SQL Server NOLOCK Anomalies, Issues and Inconsistencies

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A whole category of performance problems in SQL Server finds its roots in the fact that, under the default isolation level, writers block readers. The READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level – also known as NOLOCK – is a common, though fundamentally flawed, approach to addressing this scenario.


There are several downsides to NOLOCK, and they are well-publicized, but I find they are often ignored by people who haven't experienced the issues first-hand. In this tip, I demonstrate a few different cases where the semantics around reading uncommitted data leads to incorrect results.

Skipping and Double-Counting Rows when using SQL Server NOLOCK

The first two problems, which are relatively easy to demonstrate, involve the way scans are performed under read uncommitted isolation. Specifically, if a row is moved to a new page, it can be counted twice, or not counted at all. The simplest way to demonstrate this is to cause page splits while a COUNT operation is being performed. We can start with the following simple table with 100,000 rows:


CREATE TABLE dbo.Largish
  id     int IDENTITY(1,1),
  filler char(512),
  gooid  uniqueidentifier NOT NULL DEFAULT NEWID(),

INSERT dbo.Largish(filler) 
  SELECT TOP(100000) LEFT(s1.[name],10)
  FROM sys.all_objects AS s1 
  CROSS JOIN sys.all_columns AS s2;

In one window:

DECLARE @double int = 0, @skipped int = 0, @proper_count int, @delta int;

SELECT @proper_count = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.Largish;

WHILE @double + @skipped < 2
  SELECT @delta = COUNT(*) - @proper_count FROM dbo.Largish WITH(NOLOCK);
  IF @delta <> 0
    IF @delta < 0
      PRINT 'Skipped rows: ' + CONVERT(varchar(6), ABS(@delta));
      SET @skipped = 1;
      PRINT 'Double-counted rows: ' + CONVERT(varchar(6), ABS(@delta));
      SET @double = 1;

Then, in a second window, run this update in a loop:

WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:00.500';
UPDATE dbo.Largish SET gooid = NEWID() WHERE id = CONVERT(int,(RAND()*99999)+1);
GO 100

Now, switch back to the first window, and watch the Messages pane for any output from the conditionals. The loop here will stop running as soon as there is at least one instance of missing rows and at least one instance of double-counting rows. Within a few seconds, this was my output:

The output quickly showed multiple cases where rows were either skipped or double-counted.

We're not adding or removing rows here; this is just an UPDATE. An UPDATE can't cause the count of rows in the table to change, so the COUNT() operation missed some rows (because a not-yet-read page was moved to an already-read point in the scan, or double-counted some rows (because a previously-read page was moved to a not-yet-read point in the scan). Note that COUNT() is the easiest way to demonstrate this, but it could happen with non-aggregate operations, too. Seeing a row repeated, or identifying a row that is missing, in a Management Studio grid containing around 100,000 or so rows is a little tougher.

The simple explanation here is that READ UNCOMMITTED does not force the scan to correct for data that has moved during the operation (in fact sometimes you get an error, Msg 601, when this movement has been detected).

Returning Corrupted Data when using SQL Server NOLOCK

There is another troubling symptom resulting from NOLOCK queries, and while it is similar to the above example, it is potentially far more dangerous. This time we can create a simple, one-row table, and populate the LOB columns with a large enough string that pushes the data onto multiple pages for both columns:


CREATE TABLE dbo.SingleRow
    RowID int NOT NULL,
    LOB1 varchar(max) NOT NULL,
    LOB2 varchar(max) NOT NULL,

INSERT dbo.SingleRow(RowID,LOB1,LOB2) VALUES(1,

In one session, run the following UPDATE in a loop. All this does is repeatedly update the data in these columns to alternately be XXXXX… or YYYYY…


DECLARE @AllXs varchar(max) = REPLICATE(CONVERT(varchar(max), 'X'), 16100),
        @AllYs varchar(max) = REPLICATE(CONVERT(varchar(max), 'Y'), 16100); 

WHILE 1 = 1
    UPDATE dbo.SingleRow
    SET LOB1 = @AllYs, LOB2 = @AllYs
    WHERE RowID = 1;

    UPDATE dbo.SingleRow
    SET LOB1 = @AllXs, @LOB2 = @AllXs
    WHERE RowID = 1;

In a second session, read the values with NOLOCK to see if there are any scenarios where the two values in a row don't match, or the value in a column isn't all X or all Y (both of which should not be possible).

DECLARE @bad_row int = 0, 
        @bad_tuple int = 0,
        @LOB1 varchar(max) = '',
        @LOB2 varchar(max) = '',
        @AllXs varchar(max) = REPLICATE(CONVERT(varchar(max), 'X'), 16100),
        @AllYs varchar(max) = REPLICATE( CONVERT(varchar(max), 'Y'), 16100);

WHILE @bad_row + @bad_tuple < 2
    SELECT @LOB1 = LOB1, @LOB2 = LOB2
      FROM dbo.SingleRow WITH(NOLOCK)
      WHERE RowID = 1;

    IF @LOB1 <> @LOB2 AND (@LOB1 IN (@AllXs,@AllYs)) AND (@LOB2 IN (@AllXs,@AllYs))
      -- corrupt row (one column before an update, one column after update)
      SET @bad_row = 1;
      PRINT 'Corrupt row. LOB1 = ' + LEFT(@LOB1, 10) + '...' + RIGHT(@LOB1, 10)
          + '..., LOB2 = ' + LEFT(@LOB2, 10) + '...' + RIGHT(@LOB2, 10);

    IF @LOB1 NOT IN (@AllXs, @AllYs) 
      -- corrupt tuple (one LOB page from before an update, one LOB page from after)
      SET @bad_tuple = 1;
      PRINT 'Corrupt value. LOB1 = ' + LEFT(@LOB1, 10) + '...' + RIGHT(@LOB1, 10);

Shortly, you should see output similar to the following:

The output clearly demonstrates NOLOCK reading rows and/or tuples that appear corrupt.
  • NOTE: Don't forget to kill the perpetual UPDATE script.

