Exploring SQL Server Table Backup Methods

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There are times when a SQL Server DBA needs to backup (both schema and data) one or more tables out of a large database, so the table can be restored/recreated in another environment. What kind of methods can I use to backup a SQL Server table?


We know there is no native table backup command in SQL Server, only the backup database command. There can be many reasons why this is the case such as a table may be dependent on other tables via foreign key relationships, meaning a table’s schema integrity will be compromised if we only backup one table without its related tables.

But there are many times, a table is standalone or we do not care about anything other than the data and the table structure. In such scenarios, there is one common way to script out the table with the data. This can be done via SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), i.e. right-click the chosen Database > Tasks > Generate Scripts.

script table with data in SQL Server Management Studio

Follow the wizard and choose the Advanced scripting option, and in a new window, find the “Type of Data to Script” option and change the value to “schema and data” as shown below.

scripting options for Schema and Table in SQL Server Management Studio

This will ensure the generated T-SQL script contains both the schema and data.

There are some other ways such as querying the table and generating dynamic INSERT T-SQL statements, or using BCP utility to export data, please see the Next Steps section for more options.

In this tip, we will explore three other ways, each with its own pros and cons. Let's get started.

Test Data Preparation

We will first create a test environment within a database [TestDB] and then add a few tables populated with a few records.  Here is the code:

use Master;
-- create a [TestDB] database
create database TestDB
alter database TestDB set recovery simple;
-- create a few tables
use TestDB
if object_id('dbo.tblFK', 'U') is not null
drop table dbo.tblFK;
create table dbo.tblFK (id int primary key, a varchar(100));
if object_id('dbo.tblPowerShell', 'U') is not null
drop table dbo.tblPowerShell;
create table dbo.tblPowerShell (id int identity primary key
, a varchar(100), b decimal(10,2), d datetime, x xml
, f int references dbo.tblFK (id));
if object_id('dbo.tblDBCC', 'U') is not null
drop table dbo.tblDBCC;
create table dbo.tblDBCC (id int, a varchar(100), b decimal(10,2), d datetime, x xml, g uniqueidentifier);
if object_id('dbo.tblR', 'U') is not null
drop table dbo.tblR;
create table dbo.tblR (id int, a varchar(100), b decimal(10,2), d datetime, x xml);
-- populate tables
insert into dbo.tblFK (id, a) values (1, 'hello'), (2, 'world')
insert into dbo.tblPowerShell (a, b, d, x,f) 
values ('good', 11.11, GETDATE(), '<name>jeff</name>',1)
, ('morning', 22.22, GETDATE(), '<name>yao</name>',1)
insert into  dbo.tblDBCC (id, a, b, d, x, g) 
values (1, 'abc', 1.01, getdate(), '<product>tomato</product>', newid())
, (2, 'def', 2.02, getdate(), '<product>potato</product>', newid())

PowerShell + SMO Way

We can rely on SMO and PowerShell to script out a table and its data, it is actually pretty simple and straightforward.

The key point here is that there is a SMO Scripter class, and it has a method Scripter.EnumScriptWithList as demonstrated below:

#requires -version 3.0
# version=, means sql server 2016 version of the assembly
add-type -AssemblyName "microsoft.sqlserver.smo, version=, culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91";
#populate the following four variables
[string]$sql_instance = 'localhost\sql2016'; # default sql instance, change to your own instance name
[string]$target_db = "TestDB"; #database name where the to-be-scripted tables reside
[string[]]$tbl_list = 'dbo.tblPowerShell', 'dbo.tblDBCC'; # list of tables to be scripted out, must be in two-part naming convention
[string] $script_path = "c:\test\script.sql"; # file path for the script
$svr = new-object -TypeName "microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.server" -ArgumentList $sql_instance;
$scripter = new-object microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.Scripter $svr;
$scripter.Options.ScriptData = $true;
$scripter.Options.Indexes = $true; # script out index as well
$db = $svr.databases[$target_db]
if (test-path -Path $script_path)
{ del $script_path; }
$tbls = $db.Tables | ? {($_.schema +'.' +$_.name) -in $tbl_list}
$scripter.EnumScriptWithList($tbls) | out-file -FilePath $script_path  -append;

In this script, we need to populate the first four variables, which are self-evident in meaning. In this case, the generated file is at c:\test\script.sql, and if I open it, it looks like the following:

