Study material for exam AZ-203 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure

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I want to be an expert in Azure development and I heard that the certification exam AZ-203 can help me with this goal. Can you help me to pass this exam?


Gladly. We will help you with recommended books, links and other material to pass this exam.

Who should take this exam?

This exam is oriented to Azure Developers and Azure Designers. 

I am a SQL Server DBA. Is this exam for me?

If your company wants to migrate to Azure, this certification will help to interact with Azure Developers or help them in some cases. If your company already has Azure deployments and applications, this will help you with security, monitoring and administration.

Is the exam difficult?

Yes, compared with the AZ-100 and AZ-101, this one is harder because it requires more reading and practicing of more technologies.

Which books would you recommend to pass this exam?

The following books will help:

Which courses are recommended for this exam?

The  following courses will be useful:

Could you provide some links to study, for this exam?

Yes. The following links will be useful:

Develop Azure Infrastructure as a Service compute solutions Evaluate migration scenarios by using Azure Migrate

Develop Azure Platform as a Service compute solutions

Develop for Azure storage

Implement Azure security

Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize solutions

Connect to and consume Azure services and third-party services

Next Steps

For more information about this exam, refer to these links:

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Daniel Calbimonte Daniel Calbimonte is a Microsoft SQL Server MVP, Microsoft Certified Trainer and 6-time Microsoft Certified IT Professional. Daniel started his career in 2001 and has worked with SQL Server 6.0 to 2022. Daniel is a DBA as well as specializes in Business Intelligence (SSIS, SSAS, SSRS) technologies.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Comments For This Article

Friday, May 14, 2021 - 4:10:14 AM - Infosec Train Back To Top (88683)
Microsoft Azure is one of the most widely used cloud used by startup companies and establishments to develop and deploy secure, scalable and highly available applications. This Azure Architect Technologies certification and training course focuses to instill all-inclusive understanding of various elements, core concepts, tools and technologies to develop business applications with extensive security while implementing authentication to safeguard the data effectively.

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