By: Eli Leiba | Comments (6) | Related: > Backup
You want to remove old SQL Server backup files (older than X days) from the backup folder to free drive space. You want to do this using T-SQL and not by using a Maintenance Plan or a Windows Scheduled Task. The advantage of using T-SQL is that you can keep the administrative tasks inside the database server and keep as part of a database back up when you backup the database. How can this be accomplished using T-SQL?
I chose a solution that creates a stored procedure called usp_DeleteOldBackupFiles. The procedure gets the backup files folder location (@BackupFolderLocation), the files suffix (@FilesSuffix either BAK or TRN which are the standard for database and log backup files) and the number of days old (@DaysToDelete) to delete the files (this is based on the files modified date).
For example: if a BAK file has a modified date of 03/09/2016 (mm/dd/yyyy format) and the current date is 03/14/2016 then if the @DaysToDelete = 6 the file will not be deleted. If @DaysToDelete = 4 the file will be deleted.
Since the procedure calls the DOS command (forfiles.exe), xp_cmdshell needs to be enabled.
Enable SQL Server xp_cmdshell
use master go exec sp_configure 'show advanced options',1 go reconfigure with override go exec sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',1 go reconfigure with override go
You should get the following messages in SSMS after running the above.
Configuration option 'show advanced options' changed from 0 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install. Configuration option 'xp_cmdshell' changed from 0 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.
Windows FORFILES command to delete SQL Server Backups
This FORFILES statement executes a command on a file or set of files.
The general syntax of the statement is:
forfiles [/p <path>] [/m <searchmask>] [/s] [/c "<command>"] [/d [{+|-}][{<date>|<days>}]]
We will use the suffix parameter as the search mask /m switch, the folder parameter as the path /p switch and the days parameter as the given value to the /d switch.
Stored Procedure to Delete Old SQL Server Database Backups
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_DeleteOldBackupFiles ( @BackupFolderLocation VARCHAR(30) ,@FilesSuffix VARCHAR(3) ,@DaysToDelete SMALLINT ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @delCommand VARCHAR(400) IF UPPER (@FilesSuffix) IN ('BAK','TRN') BEGIN SET @delCommand = CONCAT('FORFILES /p ' , @BackupFolderLocation, ' /s /m ' , '*.' , @FilesSuffix , ' /d ' , '-' , ltrim(Str(@DaysToDelete)), ' /c ' , '"' , 'CMD /C del /Q /F @FILE', '"') PRINT @delCommand EXEC sys.xp_cmdshell @delCommand END END GO
Example using procedure to delete SQL Server backup files
We want to remove all the .BAK files from folder C:\SQL\Backup and all its sub-folders. We want to remove all .BAK files older than 10 days. The modified date attribute has to be 10 days older than the current date.
use northwind go EXEC usp_DeleteOldBackupFiles @BackupFolderLocation='c:\SQL\Backup', @FilesSuffix='bak', @DaysToDelete=10
The result will be all files with a suffix BAK older 10 days from current date are deleted. The stored procedure also prints the command in the messages tab in SSMS and would look like this:
FORFILES /p c:\SQL\Backup /s /m *.bak /d -10 /c "CMD /C del /Q /F @FILE"
Things to note:
- The procedure was tested with SQL Server 2012 and SQL Server 2014 Developer editions.
- The xp_cmdshell option needs to be enabled. If the option is not enabled you will get the following error message: Msg 229, Level 14, State 5, Procedure xp_cmdshell, Line 1 The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'xp_cmdshell', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'.
- If the backup folder directory does not exist then nothing occurs (nothing deleted)
- If no BAK or TRN files older than X days exist then nothing occurs (nothing deleted)
- Suffix allowed values are BAK and TRN. This protects from accidental deletion of other types of files.
- A good practice will be to deny execution on this procedure to all database users except the DBA (for security reasons).
Next Steps
- Check out these other backup tips
- Review the SQL Server Backup Tutorial
About the author
This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.
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