Now imagine you are pulling large documents, images, or XML, and using NOLOCK to avoid being blocked by write activity against the table. Would you like to print out a resume that has my educational background mixed with Paul White's work experience? That's a bit of an extreme and impractical example, but depending on the data you're trusting to be transactionally consistent within any given row or column, it is certainly possible.

Again, READ UNCOMMITTED does not force the read to confirm that it has the correct pages, all in the right transactional state, corresponding to any given row or even tuple. I want to give full credit to the inspiration behind this example to Paul White, who has written about isolation levels extensively.


NOLOCK is a tempting way to reduce reader-writer contention in a busy workload, but I have demonstrated here that all kinds of interesting phenomena can happen during read operations that are going to be unacceptable in many scenarios, and even catastrophic in some. Some of these phenomena are possible in other isolation levels too, but to solve the scenario of writers blocking readers, without losing any accuracy you would have only reading committed data, consider READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT isolation. It's not free, but it's a heck of a lot safer than NOLOCK, since it offers the latest committed version of any row at the time the query began.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Aaron Bertrand Aaron Bertrand (@AaronBertrand) is a passionate technologist with industry experience dating back to Classic ASP and SQL Server 6.5. He is editor-in-chief of the performance-related blog, SQLPerformance.com, and also blogs at sqlblog.org.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Comments For This Article

Monday, June 24, 2019 - 3:23:35 AM - Racim Boudjakdji Back To Top (81566)

As far as integrity is concerned, NOLOCK is just the tip of the iceberg.  Once you decide to handle integrity applicatively and not declaratively at design time, you are already swimming in the end of the data lake.

Friday, June 21, 2019 - 2:47:21 PM - Rick Dobson Back To Top (81543)

Thanks for sharing your wisdom with the SQL Server community through your tip as well as an earlier article on the topic as well as your answer to my specific concerns.


Rick Dobson

Friday, June 21, 2019 - 8:37:38 AM - Aaron Bertrand Back To Top (81538)

For varying definitions of "ok," sure. My opinion really doesn't matter though. In your environment, you need to determine if it's so important that those processes run successfully that it doesn't matter whether the results are actually accurate. I can't answer that for you. 

Thursday, June 20, 2019 - 4:30:11 PM - Rick Dobson Back To Top (81533)

I am replying because of an environment where I worked several years ago, and it was desirable to concurrently run queries on some tables, but it was super critical for some other production-like apps to run without blocking.  As a consequence, some tasks were run sequentially so as not to interfere with the production-like apps for loading data and performing other operations on a database.

Anyway, the program manager at the place was a big fan of NOLOCK.  Furthermore, the folks responsible for coding and running the production-like apps were constantly concerned that some other app would block their very long runs -- which were dependent on a mix of locally coded SQL and other parts of which were from a highly regarded vendor.

Bottom line: the queries were nice to have, but their absolute accuracy was not nearly as important as having successful runs of the production-like app.  In your opinion, is this a kind of situation one where READ UNCOMMITTED and nolocks would be ok?

For those following this exchange of messages, I am including an excerpt from the Paul White reference that you cited in your great tip.  Thanks so much for always insightful contributions to the SQL Server literature.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The primary advantages of read uncommitted isolation are the reduced potential for blocking and deadlocking due to incompatible locks (including unnecessary blocking due to lock escalation), and possibly increased performance (by avoiding the need to acquire and release shared locks).

The most obvious potential drawback of read uncommitted isolation is (as the name suggests) that we might read uncommitted data (even data that is never committed, in the case of a transaction rollback). In a database where rollbacks are relatively rare, the question of reading uncommitted data might be seen as a mere timing issue, since the data in question will surely be committed at some stage, and probably quite soon. We have already seen timing-related inconsistencies in the row-counting example (which was operating at a higher isolation level) so one might well question how much of a concern it is to read data "too soon."

Clearly the answer depends on local priorities and context, but an informed decision to use read uncommitted isolation certainly seems possible. There is more to think about though. The SQL Server implementation of the read uncommitted isolation level includes some subtle behaviours that we need to be aware of before making that "informed choice."

Thursday, June 20, 2019 - 10:23:06 AM - Aaron Bertrand Back To Top (81528)

Rick, sure, if you're ballparking and the risks I've mentioned are acceptable, you can ignore those risks. RCSI is still a safer approach though.

Thursday, June 20, 2019 - 9:13:00 AM - Rick Dobson Back To Top (81526)

Do you think that nolock has a use when the need is not for an absolutely correct count but an approximate one?

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