[id] [int] NULL,
[a] [varchar](100) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL,
[b] [decimal](10, 2) NULL,
[d] [datetime] NULL,
[x] [xml] NULL,
[g] [uniqueidentifier] NULL
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblPowerShell](
[id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[a] [varchar](100) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL,
[b] [decimal](10, 2) NULL,
[d] [datetime] NULL,
[x] [xml] NULL,
[f] [int] NULL,
[id] ASC
INSERT [dbo].[tblDBCC] ([id], [a], [b], [d], [x], [g]) VALUES (1, N'abc', CAST(1.01 AS Decimal(10, 2)), CAST(N'2017-04-04 14:44:18.217' AS DateTime), N'<product>tomato</product>', N'1d6e824d-62f8-4895-b99c-780519a62bb8')
INSERT [dbo].[tblDBCC] ([id], [a], [b], [d], [x], [g]) VALUES (2, N'def', CAST(2.02 AS Decimal(10, 2)), CAST(N'2017-04-04 14:44:18.217' AS DateTime), N'<product>potato</product>', N'30658329-2800-4488-b3d3-d48503717369')
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[tblPowerShell] ON 
INSERT [dbo].[tblPowerShell] ([id], [a], [b], [d], [x], [f]) VALUES (1, N'good', CAST(11.11 AS Decimal(10, 2)), CAST(N'2017-04-04 14:44:55.890' AS DateTime), N'<name>jeff</name>', 1)
INSERT [dbo].[tblPowerShell] ([id], [a], [b], [d], [x], [f]) VALUES (2, N'morning', CAST(22.22 AS Decimal(10, 2)), CAST(N'2017-04-04 14:44:55.890' AS DateTime), N'<name>yao</name>', 1)
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[tblPowerShell] OFF
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [idx_tblPowerShell] ON [dbo].[tblPowerShell]
[f] ASC

DBCC CloneDatabase + PowerShell Way

Since SQL Server 2014 SP2, SQL Server has a new DBCC CloneDatabase command. It can copy almost all SQL Server objects, including tables, but without table data. The cloned database will be created as a read-only database.

This method has four major logical steps:

  • Clone database via DBCC CloneDatabase, and then convert it to read-write status.
  • Drop (or disable) all foreign keys so you can only populate a child table without its parent table.
  • Use SMO Scripter object to script out data of the tables you need.  Note - we do not script out schema in this case, just data, and run against the clone database.
  • Drop all database objects (view, UDF, stored procedure, triggers, etc.) you do not want to keep (optional).
  • Backup the cloned database and then (optionally) drop the cloned database.

Here is the code, we will only backup two tables here as defined in $tbl_list variable

#requires -Version 4.0
add-type -AssemblyName "microsoft.sqlserver.smo, version=, culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91";
#populate the following four variables
[string]$sql_instance = 'localhost\sql2016'; # default sql instance, change to your own instance name
[string]$target_db = "TestDB"; #database name where the to-be-scripted tables reside
[string[]]$tbl_list = 'dbo.tblPowerShell', 'dbo.tblDBCC'; # list of tables to be scripted out, must be in two-part naming convention
[string]$bkup_file = 'c:\test\TempCloneDB.bak';
$svr = new-object -TypeName "microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.server" -ArgumentList $sql_instance;
$scripter = new-object microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.Scripter $svr;
$scripter.Options.ScriptData = $true;
$scripter.Options.ScriptSchema = $false; # script out index as well
$db = $svr.databases[$target_db]
$tbls = $db.Tables | ? {($_.schema +'.' +$_.name) -in $tbl_list}
#clone db
$svr.databases['master'].ExecuteNonQuery("dbcc clonedatabase($target_db, 'TempCloneDB');");
$svr.databases['master'].ExecuteNonQuery("alter database TempCloneDB set read_write, recovery simple;");
# need to drop or diable the FK to play safe
$fs = @();
$svr.Databases['TempCloneDB'].tables.ForEach( { $_.foreignKeys.foreach( {$fs += $_;}) } );
#if you want to drop other objects, like views, triggers, UDFs, other tables, you can do here
# the example here is to drop OTHER tables
$objs = @();
$svr.Databases['TempCloneDB'].tables.ForEach({ if (($_.schema+'.'+$_.name) -notin $tbl_list) {$objs += $_;} });
$objs.foreach( {$_.drop()});
# execute the insert script
#backup the database
$svr.Databases['master'].ExecuteNonQuery("backup database TempCloneDB to disk='$bkup_file' with init, compression;");
#drop the cloned database

In the code, I hard code the name (i.e. TempCloneDB) of the cloned database, but you can change it to what you like or change it to dynamic string, such as source database name + ‘_Cloned’, in my script case, it will be TestDB_Cloned.

