Script to Drop All Orphaned SQL Server Database Users

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One important task as a DBA is to manage security in our SQL Server database server environments. Part of this task is to administer the permissions for each user in each database. Sometimes there are orphaned users (no corresponding login exists for the user) in a database and we may want to drop these orphaned users to keep the SQL Server database security clean. Unfortunately, there are several items that can cause a drop user script to fail and in this tip I will share a simple and complete script to drop orphaned users successfully.


An orphaned user is a SQL Server database user that does not have an associated login (Windows login or SQL login) at the SQL Server instance level. This could cause problems related to access and permissions or these users may not be needed any more.  Based on these circumstances, so the user should be removed from the database. You can read more about SQL Server orphaned users here.

There are many reasons why we can have orphaned users inside a database. Here are some of them:

  • The DBA received a request to remove a database user and only deleted the login.
  • The database was migrated/restored in a new SQL Server instance and not all the logins were migrated.
  • The DBA received a request to create a new database user and created a user without a login.

Dropping the user has bigger problems when the orphaned user has associated objects inside the database (for example schemas and database roles). I have found many SQL Server users that are owners of schemas and/or database roles, so to drop the user you will first need to remove this association or dependency and then you can are able to drop the orphaned user. It is important to note that in SQL Server 2012 and later versions we can create Contained SQL Server database users with a password that is authenticated by the database and there is not a need for a Login. The script below to drop orphaned users considers this concept and discriminates this type of user. You can read more about Contained Databases here.

Note: In SQL Server 2012 and later contained databases support contained Windows user, which do not need an associated with a Windows login. There is not an exact way to determine if a Windows user is being used in a contained database, so for these cases you must be aware that these Windows users will be considered as orphaned users by the script below and they will be dropped. So, please be careful if you are working with SQL Server Contained Databases.

Understanding Issues when Dropping Orphaned SQL Server Users

To explain better I have created the following example: two orphaned users were created named User1 and User2, both do not have an associated login (they are not contained database users and they are "regular" database users). The user User1 owns schema db_datareader.

MSSQLTips_How to drop all orphaned database users via a simple script

And User2 is owner of role NewDBRole01 (that I have created for this example)

MSSQLTips_How to drop all orphaned database users via a simple script

When you try to drop an orphaned user that has associated objects, you will get the following error messages:

MSSQLTips_How to drop all orphaned database users via a simple script
MSSQLTips_How to drop all orphaned database users via a simple script

Identify Orphaned SQL Server Users

With the query below we can identify the orphaned users we need to drop:

select DB_NAME() [database], name as [user_name], type_desc,default_schema_name,create_date,modify_date from sys.database_principals 
where type in ('G','S','U') 
and authentication_type<>2 -- Use this filter only if you are running on SQL Server 2012 and major versions and you have "contained databases"
and [sid] not in ( select [sid] from sys.server_principals where type in ('G','S','U') ) 
and name not in ('dbo','guest','INFORMATION_SCHEMA','sys','MS_DataCollectorInternalUser')

The output will be as follow:

MSSQLTips_How to drop all orphaned database users via a simple script

SQL Server Script to ALTER Permissions and Drop Orphaned Database Users

After we know which users we will drop, the below script can be used to drop the orphaned users taking in account the need to first remove the association to schemas and database roles.

use [master]
create proc dbo.sp_Drop_OrphanedUsers
 set nocount on
 -- get orphaned users  
 declare @user varchar(max) 
 declare c_orphaned_user cursor for 
  select name
  from sys.database_principals 
  where type in ('G','S','U') 
  and authentication_type<>2 -- Use this filter only if you are running on SQL Server 2012 and major versions and you have "contained databases"
  and [sid] not in ( select [sid] from sys.server_principals where type in ('G','S','U') ) 
  and name not in ('dbo','guest','INFORMATION_SCHEMA','sys','MS_DataCollectorInternalUser')  open c_orphaned_user 
 fetch next from c_orphaned_user into @user
  -- alter schemas for user 
  declare @schema_name varchar(max) 
  declare c_schema cursor for 
   select name from  sys.schemas where USER_NAME(principal_id)=@user
  open c_schema 
  fetch next from c_schema into @schema_name
  while (@@FETCH_STATUS=0)
   declare @sql_schema varchar(max)
   select @sql_schema='ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON SCHEMA::['+@schema_name+ '] TO [dbo]'
   print @sql_schema
   fetch next from c_schema into @schema_name
  close c_schema
  deallocate c_schema   
  -- alter roles for user 
  declare @dp_name varchar(max) 
  declare c_database_principal cursor for 
   select name from sys.database_principals
   where type='R' and user_name(owning_principal_id)=@user
  open c_database_principal
  fetch next from c_database_principal into @dp_name
  while (@@FETCH_STATUS=0)
   declare @sql_database_principal  varchar(max)
   select @sql_database_principal ='ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON ROLE::['+@dp_name+ '] TO [dbo]'
   print @sql_database_principal 
   exec(@sql_database_principal )
   fetch next from c_database_principal into @dp_name
  close c_database_principal
  deallocate c_database_principal
  -- drop roles for user 
  declare @role_name varchar(max) 
  declare c_role cursor for 
   from sys.database_role_members drm
   inner join sys.database_principals dp 
   on dp.principal_id= drm.role_principal_id
   where USER_NAME(member_principal_id)=@user 
  open c_role 
  fetch next from c_role into @role_name
  while (@@FETCH_STATUS=0)
   declare @sql_role varchar(max)
   select @sql_role='EXEC sp_droprolemember N'''+@role_name+''', N'''+@user+''''
   print @sql_role
   exec (@sql_role)
   fetch next from c_role into @role_name
  close c_role
  deallocate c_role   
  -- drop user
  declare @sql_user varchar(max)
  set @sql_user='DROP USER ['+@user +']'
  print @sql_user
  exec (@sql_user)
  fetch next from c_orphaned_user into @user
 close c_orphaned_user
 deallocate c_orphaned_user
 set nocount off
-- mark stored procedure as a system stored procedure
exec sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject sp_Drop_OrphanedUsers

