Issues replicating XML data types for databases in SQL Server 2000 compatibility mode

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We have a legacy application that was not certified for SQL 2005, so we were running it on a SQL 2005 server using SQL 2000 compatibility mode. The in house development team is increasing functionality by writing custom code around the existing tables and have created some tables of their own. One thing they missed was the SQL 2000 compatibility mode and they have created tables with XML data types, which is allowed in SQL 2005 on databases running in 2000 compatibility mode. The compatibility mode is for syntax and not features which I can understand why this was allowed. The downside is this table will not replicate, it fails trying to generate the snapshot with the following error "Script failed for Table dbo.TableName".


Looking into replication monitor I was able to find a little more detail and I saw this line which clued me into what the problem was:

"Message: Either the object or one of its properties is not supported on the target server version".

With that said, I was assuming replication was not able to support this configuration of SQL 2005 with databases running in SQL 2000 compatibility mode. After looking into the situation deeper, I found a property of the article I could change to get this to work. It was called "Convert XML to NTEXT" and while I am mentioning this there is also a property called "Convert MAX data types to NTEXT" that would also resolve issues with VARCHAR(MAX) and VARBINARY(MAX). These default to false as seen below.

Default Article Properties

After changing to TRUE I was able to generate and apply the snapshot without error:

Modified Article Properties

These article properties are accessible by going to "Properties" of the publication -> Articles --> Show Properties of highlighted article through SSMS:

Publication Properties

Now the snapshot generation process is successful as shown below:

Snapshot Generation

One thing to note, the publisher has XML as the data type that was originally defined for the table, but the subscriber has NTEXT:

Publisher Table

Subscriber Table

Here is a copy of the script file that the snapshot agent generated so you can see the data type in the script:

drop Table [dbo].[TestXML]
 [ID] [int] NOT NULL,
 [XMLDataType] [ntext] NULL

In summary when mixing replication and SQL Server versions, be aware of data types that are supported/unsupported and look into your replication agent properties to see if there are options to overcome these errors.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Chad Churchwell Chad Churchwell is a SQL Server professional specializing in High Availability, Disaster Recovery, and Replication.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Comments For This Article

Monday, July 1, 2013 - 12:08:59 PM - Chad Churchwell Back To Top (25651)

Both the publisher and subscriber were SQL Server 2005 with the publisher in SQL 2000 compatibility mode and the subscriber is 2005 compatibility mode if I remember correctly

Monday, July 1, 2013 - 9:37:46 AM - Ani Back To Top (25647)

Good article. What was the server version and database compatibility mode on the subscriber?

Monday, May 6, 2013 - 2:01:47 PM - Anand Back To Top (23744)

Good one Thanks!!

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