If I do not drop the TempCloneDB, we can see there are exactly two tables (as defined in $tbl_list), while in the source db TestDB, wwe have all the tables.

tables in SQL Server Management Studio with DBCC CloneDatabase

R + T-SQL way

This is runnable only on SQL Server 2016 as we need to use R embedded inside T-SQL. However, the source table can be on any other SQL Server versions as long as the source SQL instances is accessible to the host SQL Server 2016 instance where the backup script can run.

RR can basically handle a few data types, logical (i.e. bit in SQL Server), numeric, character (or string), date and integer. As such, this limits the usage of this method when we try to back up a table, i.e. the table cannot have other data types, such as uniqueidentifier, otherwise, we will see an error “Unhandled SQL data type!!!”.

Here is the code, for simplicity purpose, both the source table and the backup script are on the same SQL Server 2016 instance. Please change the highlighted values to the proper values of your environment.

-- for backup
use master
-- change UID and pwd to your choice
--- currently, we have to rely on sql login instead of trusted connection to 
-- connect to the source table 
exec sp_execute_external_script @language=N'R'
, @script = N'library(RevoScaleR)
sqlConnStr <- "Driver=SQL Server;Server=localhost\\sql2016;Database=TestDB; UID=xyz; pwd=xyz"
sqlTable <- RxSqlServerData(connectionString = sqlConnStr,
                              table = "dbo.tblR", rowsPerRead = 50 )
rxImport(inData = sqlTable, outFile = "c:/test/mytable.xdf", overwrite = T, xdfCompressionLevel = 3)'

We can restore the table to another table in another SQL Server instance. For example, the following code restores from the c:\test\mytable.xdf to a new table [localhost\sql2014].[TestDB].[dbo].[tblR2]

exec sp_execute_external_script @language=N'R'
, @script = N'library(RevoScaleR)
sqlConnStr <- "Driver=SQL Server;Server=localhost\\sql2014;Database=TestDB; UID=xyz; pwd=xyz"
newTable <- RxSqlServerData(connectionString = sqlConnStr,
                              table = "dbo.tblR2")
rxDataStep(inData="c:/test/myTable.xdf", outFile = newTable, append = "rows", overwrite = T )'

After the restore, we can see the following on the [localhost\sql2014] instance, and it is exactly the same as the source table [locahost\sql2016].[TestDB].[dbo].[tblR]

Table and data from the source database

Table and data from the destination database

However, there is a catch here, the new table [dbo.tblR2] has different data types for columns from the original table [dbo.tblR] as shown below (even though the values are the same in string format), for example column [d] datetime is changed to [d] nvarchar(510), same is column [x], whose data type is changed from xml to nvarchar(510).

Data type comparison between the source and destination databases

So in a strict sense, this backup via R is not necessarily the real backup from a schema integrity perspective, however, if the table has columns with only numeric and nvarchar data types, this backup can be considered as a valid backup.


In this tip, we discussed three options to perform table level backups, i.e. with the backups, we can restore the table schema and data.

Each method has its own pros and cons, and in the following table, we list the major pros / cons of each option:

Method Pros Cons

SMO + PowerShell

Applicable to all scenarios

When a table has tens of thousands of rows, the generated script can be huge

DBCC CloneDatabase + PowerShell

Generate a database backup file, it is convenient if we need to backup a few big tables as the backup file can be compressed.

If we want only the tables we need, it would be a pain to clean up all other objects. Also the cloned database may contain multiple files, which we may not like.


Everything in T-SQL, and the backup file can be compressed so it is good for a backup of big tables.

The backup script should be run from a SQL Server 2016 instance and some data types cannot be used in the backup, such as the uniqueidentifier data type.

So each method may be preferred under some specific scenario, but to me SMO + PowerShell is the mostly adaptive way and is a truly backup of the table schema and data.

Next Steps

In the scripts for this tip, I just elaborate on the key points without focusing on the error handling, but if you want, you can enhance the error handling and also parameterize the function by creating a PowerShell advanced function to do the same work.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Jeffrey Yao Jeffrey Yao is a senior SQL Server consultant, striving to automate DBA work as much as possible to have more time for family, life and more automation.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Comments For This Article

Friday, April 21, 2017 - 2:29:51 PM - Fred Rosenberg Back To Top (55085)


Thank you for describing these options. One more might be to a) move over the schema (various ways, and the schema will be small in size), and b) use bulk export and then import methods to get data out of the source DB and into another environment. 

Here is a link with some more info on bulk import and export.



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