Eli Leiba

Eli Leiba
Eli Leiba is a senior application DBA, a teacher and a senior database consultant with 19 years of RDBMS experience.

Eli Leiba is a senior application DBA at Israel Electric Company, a teacher at Microsoft CTEC, and a senior database consultant. With 19 years of experience working with both SQL Server and Oracle RDBMS. He is certified in Oracle and SQL Server database administration and implementation and has a B.S. in Computer Science. He can be reached at: [email protected].
2019 Awards   MSSQLTips award   MSSQLTips award

2018 Awards   MSSQLTips award

2017 Awards   MSSQLTips award   MSSQLTips award

2016 Awards   MSSQLTips award

Category Tip Title
Backup Delete old SQL Server backup files with a Stored Procedure
Backup Script to delete old SQL Server Backup Files Using MSDB Backup History Data
Backup SQL Server Script to Automatically Split Database Backups into Multiple Backup Files
Backup SQL Server Script to Determine Free Space Prior to SQL Server Backup
Backup Validate a SQL Server Backup can be Restored
Compression SQL Server Data Compression Storage Savings for all Tables
Compression SQL Server Stored Procedure to Calculate Database Backup Compression Ratio
Compression SQL Server Stored Procedure to Compress Non Partitioned Tables
Constraints Find Violating SQL Server Foreign Key Values
Database Administration Find SQL Server data and log files that are almost out of space
Database Administration Find the Last Windows Server Reboot Time and Last SQL Server Restart
Database Administration Script to Drop and Delete Offline SQL Server Databases and Data Files
Database Administration Script to Find SQL Server Windows Login Expiration Date
Database Administration Shrink SQL Server Transaction Log for all Databases
Database Configurations Saving storage space alternative for rarely used decimal columns for SQL Server Tables
Database Console Commands DBCCs Script to quickly find SQL Server DBCC CHECKDB Errors
Dynamic Management Views and Functions Creating IO performance snapshots to find SQL Server performance problems
Encryption SQL Server Credit Card Encryption and Decryption
Encryption SQL Server Function to Encrypt Integer Values
Error Logs SQL Server Script to Search Through All Error Logs
Functions System Script to calculate the Median value for SQL Server data
Functions User Defined UDF Create a SQL Server InitCap Function
Functions User Defined UDF SQL Server function to check dynamic SQL syntax
Identities SQL Server Current Identity Value Report for All Tables
Import and Export Simple Image Import and Export Using T-SQL for SQL Server
Indexing Script to Disable Non Used SQL Server Indexes
Indexing Script to identify all non-indexed foreign keys in a SQL Server database
Locking and Blocking Altering lock escalation for SQL Server tables
Monitoring Function to quickly find the worst performing SQL Server Stored Procedures
Monitoring Simple free drive space alert for SQL Server databases
Monitoring SQL Server Function to Measure CPU Usage Per Database
Monitoring SQL Server Memory Usage Query
Monitoring SQL Server Table Size Report
Performance Tuning Disk Latency for SQL Server Database and Transaction Log Files
Performance Tuning SQL Server Internal Query Cardinality Estimator Information
PowerShell Find current running SQL Server queries with a PowerShell script
Profiler and Trace Use SQL Server Default Trace to Find Errors
Restore Simple Procedure to Make a Copy of a SQL Server Database
Scripts Script to attach multiple SQL Server MDF files
Scripts Script to find oldest open SQL Server transaction
Scripts Stored procedure to generate HTML tables for SQL Server query output
Scripts Use T-SQL to Find Folders Using the Most Disk Space
Security Find All Failed SQL Server Logins
Security Simple SQL Server Function to Generate Random 8 Character Password
Security SQL Server Database Users to Roles Mapping Report
Security SQL Server security report to show sysadmins and database owners
Spatial Data Storage SQL Server Stored Procedure to Calculate Area of a Polygon and Draw its Shape
SQL Server Configurations Quickly identify non-default sp_configure values for a SQL Server instance
SQL Server Configurations SQL Server Instance Configuration Summary Report
Testing SQL Server Stored Procedure to get every Nth row of a Query Result Set
TSQL Check Windows Services Status with T-SQL
TSQL Dynamically build a multi OR with LIKE query for SQL Server
TSQL How to Extract URLs from HTML using Stored Procedure in SQL Server
TSQL How to Find Top N Largest Time Gaps in Date Ranges in SQL Server with T-SQL Code
TSQL Matrix Multiplication Calculated with T-SQL
TSQL Scripts to Build a Network of Connected Records Using SQL Server
TSQL Solve Linear Equations with SQL Server T-SQL Code
TSQL SQL Server Dynamic PIVOT Query
TSQL SQL Server Function to Generate Random Numbers
