Using Change Tracking in SQL Server 2008

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In the tip "Using Change Data Capture (CDC) in SQL Server 2008", Ray Barley beautifully described what Change Data Capture is, how to configure it and how it works. On a similar note, there is a new feature in SQL Server 2008 called Change Tracking.

Change Tracking is a light-weight feature which provides a synchronization mechanism between two applications. In other words, it tracks a table for net DML (INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE) changes that occur on a table, so that an application (like a caching application) can refresh itself with just the changed dataset.

In this tip, I am going to discuss in detail about what Change Tracking is, how it works, how to configure it, an application scenario and how it differs from Change Data Capture.


Change Tracking is a new feature in SQL Server 2008, which allows an application to refresh itself with the latest/changed data from other sources. In other words, an application can pull only changed data since the last pull. When you enable change tracking for a table, an internal table is created by SQL Server to store the change information. Please note it will maintain only the net change information, which means if a record is changed more than once the tracking table will have information about the last change only.

Though it was possible to have a customized application (using triggers, timestamp columns and writing procedure for cleanup) for change tracking purposes in prior versions of SQL Server, you had to write hundreds of lines code to create such an application. With the built-in Change Tracking feature of SQL Server 2008, you just have to enable it and you are all set to use the change tracking functions. The advantages of using this feature are; you have reduced development time, no need for schema creation and modification, built-in tracking table cleanup and reduced overhead as compared to other alternatives like using triggers.

How it works

To enable Change Tracking for your table, you need to first enable it at a database level. So once you have enabled it on a database level, then you can individually choose which tables you want to be tracked and enable these tables (other than that you are not required to create triggers or tracking tables on your own).

SQL Server creates an internal table (the naming convention used is: change_tracking_<object_id>) which stores the net DML change information for that table, it means any DML operation occuring on that table will be recorded in this internal table (again only the net change). Since it's an internal table you cannot directly query it, hence SQL Server has provided change tracking functions (discussed below) for that purpose. Gradually the data in the tracking tables will grow, so SQL Server also provides settings for doing automatic clean up of these tables.

In order to enable Change Tracking on a table, it needs to have a primary key on it as this is required to identify the row in the tracked user table. When a DML operation happens on a Change Tracking enabled table, SQL server stores the primary key value along with the changed information (columns impacted and type of command issued for example INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE) in the internal tracking table. You can use these primary key values from the internal table using change tracking functions to join and pull records from the tracked/user table to get the latest data.

Change Tracking Functions

SQL Server provides a few change tracking functions to get change tracking information as given below:

  • CHANGETABLE - This function is one of the most important and frequently used functions for Change Tracking. It returns change tracking information either for a specific row or for all the rows. It accepts two parameter, the first parameter could be either CHANGE or VERSION along with table name. The second parameter could be either <PreviousSyncVersion> if you are using CHANGE or primary key values if you are using VERSION. This function returns a couple of different columns as discussed below:
Column Name Description
SYS_CHANGE_VERSION It represents the last version number when a particular row was updated.
SYS_CHANGE_CREATION_VERSION It represents the version number when a record was inserted. It will not be over-written as in case of SYS_CHANGE_VERSION.
SYS_CHANGE_OPERATION It represents the DML operations (I=INSERT, U=UPDATE and D=DELETE)
SYS_CHANGE_COLUMNS It represents all the columns impacted since last baseline version. This column will have values only for UPDATE operations and if columns are not impacted during update it will have NULL.
<primary key columns> It represents the primary key columns of your tracked user table. You can join your tracked user table with this columns to get only changed data from the tracked user table.
  • CHANGE_TRACKING_MIN_VALID_VERSION - This function returns the minimum valid version for a table after the change tracking information is available or retained. If this returns a higher value than your <PreviousSyncVersion>, you need to do a full pull from your tracking table.
  • CHANGE_TRACKING_CURRENT_VERSION - This function returns the current version after the last committed transaction at the database level. You will get NULL if you have not turned on Change Tracking at the database level.
  • CHANGE_TRACKING_IS_COLUMN_IN_MASK - The SYS_CHANGE_COLUMNS column in the table returned by CHANGETABLE function contains information in the binary format. CHANGE_TRACKING_IS_COLUMN_IN_MASK function takes two parameter, first one is the table name and second one is column name and will return 1 or 0 depending on whether that column was updated or not.
  • WITH CHANGE_TRACKING_CONTEXT - If you want to differentiate the changes being done by your own application compared to others you can use this statement with your DML operations.

