 101-222-3334
David, Woods, "333 - 123 Ave, Surrey, BC", 
Linda, Woods,, 222-333-4444 

R Code

As per the requirements, we will first look at how to read files in a folder with R. If you have RStudio Desktop IDE installed, just run the following:

dir('c:/MyTest', pattern = "\\.csv$", full.names = T);

list files in a folder

Now, if we want to find the field names of a csv file, in our example, c:/test/employee.csv, we can do this in R as follows:

colnames(read.csv('c:/mytest/employee.csv', sep = ',', quote="\"", nrows=1, check.names=F))

get csv field names

To read a csv file in R, in our example, c:/test/employee.csv, it can be done as follows:

read.csv('c:/mytest/employee.csv', sep = ',', quote="\"", check.names=F)

read csv file

T-SQL Code

Now we will embed the above R code into the T-SQL code and make the whole logic work as per our requirements.

Please read the comments in the script together with the algorithm description.

-- function: given a folder, read all csv files in the folder and put them into staging tables
--         : the staging tables will be created automatically using file names without suffix
--         : each csv file will have a corresponding staging table under schema [csv]
--         : the columns will all be varchar (or nvarchar) type, and created dynamically

-- let's first crate a schema, called [csv] 
use TempDB;
if schema_id('csv') is null
 exec ('create schema csv');

If you want to drop all tables with [csv] schema, you can do this way

declare @sqlcmd varchar(max) ='';
select @sqlcmd += 'drop table [csv].[' + name + '];' + char(13) + char(10) 
from sys.tables
where schema_id = schema_id('csv')
print @sqlcmd;
exec (@sqlcmd)

-- in @folder, we specify the folder where csv files are located
declare @folder varchar(256) = 'c:/MyTest/';  -- we use / to replace -- define two table variables for storing file names and the csv fields
declare @tmpFile table  (fullname varchar(256) )
declare @tmpColumn table (filename varchar(256), colname varchar(256));

declare @fullname nvarchar(256);

-- first read file full names in the @folder
insert into @tmpFile (fullname) -- populate the table variable
EXECUTE [sys].[sp_execute_external_script] @language = N'R',
@script = N'file_list <- as.data.frame(dir(path=filefolder, pattern = "\\.csv$", full.name=T))' -- \\.csv$ means file with suffix as .csv
,  @output_data_1_name = N'file_list'  
, @params = N'@filepath varchar(256)'
, @filefolder = @folder 
--with result sets (([FilePath] varchar(256))) -- "insert  execute" cannot allow "with result sets" clause

-- read field names from each csv file
declare curF cursor for
select fullname 
from @tmpFile

open curF;
fetch next from curF into @fullname;
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0

 insert into @tmpColumn (colname)
 EXECUTE [sys].[sp_execute_external_script] @language = N'R'
 , @script = N'col_list <- as.data.frame(colnames(read.csv(filepath, sep=",", quote="\"", nrows=1, check.names=F)))' 
 , @output_data_1_name = N'col_list'  
 , @params = N'@filepath varchar(256)'
 , @filepath = @fullname;

 update @tmpColumn set [filename] = ltrim(rtrim(@fullname))
 from @tmpColumn
 where [filename] is null;

 fetch next from curF into @fullname;
close curF;
deallocate curF;

-- now let's create staging tables
-- each staging table is named after the csv file name but without .csv suffix
-- assuming we have [csv] schema

declare @sqlcmd varchar(max), @crlf char(2)=char(0x0d)+char(0x0a);
declare @tblname varchar(255);

declare curFile cursor for
select ltrim(rtrim(fullname)) from @tmpFile
open curFile;
fetch next from curFile into @fullname;

while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
    set @tblname = '[csv].[' + substring(@fullname, len(@fullname) - charindex('/',reverse(@fullname))+2, charindex('/',reverse(@fullname))-5 ) +']';
 set @sqlcmd = 'create table ' + @tblname + '('; 

 select @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + '[' + colname + '] varchar(300),' + @crlf    
 from @tmpColumn
 where [filename] = @fullname

 set @sqlcmd = substring(@sqlcmd, 1, len(@sqlcmd)-3) + ');'
 set @sqlcmd = 'if object_id(''' +@tblname + ''', ''U'') is not null' + @crlf + 'drop table ' +@tblname + @crlf + @sqlcmd;
 -- print @sqlcmd;
 fetch next from curFile into @fullname;

close curFile;
deallocate curFile;

