SQL Server Post Cluster Configuration Checklist (Part 2 of 4)

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This is the second checklist in the process - run through it just after you form the cluster, or prior to installing SQL Server in any environment.

Server Cluster Post-Installation Checklist


Pass Fail
Create MS DTC and configure completely
Verify priority of cluster network(s) - all Private networks have priority over Public
Verify Quorum disk configuration (location, log size)
Disable NetBIOS for Cluster IP Address
Verify all the server cluster IP addresses can be resolved inside and outside of the server cluster
Verify the server cluster's name can be resolved inside and outside of the server cluster
All groups containing disk resources can fail over to all nodes
Verify the Cluster Group resource group can fail to all nodes
Verify the MSDTC resource group can fail to all nodes
Increase the cluster log size
Kerberos enabled (if needed; requires Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 or higher or Windows Server 2003)
If antivirus software is installed, set filter to exclude the \MSCS directory on the quorum, all Sql extensions, Sql Server program files path, large ETL paths, etc.
Verify minimum of 2 cluster networks configured to support internal cluster communications
Verify all cluster network configurations (communications)
Verify cluster registry entries were written correctly (HKLM\Cluster)
Verify event logs do not contain errors or warnings, especially with relation to the ClusSvc.  Ensure entries exist stating confirmation of forming/joining of/to cluster

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Chad Boyd Chad Boyd is an Architect, Administrator and Developer with technologies such as SQL Server, .NET, and Windows Server.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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