How it differs from Change Data Capture

The basic differences are,

  • Change Tracking is a light-weight synchronous process designed to have very minimal impact on DML operations whereas Change Data Capture is an asynchronous process which reads the transaction log asynchronously in the background (also minimal impact on the system) to track and record the DML changes.
  • Since Change Tracking is a synchronous process, change information is available immediately after a commit whereas since Change Data Capture is an asynchronous process there might be some delay in recording.
  • Change Tracking only stores the fact that some DML operations have happened (no recording of changed data) whereas Change Data Capture stores both the fact that DML operations have happened and also its related data along with complete history.
  • Change Tracking has far less storage requirements than Change Data Capture.
  • Change Tracking does not require SQL Server Agent to be running whereas Change Data Capture requires SQL Server Agent to be running.

Usage Scenario

Consider a scenario where you have an ASP .Net application. You use caching to store master information, which are changed infrequently at your application layer, but you need to make sure you get only changed data when you query your database to refresh your cache. Another scenario would be in data warehousing application where you need to pull incremental data (net changes only) from your source. In these kind of scenarios, Change Tracking is very helpful.


Script #1 is a very simple script to set up an environment for Change Tracking testing. In this script I am creating a database and a table. Then I am inserting three records in the table.

--Script #1

USE master
USE LearningCT
FirstName VARCHAR(100),
LastName VARCHAR(100),
CurrentPayScale DECIMAL
INSERT INTO Employee(FirstName, LastName, CurrentPayScale)
('Steve', 'Savage', 10000),
('Ranjit', 'Srivastava', 12000),
('Akram', 'Haque', 12000)

Script #2 enables Change Tracking at the database level and then at the table level. When enabling Change Tracking at the database level, you can use the CHANGE_RETENTION (default 2 days) clause to specify a timeframe or period for which net DML change information for tracked user tables will be maintained in the tracking table and the AUTO_CLEANUP (default ON) clause to instruct SQL Server to cleanup the tracking table, keeping only net DML change information for the period specified with CHANGE_RETENTION.

You can also change this setting later if required after enabling Change Tracking. If you disable it, the tracking table will keep on growing. At the table level, if you set TRACK_COLUMNS_UPDATED (default OFF) to ON, additional information about the impacted columns will be stored in an internal tracking table which improves performance by allowing applications to pull data for impacted columns only, though it has additional storage requirements to store this information.

--Script #2

--Enabling Change Tracking at Database Level
--AUTO_CLEANUP -> With this option you can switch ON or OFF automatic 
--tracking table clean up process
--CHANGE_RETENTION -> With this option, you can specify the time frame 
--for which tracked information will be maintained

--Enabling Change Tracking at Table Level
--TRACK_COLUMNS_UPDATED -> With this option, you can include columns 
--also whose values were changed

Script #3 demonstrates the system tables which provide information about Change Tracking. Table sys.change_tracking_databases shows a row for each database if Change Tracking is enabled for it whereas sys.change_tracking_tables shows a row for each table if it has Change Tracking enabled in the current database only.

As I mentioned before SQL Server creates an internal tracking table, if you want to know more about it you can query the sys.internal_tables system table. Note the naming convention for internal tracking tables, the naming convention is: change_tracking_<table object id> as shown below.

--Script #3

SELECT * FROM sys.change_tracking_databases 
SELECT * FROM sys.change_tracking_tables
SELECT * FROM sys.internal_tables
WHERE parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID('Employee')

Query result:

Using Change Tracking feature of SQL Server 2008 Img1

Script #4 shows you, how you can use the CHANGE_TRACKING_CURRENT_VERSION function to get the current version number at the database level, possibly the higher boundary for retained change information. The other function, CHANGE_TRACKING_MIN_VALID_VERSION gives the minimum version after the information for a table change has been retained or lower boundary for a table change information. Further I am using the CHANGETABLE function to retrieve change information after version 0. Since I have not performed any DML operations yet after enabling Change Tracking, you can see this function returns no records.

-- Script #4


Query result:

Using Change Tracking feature of SQL Server 2008 Img2

Script #5, I am performing some DML operations. Now the CHANGE_TRACKING_CURRENT_VERSION function returns 3, because 3 DML operations have been performed after enabling Change Tracking.

CHANGE_TRACKING_MIN_VALID_VERSION still returns 0 indicating the change information has been retained after version 0 for table Employee.

Next I am querying from the CHANGETRACKING function by passing the minimum valid version and this time this function returns all the change information after that specified version. You don't need to pass minimum valid version always, you can pass any version number between the minimum valid version and current version and this function will give you change information if there is any changes between these boundaries. You can see the last statement where I am passing 1 as the previous version number to get all changes after that version.

