Setting up a Snowflake Account


To get started with Snowflake, you need to set-up an account through the Snowflake website. As mentioned, in the overview, using Snowflake is not through the Azure portal.

Register for a Trial Account

Simply click on the "Start for Free" button on the home page. In the form, fill out your information:

create account

In the account configuration, choose an edition to use. The documentation page has more information about the differences between edition. In short, the higher the edition, the more support and security you get (and the more you pay). For the tutorial, the Standard edition suffices.

configure account - edition

Next, choose the cloud provider you want to use. Although there should be no major differences, some features might not be available in all cloud providers. For the tutorial, choose Microsoft Azure.

choose cloud

Finally, choose a region close to where your data is:

choose Azure region

And that’s it!

trial sign up

Behind the scenes, Snowflake is setting up your account in the cloud provider of your choice. After about 15 minutes, you get an activation e-mail:

activation email

After clicking the activation link, you need to choose a username and a password:

choose username and pw

Click Get Started to get to your personal workspace:

snowflake worksheet

You’ll have a unique URL with your account name in it to access your Snowflake environment:

unique URL

During the account set-up, some sample databases were provided as well:

sample databases

View Account Information

By default, you’re logged in using the SYSADMIN role. However, to view and change account information, you need to switch to the ACCOUNTADMIN role, which is the super admin role.

change to account admin

This will give you an extra option in the workspace:

account button

There you can view your consumption, create extra security roles or manage resource monitors.

account admin space
Additional Information
  • For more information about trial accounts and how to convert them to a paid account, check out this page.

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