TSQL Using T-SQL to find the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) for any number of integers
TSQL Using T-SQL to find the shortest distance between two points
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CategoryGroup Category (articles)
Analysis Services Analysis Services Administration (33)
Analysis Services Analysis Services Development (95)
Analysis Services Analysis Services Dimensions (16)
Analysis Services Analysis Services Measure Groups (7)
Analysis Services Analysis Services Performance (14)
Analysis Services Analysis Services Security (7)
Analysis Services Analysis Services Tutorials (6)
Business Intelligence Artificial Intelligence (27)
Business Intelligence Big Data (25)
Business Intelligence Data Science (3)
Business Intelligence Data Warehousing (7)
Business Intelligence Import and Export (82)
Business Intelligence R Language (11)
Business Intelligence Snowflake (29)
Cloud Amazon AWS (38)
Cloud Amazon AWS RDS (21)
Cloud Azure (150)
Cloud Azure Backup and Restore (25)
Cloud Azure Cosmos DB (15)
Cloud Azure Functions (7)
Cloud Azure SQL Database (51)
Cloud Azure SQL Managed Instance (5)
Cloud Cloud Strategy (25)
Cloud Google Cloud (10)
Cloud Analytics Apache Spark (13)
Cloud Analytics Azure Data Factory (73)
Cloud Analytics Azure Databricks (39)
Cloud Analytics Azure Integration Services (14)
Cloud Analytics Azure Synapse Analytics (43)
Cloud Analytics Microsoft Fabric (25)
Data Quality Data Cleansing for Validation (4)
Data Quality Data Quality Services (10)
Data Quality Master Data Services (41)
Database Administration Central Management Servers (10)
Database Administration Comparison Data and Objects (14)
Database Administration Database Administration (208)
Database Administration DBA Best Practices (39)
Database Administration Dedicated Administrator Connection (4)
Database Administration Scripts (35)
Database Administration System Databases (31)
Database Configuration Compression (22)
Database Configuration Database Configurations (20)
Database Configuration Database Mail (19)
Database Configuration FILESTREAM (9)
Database Configuration Full Text Search (21)
Database Configuration In Memory OLTP (32)
Database Configuration Linked Servers (18)
Database Configuration Policy Based Management (29)
Database Configuration Recovery Models (4)
Database Configuration Resource Governor (5)
Database Configuration SQL Server Configurations (75)
Database Design Constraints (20)
Database Design Data Types (22)
Database Design Database Design (93)
Database Design Identities (17)
Database Design JOIN Tables (23)
Database Design Synonyms (5)
Database Design Table Valued Parameters (4)
Database Design Temp Tables (16)
Database Design Temporal Tables (13)
Database Design User Defined Type UDT (3)
Database Design Views (17)
Database Development Application Development (48)
Database Development Common Runtime Language (13)
Database Development Debugging (4)
Database Development DevOps (40)
Database Development Entity Framework (13)
Database Development Language Integrated Query LINQ (7)
Database Development Paging (5)
Database Development Referential Integrity (5)
Database Development Service Broker (11)
Database Development Testing (32)
Database Development XML (14)
Database Maintenance Database Console Commands DBCCs (25)
Database Maintenance Fragmentation and Index Maintenance (28)
Database Maintenance Maintenance (34)
Disaster Recovery / High Availability Availability Groups (81)
Disaster Recovery / High Availability Backup (81)
Disaster Recovery / High Availability Clustering (77)
Disaster Recovery / High Availability Database Mirroring (33)
Disaster Recovery / High Availability Disaster Recovery (23)
Disaster Recovery / High Availability High Availability (3)
Disaster Recovery / High Availability Log Shipping (18)
Disaster Recovery / High Availability Replication (78)
Disaster Recovery / High Availability Restore (42)
Functions Dates (56)
Functions Functions System (100)
Functions Functions User Defined UDF (41)
Infrastructure Contained Databases (4)
Infrastructure Containers (13)
Infrastructure Hardware (13)
Infrastructure Spatial Data Storage (9)
Infrastructure Virtualization (25)
Integration Services Admin Integration Services Administration (10)
Integration Services Admin Integration Services Best Practices (12)
Integration Services Admin Integration Services Configuration Options (22)
Integration Services Admin Integration Services Performance (12)
Integration Services Admin Integration Services Security (7)
Integration Services Admin Integration Services Upgrade (4)
Integration Services Development Data Transformation Services (6)
Integration Services Development Integration Services Analysis Services Tasks (5)
Integration Services Development Integration Services Connection Managers (5)
Integration Services Development Integration Services Control Flow Transformations (14)