-- Script #5

INSERT INTO Employee(FirstName, LastName, CurrentPayScale)
VALUES('Ahmad', 'Jamal', 10000)

WHERE EmployeeID = 2

UPDATE Employee
SET CurrentPayScale = 15000, FirstName = 'Akramul'
WHERE EmployeeID = 3


Query result:

Using Change Tracking feature of SQL Server 2008 Img3

Query result:

Using Change Tracking feature of SQL Server 2008 Img4

Script #6 shows you how you can retrieve all DML changes and the latest data after a specified version number. I am assuming, my caching application has been refreshed up to version 1 and hence I need only changes that happened after version 1. That's the reason I have assigned 1 to @PreviousVersion to pull change information after this version.

-- Script #6

-- Get all DML changes (Inserts, Updates and Deletes) after the previous synchronized version 
DECLARE @PreviousVersion bigint
SET @PreviousVersion = 1
Emp.FirstName, Emp.LastName, Emp.CurrentPayScale,
FROM CHANGETABLE (CHANGES Employee, @PreviousVersion) AS CTTable
ON emp.EmployeeID = CTTable.EmployeeID

Query result:

Using Change Tracking feature of SQL Server 2008 Img5

So far I have shown you how change tracking information is stored and how you can retrieve all the DML changes (and its related data from the tracking user table) after the specified version, as you know an update can impact one or more columns of a table. So once you are aware a record has been updated, you would like to know which columns of the row have been updated.

Script #7 shows you the use of the CHANGE_TRACKING_IS_COLUMN_IN_MASK function to check which columns have been impacted in the row update. This way your caching application will refresh only impacted columns and not all the columns of the changed row.

-- Script #7

-- Get column information impacted during updates
DECLARE @PreviousVersion bigint

SET @PreviousVersion = 1

   [CurrentPayScaleChanged?] = CHANGE_TRACKING_IS_COLUMN_IN_MASK(COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('Employee'), 'CurrentPayScale', 'ColumnId'), SYS_CHANGE_COLUMNS)
FROM CHANGETABLE (CHANGES Employee, @PreviousVersion) AS CTTable
ON emp.EmployeeID = CTTable.EmployeeID

Query result:

Using Change Tracking feature of SQL Server 2008 Img6

You would like to refresh your caching application data only if it has been updated by other applications. In other words, you want to differentiate the originator changing your source data.  For this you can use the WITH CHANGE_TRACKING_CONTEXT statement.

Script #8 shows you how you can specify the change context while performing DML operations.

-- Script #8

-- specifying a context while changing the records
DECLARE @RequesterAppID varbinary(128) = CAST('MyCachingAppID' AS varbinary(128));
UPDATE Employee
SET CurrentPayScale = 20000
WHERE EmployeeID = 1 

--The internal tracking table will store, associted context as well

Query result:

Using Change Tracking feature of SQL Server 2008 Img7

Script #9 shows you how you can disable Change Tracking. Note: before disabling Change Tracking on a database level, you need to disable it first on all tables of the database if it has been enabled. To see if a database or a table has Change Tracking enabled, refer to Script #3.

--Script #9

--Disabling Change Tracking at Table Level

--Disabling Change Tracking at Database Level

Apart from using T-SQL to enable Change Tracking, you can also use SSMS to enable it on a database level as well as on table level. For a database, go to Database-> [user-database] -> Properties -> click on Change Tracking page on left side and you will see options similar to the options shown below.

Using Change Tracking feature of SQL Server 2008 Img8

For a table, go to Database-> [user-database] -> Tables -> [user-table] -> Properties -> click on Change Tracking page on the left side and you will see options similar to the options below.

Using Change Tracking feature of SQL Server 2008 Img9


  • You need to have a primary key on a table in order to enable Change Tracking. If you try to drop a primary key constraint after enabling Change Tracking, you will get an error.
  • Primary key update is not treated as update, but rather it will be treated as deletion of old value and insertion of new value in case of Change Tracking.
  • You need to enable Change Tracking on a database level first then you can enable it on a table level.
  • In order to disable Change Tracking on a database level, you need to disable it on all tables, within specified database, if they have Change Tracking enabled.
  • Change Tracking works properly only if a database has a compatibility level 90 or higher.
  • Similar to the Filtered Index, you cannot specify a filter predicate on a table for Change Tracking.
  • Column adds and drops will not be tracked (no DDL), only the updates to the column are tracked.
  • If you perform TRUNCATE on Change Tracking enabled table, no tracking is done for the records deleted, but rather a minimum valid version is updated and your application data will need to be re-initialized.
  • Change Tracking puts extra overhead on DML operations as additional information is also recorded as part of the DML operation. Though it has been designed to have minimal impact compared to other alternatives to track changes.
  • As discussed above, an internal table is created (created in the same file group as the user table) for each Change Tracking enabled table. Also one internal transaction table is created in the database which stores one row for each committed transaction. Hence you will have additional storage requirements for these internal tables.

