By: Eli Leiba | Comments (12) | Related: > Restore
You want need to create a copy (clone) of a database on the same SQL Server instance. This can be done in several steps, but is there a simpler way of doing this with T-SQL so it can be done in one step?
My solution is to create a stored procedure (dbo.CloneDBUsingBackupRestore) that does the cloning process. The method used for the cloning is to backup the database and restore to a new database. This will create an exact copy of the database.
The Method
- The source database is backed up to a file using dynamic T-SQL execution
- The backup is then restored to a new database, using the RESTORE DATABASE WITH MOVE OPTION again using dynamic T-SQL.
The procedure takes 6 parameters (all parameters should be supplied):
- Source database name
- Source database logical data file name
- Source database logical log file name
- Backup file name and path
- Destination database name
- Destination database folder location for database files
Here is the T-SQL procedure source code:
USE master; GO CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.CloneDBUsingBackupRestore ( @SourceDatabaseName VARCHAR(200) ,@SourceDatafileLogicalName VARCHAR(200) ,@SourceLogfileLogicalName VARCHAR(200) ,@BackupFile VARCHAR(2000) ,@TargetDatabaseName VARCHAR(200) ,@TargetDatabaseFolder VARCHAR(2000) ) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @tsql VARCHAR(2000) DECLARE @TargetDataFile VARCHAR(2000) DECLARE @TargetLogFile VARCHAR(2000) SET @TargetDataFile = @TargetDatabaseFolder + @TargetDatabaseName + '.mdf'; SET @TargetLogFile = @TargetDatabaseFolder + @TargetDatabaseName + '.ldf'; -- Backup the Source Database IF @SourceDatabaseName IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @tsql = CONCAT ( 'BACKUP DATABASE ' ,@SourceDatabaseName ,' TO DISK = ' ,QUOTENAME(@BackupFile, '''') ) PRINT 'Executing query : ' + @tsql; EXEC (@tsql) END -- Restore database from the Backup File into target Data File and target Log File SET @tsql = CONCAT ( 'RESTORE DATABASE ' ,@TargetDatabaseName ,' FROM DISK = ' ,QUOTENAME(@BackupFile, '''') ,' WITH MOVE ' ,QUOTENAME(@SourceDatafileLogicalName, '''') ,' TO ' ,QUOTENAME(@TargetDataFile, '''') ,' , MOVE ' ,QUOTENAME(@SourceLogfileLogicalName, '''') ,' TO ' ,QUOTENAME(@TargetLogFile, '''') ) PRINT 'Executing query : ' + @tsql EXEC (@tsql) SET NOCOUNT OFF END GO
Example use of procedure
You want to clone the Northwind database to a new database called NorthwindClone. To get the logical data file name and log file name you can use the sp_helpdb stored procedure as follows:
sp_helpdb 'Northwind'
Then specify the values for each parameter.
use master go EXEC dbo.CloneDBUsingBackupRestore @SourceDatabaseName = 'Northwind', @SourceDatafileLogicalName = 'Northwind', @SourceLogfileLogicalName = 'Northwind_Log', @BackupFile = 'C:\SQL\nw.bak', @TargetDatabaseName = 'NorthwindClone', @TargetDatabaseFolder = 'C:\SQL\' GO
The result for the execution is printed in the Messages tab:
Executing query : BACKUP DATABASE Northwind TO DISK = 'C:\SQL\nw.bak' Processed 544 pages for database 'Northwind', file 'Northwind' on file 2. Processed 2 pages for database 'Northwind', file 'Northwind_log' on file 2. BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 546 pages in 0.317 seconds (13.433 MB/sec). Executing query : RESTORE DATABASE NorthwindClone FROM DISK = 'C:\SQL\nw.bak' WITH MOVE 'Northwind' TO 'C:\SQL\NorthwindClone.mdf' , MOVE 'Northwind_Log' TO 'C:\SQL\NorthwindClone.ldf' Processed 544 pages for database 'NorthwindClone', file 'Northwind' on file 1. Processed 2 pages for database 'NorthwindClone', file 'Northwind_log' on file 1. RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 546 pages in 0.315 seconds (13.518 MB/sec).
Now we have an exact copy of the Northwind database named NorthwindClone.
Notes on Use
- The procedure was tested with SQL Server 2012 Developer edition on my personal server. My version is: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.2100.60 (Intel X86) Feb 10 2012 19:13:17 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition: Core-based Licensing on Windows NT 6.1 <X86> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)
- The procedure clones databases with a single data file (mdf) data file and a single log file (ldf)
- The logical names for source database data and log file should be supplied as parameters to the procedure.
- The target database should not exist prior to the procedure execution.
- The target database name should be different from source database name.
- The backup file should not exist prior to the procedure execution.
- When supplying the target database folder location, it should end with the backslash \ character (see in the example).
Next Steps
- Check out these other scripts
- Learn about the new database cloning option that only copies schema and statistics
- Review these Backup and Restore resources:
About the author
This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.
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