Here is how to execute the stored procedure for one specific database:

USE [MyTestDB]
EXEC sp_Drop_OrphanedUsers

Here is how to execute it for all databases in a SQL Server instance:

USE [master]
EXEC sp_msforeachdb 'USE [?]; EXEC sp_Drop_OrphanedUsers'

After the stored procedure runs, you will see the actions taken by the script:

MSSQLTips_How to drop all orphaned database users via a simple script

We know each database environment is different, so you may find others dependencies that you need to add into this script. However, this script does work very well for most environments.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Percy Reyes Percy Reyes is a SQL Server MVP and Sr. Database Administrator focused on SQL Server Internals with over 10+ years of extensive experience managing critical database servers.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

View all my tips

Comments For This Article

Friday, October 29, 2021 - 2:07:01 AM - Methinee Back To Top (89381)
Thank you and love you very much. Your article help me a lots.

Saturday, October 2, 2021 - 4:35:56 PM - Elmer Rodriguez Back To Top (89297)

Saturday, December 7, 2019 - 4:32:32 PM - Pamela Ngum Back To Top (83322)

Please could Author or someone clarify these scripts? I 'm kind of confuse. From what I understand, the very long and elaborate script will create proc dbo.sp_Drop_OrphanedUsers and etc on Instance, is that correct? Then after that is done, the next step is either run either

USE [MyTestDB]
EXEC sp_Drop_OrphanedUsers

USE [master]
EXEC sp_msforeachdb 'USE [?]; EXEC sp_Drop_OrphanedUsers'

Please help clarify. I have a severe orphan user situation in my environment and these scripts look very efficient. Hope to hear from you.

Thursday, August 22, 2019 - 6:58:53 PM - bc Back To Top (82124)

Thanks for the script.


There is a special user that should also be excluded (like dbo and sys) if your server has SSISDB database

, 'AllSchemaOwner' -- special SSISDB user

Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 4:41:37 AM - shirish Back To Top (79591)

 How can i ignore\skip read_only and stand_by databases while executing delete orphaned users store procedure as getting below error.

Msg 3906, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Failed to update database "TestDB" because the database is read-only.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018 - 2:18:45 PM - Zef Back To Top (75116)

Nice script! Saving me a ton of time transferring a bunch of apps to the cloud.

Thursday, July 6, 2017 - 6:25:47 AM - Daniel Pasadas Back To Top (58951)

Hi Percy,

thanks for this Script. It's works very well however you ignored the users included in a Windows Group. I mean, if you alter the schema owner for a Windows user, which is considered a orphaned user, but this user is a member of a Windows Group mapped to the database. You will drop necessary permissions to the objects.


Daniel Pasadas

Wednesday, June 8, 2016 - 2:29:13 AM - akhil Back To Top (41634)

Hi  Percy Reyes,

Need your help i want to create the procedure to drop the orphan users.

when we create a database and logins with the same name when we drop the database the logins become orphan ( we will give only the db_owner permission only on that particulare database ) 

and cause security issue 

and i used the below queries to see if i can accomplish some thing else


Exec sp_databases  or  select * from sys.databases ( to check the databases ) 


( to check the user ids present in the server which contains all the databases ) 



FROM sys.server_principals 


and name not like '%##%'


i am an oracle DBA and this is the first step towards SQL please do help me with this i am eagerly waiting for an answer.


Thanks in advance.





Thursday, February 25, 2016 - 9:46:46 AM - Desiree Haywood Back To Top (40784)

 Does not work for "read-only" databases.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015 - 11:01:31 AM - Sukanta Das Back To Top (36560)

Excellent utility proc, thanks so much.

Monday, December 22, 2014 - 11:07:10 AM - Percy Reyes Back To Top (35724)

Hello SurendraP,

This script does not support users created for Database Impersonation by Using EXECUTE AS. I suggest first go deep into sys.sql_modules and check what users are used for Database Impersonation  and then filter them.

Let me know any comment or questions if you have one. Thanks.




Friday, December 19, 2014 - 3:30:44 PM - SurendraP Back To Top (35692)

But I am gettign this error message while doing so:-


The database principal is set as the execution context of one or more procedures, functions, or event notifications and cannot be dropped.


Please suggest.


Thursday, December 18, 2014 - 12:45:07 PM - Mohammed Back To Top (35665)

Awesome, just tried this today and it worked like a charm. Thanks a bunch.

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