Use of snapshot isolation level is highly recommended to have consistent change tracking information.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Arshad Ali Arshad Ali is a SQL and BI Developer focusing on Data Warehousing projects for Microsoft.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

View all my tips

Comments For This Article

Monday, November 4, 2019 - 3:17:03 AM - Karan Back To Top (82961)

Very helpful, Great job. Thanks.

Monday, December 29, 2014 - 12:07:27 PM - Rose K Back To Top (35781)

Great article, you can also check this 2 parts article on SQL Server Chnage tracking , Part 1 -
and Part 2

Sunday, November 23, 2014 - 12:16:03 AM - Zeeshan Hanif Back To Top (35374)

Very Nice Article. Well Explained. Keep up the good work!!!



Zeeshan Hanif

Thursday, November 20, 2014 - 10:32:42 AM - Scott Back To Top (35355)


We are building a data warehouse and would like to use change tracking for our slowly changing dimension tables. 

The change tracking at column level works fine on the live server but on our replicated copy that we will use to build the warehouse on every update the sys_change_columns is null even if only one column was updated. Is it possible to get column level data on a replicated copy or is it due to the way in which replication us executing and the whole row is being updated? 

Many thanks,


Tuesday, November 4, 2014 - 11:47:56 PM - Amit Pandey Back To Top (35183)

Arshad, You worked pretty hard to include the information very clear and comprehensive. Very good effort.

Please fix the folowing you have mentioned in the article above.

"Next I am querying from the CHANGETRACKING function"
I feel you mean to say the CHANGETABLE FUNCTION.

Amit Pandey
DBA - Scalability Engineers.

Thursday, August 14, 2014 - 6:48:01 AM - Niraj Back To Top (34125)

Excellent Article.....It hepls to improve the auditing of database....

Thank you !!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - 8:05:24 AM - ghasem k Back To Top (32391)

Very Simple & Nice Document


Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - 10:22:35 PM - Santanu Back To Top (27410)

Hi Paulette,


Sounds like you are using 0 as the previous version in the CT function. That's why it is giving the net change from version 0, ie when the table was empty or when CT was 1st initialized.

You need to store the current version ID at the end of your data-pull in some config table and use that as the previous version id in the subsequent datapull. We do a similar thing, we even go to the cell level (individual item that changed). Let me know if the below dummy code makes sense...



Col.TABLE_NAME As Table_Name 
/*These two are PK of the source table */

/*Indicates I/U/D*/


/*Returns Current version which is stamped to a config table at the end of datapull
Used in the next pull as the @PreviousVersion */


/*Actual column name from Information Schema*/

,Col.COLUMN_NAME As Column_Name 
into #tmpCT_Test 

SELECT CTTable.Code  
, CTTable.SYS_CHANGE_OPERATION As Operation,  
CTTable.SYS_CHANGE_VERSION As Current_Version,  
CTTable.SYS_CHANGE_COLUMNS As Change_Columns 
FROM CHANGETABLE (CHANGES tblCT_Test, @PreviousVersion) AS CTTable 
LEFT  JOIN tblCT_Test AS Emp 
ON emp.Code = CTTable.Code 
) Src  
And COl.TABLE_NAME = 'tblCT_Test'  -- This is the table name on which the CT is enabled
AND @CurrentVersion > @PreviousVersion  -- @Prev version taken from config table
AND Operation = 'U'  -- Take only the updates

Select * From #tmpCT_Test











Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - 3:21:03 PM - Paulette Eimer Back To Top (27405)

We are trying to set up Change Tracking and have run into an issue. We get inserts fine. We get deletes fine. We get updates ONLY if the row has been in the source table for a while. If we insert a row (the insert shows up in the CT table) then we UPDATE that row...No update shows in the CT table but the insert is still there. It is critical that we be able to expose all transaction activity. I have been searching the net for days now and can't find a solution. Any advice?  Thank you!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013 - 2:51:31 AM - SD Back To Top (27238)

Brian - can you not create a table say Extract_Customer which is the result of all the joins and use that as a source with CT to synchronize your destination Customer table?

Otherwise, CT is not an ideal solution to this problem as you'd need to figure out the unchanged value if any of the contributing tables in the join dont change.

