Script to quickly find SQL Server DBCC CHECKDB Errors

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Running DBCC CHECKDBs is something that all DBAs should do, but checking the output for errors can be tedious unless you build a process to identify when deeper investigation needs to be done.  In this tip we look at a function and a stored procedure that can be used to scan the SQL Server error files for any DBCC CHECKDB issues that need to be addressed.


My solution is based on a stored procedure (dbo.usp_check_dbcccheckdbresults), that queries the SQL Server Error Logs for certain output from DBCC CHECKDB. The procedure uses a user defined function (dbo.GetStringBetween) that gets a string sequence that exists between two strings to find what we are looking for in the Error Log.

SQL Function

The function takes two strings such 'Str1' and 'Str2' and returns anything in the middle of these strings.

So if we pass the following @str = '.....Str1ccccccStr2......', @str1 = 'Str1' and @str2 = 'Str2' the function will return 'cccccc' (the characters between 'Str1' and 'Str2').

USE master;

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetStringBetween (@str varchar(500), @str1 varchar(30), @str2 varchar(30))
RETURNS varchar(200)
   DECLARE @Result varchar(200)
   DECLARE @p1 int
   DECLARE @p2 int
   SET @p1 = charindex (@str1 , @str ,1)
   SET @p2 = charindex (@str2 , @str ,1)
   RETURN rtrim(ltrim(substring (@str, @p1 + len(@str1) , @p2 - len(@str1) - @p1  )))

SQL Stored Procedure

The method:

  1. Each DBCC CHECKDB statement logs a line to the current SQL Server Error Log (current log).
  2. This line states that DBCC CHECKDB was executed on database (some database) and Found nnn errors Repaired nnn errors and took ... time to finish.
  3. The procedure will use sp_readerrorlog to read the error log file messages into a temporary table.
  4. Using the function we get the following details
    1. The string between the parentheses is the database name.
    2. The string between the words 'found' and 'errors' is the number or errors found
    3. The string between the words 'repaired' and 'errors' is the number of errors repaired.

If the number of errors found equals zero or if the number of errors found equals the number of errors repaired, then DBCC CHECKDB worked OK. You should investigate the database if the errors numbers are greater than zero or if the number of errors repaired is less than number or errors found.

USE master;

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_check_dbcccheckdbresults
   CREATE TABLE #tempLogRes 
      (LogDate datetime,
       ProcessInfo varchar(100),
       TextLine varchar(500))

   INSERT #tempLogRes EXEC sp_readerrorlog 0, 1, 'DBCC CHECKDB'

      dbo.GetStringBetween (TextLine ,'(',')' ) AS CHECKED_DB,
      dbo.GetStringBetween (TextLine ,'found','errors' ) AS ERRORS_FOUND,
      dbo.GetStringBetween (TextLine ,'repaired','errors.' ) AS ERRORS_REPAIRED
      TextLine like '%DBCC CHECKDB%' 
      AND LogDate > GETDATE() - 1

   DROP TABLE #tempLogRes

Example Run

This is how you run the stored procedure after the stored procedure and function have been created.

use master 
exec dbo.usp_check_dbcccheckdbresults

The result for the query is as follows:

-------                   ----------   ------------   ---------------
2017-02-21 12:12:55.550   Northwind    0              0
2017-02-21 14:14:20.220   test         0              0


The procedure was tested with SQL Server 2012 and SQL Server 2014 Developer Editions.

This procedure should be executed each day after your DBCC CHECKDB job finishes and the output should be reviewed.

Next Steps
  • Modify the process to include a different date range
  • Modify the process to limit which databases are checked
  • Write results to a history table
  • Modify process to send a notification email if there are errors

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Eli Leiba Eli Leiba is a senior application DBA, a teacher and a senior database consultant with 19 years of RDBMS experience.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

View all my tips

Comments For This Article

Monday, July 27, 2020 - 6:54:47 AM - Marc Back To Top (86197)

Ilya Bazarsky,

Your changes worked for me as well (SQL Server 2016). The only other thing that I needed to do was to increase the size of the varchar columns on that temp table. (I just added a "0" to each :) ).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019 - 3:40:51 PM - Ilya Bazarsky Back To Top (82878)

Hi Eli,

Sorry, I tweaked your procedure a bit. I don’t know how in SQL SERVER 2012 and 2014, but I trying to check in SQL 2016 Standard Edition and I got an error, because in the log is also a line that was ran for check, like DBCC CHECKDB (<DB>, NOINDEX) WITH NO_INFOMSGS, ALL_ERRORMSGS which not contains info about errors. It's happend when DBCC catch an error(s). At the end I also added column with source DBCC command line.

Thank you for your great job! It's very usefull for me. 


CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_check_dbcccheckdbresults





   CREATE TABLE #tempLogRes 

      (LogDate datetime,

       ProcessInfo varchar(100),

       TextLine varchar(500))


   INSERT #tempLogRes EXEC sp_readerrorlog 0, 1, 'DBCC CHECKDB'





      dbo.GetStringBetween (TextLine ,'found','errors' ) AS ERRORS_FOUND,

      dbo.GetStringBetween (TextLine ,'repaired','errors.' ) AS ERRORS_REPAIRED,

      LEFT(TextLine,CHARINDEX('executed by', TextLine) -1) AS STRING_THAT_RAN




      TextLine like '%DBCC CHECKDB%' AND TextLine LIKE '%executed by%'

      AND LogDate > GETDATE() - 1


   DROP TABLE #tempLogRes





Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - 2:36:35 PM - Gene Torres Back To Top (75531)

 How about adding "Recovery Complete" messages as well.  I think it would be good to add.


Tuesday, February 28, 2017 - 4:14:26 PM - Sean McCown Back To Top (46789)

 Yeah, getting the results from a checkdb has always been difficult.  Have you tried Minion CheckDB?  It keeps all the results in a log table so it's easy to query.


Tuesday, February 28, 2017 - 11:27:57 AM - Fraz Back To Top (46778)

Hi Eli, Thanks for sharing your excellent work with the group. It seems very useful. 


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