Study material for exam 98-364 Database Fundamentals

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I would like to pass Microsoft exam 98-364 Database Fundamentals.  What study materials are available to help me pass this exam?


This tip covers several links you can use to help study for this exam.

What is the Microsoft 70-364 certification exam?

This is a basic exam related to databases and is the first Microsoft exam to certify your database knowledge.

Who should take the exam?

This exam is oriented to students or professionals who want to show that they have introductory knowledge about databases.

Is the exam oriented to SQL Server?

There are some generic skills that can be applied to any relational database, but in general it is oriented to SQL Server.

Is this exam difficult?

No, this is the easiest SQL Server exam.

Which books would you recommend for this exam?

Here are some recommended books:

Are there some courses for this exam?

Yes, here are a few:

Can you provide some links to study?

Here are recommended links for each section of the test:

Understanding Core Database Concepts

Create Database Objects

Manipulate Data

Understand Data Storage

Administer a Database

Next Steps

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Daniel Calbimonte Daniel Calbimonte is a Microsoft SQL Server MVP, Microsoft Certified Trainer and 6-time Microsoft Certified IT Professional. Daniel started his career in 2001 and has worked with SQL Server 6.0 to 2022. Daniel is a DBA as well as specializes in Business Intelligence (SSIS, SSAS, SSRS) technologies.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Comments For This Article

Thursday, July 11, 2019 - 1:49:07 PM - Aubrey Back To Top (81727)

Nice article!

I was scanning through this article and couldn’t help but notice the abundance of “Study Links” in your list. It’s a bit more than needed for this particular exam, but it is always better to be over pre-paired than under pre-paired.

With a strong understanding of all the “Study Links” posted in this article, you would stand a pretty good chance of also passing the next level, 70-461 exam, which is the first of 3 exams for your MCSA. 

As for the reference books for exam prep, I looked at some customer reviews for each one, and all had very poor ratings. So, I did a little research and found one that is geared specifically to this exam and full of great reviews (as per Amazon).

Here is a link to the book in question:

Just in case the link doesn’t work for someone, just do a Google search or Amazon search for the book by title: Database Fundamentals: Microsoft Technology Associate Exam 98-364 Paperback – 2015 edition. 

Otherwise, great article. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018 - 10:21:05 AM - Sam Back To Top (78461)

Hi Daniel,

I really liked the certification guide you have provided. You have done excellent work by putting things together.  I will try to make the best use of it. 

However, I have always struggled to find T-SQL Stored Procedure books built from the ground up.

Can you recommend material - Books, Sites, Articles, etc as you have mentioned for Certifications column? 

Thank You.

Friday, January 5, 2018 - 9:00:31 AM - Daniel Back To Top (74828)

 Hello. the MVA course includes some topics that are not in the exam and the exam includes some topics that are not in the MVA.

Thursday, January 4, 2018 - 8:18:58 PM - Mike Back To Top (74786)


Excellent article and resources; I'll be checking this out thoroughly!

Question: I went through the MVA course "SQL Database Fundamentals" at, and the presenters cover information in optimization and non-relational data, among other things that aren't listed in your article, nor in the exam outline at  Since both of these are Microsoft resources, I'm wondering if these extra topics are in the exam, and to what degree?  Any ideas?

Cheers and thanks in advance.



Wednesday, August 16, 2017 - 5:57:29 PM - Daniel Back To Top (64934)

 Thanks. We updated the tip.

Friday, August 11, 2017 - 9:34:56 AM - Pedro Back To Top (64586)


Sir, you have a wrong/broken link at your first bullet point under "Which books would you recommend for this exam?".


Anyway, great post! Thanks for sharing!

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