Friday, March 15, 2013 - 8:11:08 PM - Bryan Back To Top (22821)

I have a question about Change Tracking (CT). I have been using CT for several months and am very excited about the results I have so far. But I have ran into a few limitations. The issue is "many tables to one table". Our OLTP db has everything normalized. Our OLAP has everything de-normalized for data marts, reporting and data modeling. I am running into very complex nested CT function calls just to find out if an attribute has been updated on a 3-4 level join back to destination primary key. See example:

Customer is the destination

Person is the primary from OLTP

PersonAddress from OLTP

Address from OLTP

PersonPhone from OLTP

PersonPhoneType from OLTP


Each table has CT enabled, each table requires the tracking of a ChangeOperation. But if a middle row is deleted, the join back to Person can be lost. This would result in a update rolling up back to the parent primary key.


If this makes senses to anyone, do you have an suggestions or articles that cover a more complex solution with CT and "many tables to one"?






Tuesday, February 12, 2013 - 10:07:10 AM - sreeni Back To Top (22071)

This is simillar to the Oracle Golden Gate which does capture changes on a table without using triggers.




Monday, January 21, 2013 - 10:39:47 PM - Naibedya Kar Back To Top (21608)

Nice one.

Will implement this in my applications. 

Saturday, January 5, 2013 - 12:19:29 PM - manoj Back To Top (21271)


Terrific Article .



Saturday, December 8, 2012 - 11:51:19 AM - varsha Back To Top (20825)

Very nice article.

Friday, September 14, 2012 - 4:03:08 AM - gmjhed28 Back To Top (19510)

Hi This is a great article i already tried this and it works fine. I just got one question.

can we exclude Insert when tracking transactions?  i work on a limited harddisk space server

and it will use a lot of harddisk space if i include the Insert transaction tracking.

Is this possible? please let me know.... thanks!!!


Thursday, June 7, 2012 - 7:37:00 AM - Nitin Back To Top (17832)

great article

Friday, May 25, 2012 - 9:58:01 AM - George Back To Top (17659)

I'm looking for a history solution for tracking changes made to the data in a table without having to use triggers or stored procedures. This feature on SQL 2008 looks promising however; during my testing on my own tables, I don't get a history of a row that's been updated several times. I only get the last update with the latest sys_change_version. Is there a way to show more changes for a row that's been updated several times?



Thursday, May 17, 2012 - 11:29:18 AM - Arshad Back To Top (17501)

Hi Sourabh,

Change Tracking tracks a table for net DML (INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE) changes that occur on a table and will not help in your scenario; You should consider using event notification or extended events for database level event tracking:

Thursday, May 17, 2012 - 6:17:44 AM - saurabh vaish Back To Top (17497)


Thanks for this article it hepls me alot. I have a question in my mind. I was working on a database in my organization for investigation purpose. One day somebody dropped a table from that database. Is it possible to find out some information from logs that are maintained in SQL Sever 2008:--

1. Who dropped that table

2. When was it dropped

3. What was the name of that table

Would appriciate if you help me out in this.



Saurabh Vaish

Email id- [email protected]


Monday, April 30, 2012 - 2:00:10 PM - Roger Gray Back To Top (17211)

Terrific article.  Clearly put. I've been working with SQL2008 CT since 2008.  Wish I had this article back then.

Monday, March 26, 2012 - 5:51:07 PM - Jay Back To Top (16622)

This was an excellent article!

Previously I was reading some MS documentation information on Change tracking and I got lost! before reaching the middle-point.

I can't wait to try this out;

Thanks again


Tuesday, January 10, 2012 - 5:32:23 AM - Arshad Back To Top (15585)

Thanks Darold for your encouragement, yes I do keep on writting can find more tips from me here


Monday, January 9, 2012 - 11:46:30 PM - Darold Back To Top (15580)
I just hope whoever wirtes these keeps writing more!

Monday, February 7, 2011 - 2:27:21 PM - Algae Back To Top (12863)

The article was of great help! Thank you.

I have one question for anyone that can help. If you have Change Tracking enabled on various tables, then set up a publication/subscription I noticed that the first time you perform merge replication the Change Tracking on tables where it was enabled are then disabled! I assume this happens when the rowGuid columns are added. Is there any way to prevent the Change Tracking being disabled during this process? The database Change Tracking setting is unaffected, just the individual tables.

It seems to me that adding a column should not affect the Change Tracking table property.

Thursday, January 20, 2011 - 6:53:38 AM - vinay Back To Top (12644)

easy to understand

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