-- now we can start to pull the data from the files
-- we will loop through @tmpFile, 
-- for each file, we will compose an "insert .. exec" sql statement for the corresponding staging table

declare curFile cursor for
select ltrim(rtrim(fullname)) from @tmpFile
open curFile;
fetch next from curFile into @fullname;

while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
    set @tblname = '[csv].[' + substring(@fullname, len(@fullname) - charindex('/',reverse(@fullname))+2, charindex('/',reverse(@fullname))-5 ) +']';
 set @sqlcmd = 'insert into ' + @tblname; 

 set @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + '
 EXECUTE [sys].[sp_execute_external_script] @language = N''R''
 , @script = N''result <- read.csv(filepath, sep=",", quote="\"")'' 
 , @output_data_1_name = N''result''  
 , @params = N''@filepath varchar(256)''
 , @filepath =''' + @fullname + '''' + @crlf;

 --print @sqlcmd;
 fetch next from curFile into @fullname;
close curFile;
deallocate curFile;

-- we can check the tables created
select schema_name(schema_id) as [schema], name from sys.tables
where schema_id = schema_id('csv');

After running the T-SQL code in a SSMS window, we can verify that two new staging tables were created and populated as shown below:

result verification

Pay attention to the following naming convention:

  • The table name is the same as the csv file name without the suffix.
  • The table column names are the same as the field names of the corresponding csv file.


Importing complex CSV files usually is tedious and labor intensive if using T-SQL directly, but with R integration in SQL Server 2016 this work becomes a breeze as demonstrated in the tip.

I consider R integration probably the most valuable new feature in SQL Server 2016 and it will change lots of traditional ways we usually do our work. For example, we previously rely on CLR functions for complex math or financial functions, now with R we can simply use many excellent R packages to do the same work, saving DBAs quite a bit of overhead managing those CLR objects.

Next Steps

Please read the following articles to learn more about R and think about whether you can use R to solve tasks at hand.

If you are interested in further expanding this tip, here is homework:

  • For a csv file with [N] fields, if I only want to import the first M (M <=N) fields, how can I do it?

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Jeffrey Yao Jeffrey Yao is a senior SQL Server consultant, striving to automate DBA work as much as possible to have more time for family, life and more automation.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

View all my tips

Comments For This Article

Saturday, October 2, 2021 - 9:41:08 AM - Andi Back To Top (89296)
Thanks Jeffrey - looks really helpful so am excited to get it working. However, like Adam the code runs for me but without creating any tables. Any tips? Thanks! Andi

Tuesday, October 13, 2020 - 12:07:10 PM - Adam Back To Top (86634)
Hello Jeffrey,

Thanks for your post and sharing your ideas for data pipelines.
when I run your code (import csv files with R and t-sql) the query is executed successsfully and I get this message "(0 rows affected)". when I look in tempDB I don't find any tables or any data. the code runs but creating no tables. should I do something extra?

I would be glad for your reply.
Thanks, Adam

Tuesday, July 9, 2019 - 10:18:54 AM - David Laplante Back To Top (81712)

figured it out!

the parameter defined in @params should be @filefolder instead of @filepath



Tuesday, July 9, 2019 - 10:10:00 AM - David Laplante Back To Top (81711)

Thanks for this!

I am running into the same issue as the previous commenter but do have a bit more details :).

Running the script fails on the first EXECUTE sys.sp_execute_external_script and says that it expects the parameter @filepath which was not provided

Thanks for any help you can provide!


Monday, February 25, 2019 - 7:25:44 PM - jeff_yao Back To Top (79126)

Thanks @Warren Davis for reading the tip and giving the feedback.

Have you tried to run the following from RStudio as mentioned in the tip? (Of course, you need to replace c:/MyTest with your own folder)

dir('c:/MyTest', pattern = "\\.csv$", full.names = T); 

Also are you sure that you can run sp_execute_external_script ? which requires some sp_configure change. Also please post the error message if you still have issues.

Sunday, February 24, 2019 - 2:16:28 PM - Warren Davis Back To Top (79109)

Hi Jeffrey,

Thank you for your post, this would really be an answer to a huge problem I have. unforatunately when I run the code above, I get the error below.

The parameterized external script expects the parameter '@filepath', which was not supplied.

The only change I made to the code was to replace 'c:/MyTest/' with the correct folder where my files are located. This fails on the first EXECUTE [sys].[sp_execute_external_script]

Any pointers you could give me would be very much appreciated.

Best wishes, Warren.

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