Convert Excel Forms into InfoPath Forms

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There may be times when users have created forms in Excel or Word, but we need them in SharePoint in a web-based version. How can I handle that easily using InfoPath? (read more...)


The solution is to use InfoPath's import feature which can convert forms from Excel/word.

I have an Excel form which looks like the following:

purchase order

Now open an instance of InfoPath 2007 and you can see an option of "Import a form". Click on it.

recently used forms

You will be prompted for a destination type from where you want to import a form. It could be either an Excel or Word form. For now, select "InfoPath importer for Excel workbooks"

import wizard

Click on Browse to select the Excel form file.

import wizard

Click on options, to customize the default options (for instance, whether you want to detect repeating tables or not, to convert cells containing formulas to textbox and others). For now, leave the default settings and click OK.

import options

Click on 'Finish' and now you can see that InfoPath has created a similar kind of structure and relative fields in the form structure.

purchase order

This is a great method of having your users design a form in a tool they are familiar with, while minimizing your development time.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Rahul Mehta Rahul Mehta is a Project Architect/Lead working at Tata Consultancy Services focusing on ECM.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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