Integration Services Development Integration Services Data Flow Transformations (19)
Integration Services Development Integration Services Development (118)
Integration Services Development Integration Services Error Handling (8)
Integration Services Development Integration Services Excel (14)
Integration Services Development Integration Services Execute Package Options (8)
Integration Services Development Integration Services Oracle (4)
Microsoft Office Microsoft Access Integration (8)
Microsoft Office Microsoft Excel Integration (45)
Microsoft Office Microsoft Flow (1)
Other RDBMS Other Database Platforms (16)
Other RDBMS PostgreSQL (14)
Other RDBMS SQL Server and Oracle Comparison (30)
Other RDBMS SQL Server on Linux (78)
Other RDBMS SQL Server vs Oracle vs PostgreSQL Comparison (20)
Performance Dynamic Management Views and Functions (34)
Performance Error Logs (11)
Performance Extended Events (22)
Performance Indexing (96)
Performance Locking and Blocking (44)
Performance Monitoring (109)
Performance Partitioning (17)
Performance Performance Data Warehouse (4)
Performance Performance Tuning (124)
Performance Profiler and Trace (20)
Performance Query Optimization (15)
Performance Query Plans (20)
Performance Query Store (8)
Power Platform Power Apps (20)
Power Platform Power BI (174)
Power Platform Power BI Charts (59)
Power Platform Power BI Formatting (17)
Professional Development Professional Development Branding (16)
Professional Development Professional Development Career (18)
Professional Development Professional Development Career Planning (20)
Professional Development Professional Development Certifications (64)
Professional Development Professional Development Community (16)
Professional Development Professional Development Interview Questions BI (18)
Professional Development Professional Development Interview Questions DBA (23)
Professional Development Professional Development Interview Questions Developer (9)
Professional Development Professional Development Interviewing (39)
Professional Development Professional Development Job Search (24)
Professional Development Professional Development Management (14)
Professional Development Professional Development Resume (13)
Professional Development Professional Development Skills Development (18)
Python Python (96)
Reporting Services Admin Reporting Services Administration (21)
Reporting Services Admin Reporting Services Best Practices (6)
Reporting Services Admin Reporting Services Configuration (10)
Reporting Services Admin Reporting Services Installation (10)
Reporting Services Admin Reporting Services Migration (5)
Reporting Services Admin Reporting Services Monitoring (5)
Reporting Services Admin Reporting Services Network Load Balancing (4)
Reporting Services Admin Reporting Services Performance (6)
Reporting Services Admin Reporting Services Security (8)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services Analysis Services (4)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services Charts (25)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services Data Sources (10)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services Development (67)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services Dynamic Reports (11)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services Formatting (26)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services KPI (5)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services Overview (5)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services Parameters (15)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services Report Builder (9)
Security Auditing and Compliance (48)
Security Encryption (35)
Security Security (199)
Security SQL Injection (5)
Security Surface Area Configuration Manager (4)
SharePoint SharePoint (131)
SharePoint SharePoint Administration (45)
SharePoint SharePoint Configuration (27)
SharePoint Sharepoint Design (46)
SharePoint SharePoint Document Management (20)
SQL Coding Change Data Capture (16)
SQL Coding Common Table Expressions (4)
SQL Coding Dynamic SQL (7)
SQL Coding Error Handling (12)
SQL Coding Stored Procedures (32)
SQL Coding Transactions (9)
SQL Coding Triggers (44)
SQL Coding TSQL (348)
Tools Azure Data Studio (18)
Tools PowerShell (131)
Tools SQL Operations Studio (11)
Tools SQL Server Agent (95)
Tools SQL Server Management Objects SMO (3)
Tools SQL Server Management Studio (79)
Tools SQL Server Management Studio Configuration (22)
Tools SQL Server Management Studio Shortcuts (10)
Tools Tools (35)
Versions Deprecated Features (6)
Versions Express Edition (16)
Versions Install and Uninstall (33)
Versions Licensing (4)
Versions SQL Server 2016 (96)
Versions SQL Server 2017 (44)
Versions SQL Server 2019 (20)
Versions SQL Server 2022 (21)
Versions Upgrades and Migrations (54)

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