Getting Per Session Wait Statistics in SQL Server 2016

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You have to troubleshoot a SQL Server session that is taking longer than normal to complete. In this tip I will show a new SQL Server 2016 Dynamic Management View that will make it easier to understand how time is spent for the session being analyzed.


One of our main responsibilities as SQL Server DBA’s is the tuning of processes. Usually the first thing we do is to look at the execution plan to have a picture of what the process under analysis is doing. If we detect an issue in the execution plan then we take corrective action. Although this is the best approach to troubleshoot query performance, it may not be the best first step to troubleshoot a whole process. Usually a process issues a set of queries over the same session, so if your first step is to look at execution plans, then you could end up analyzing lots of query plans.

Under those circumstances what we need to do is to take a look at how time is being spent during the session lifetime. Yes, I am referring to Wait Types. On versions of SQL Server before 2016 it was very difficult to obtain statistics of wait types for a session; we were limited to getting the actual wait types for the whole server instance by querying the sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks Dynamic Management View.

sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats Dynamic Management View

Amongst the new features and improvements of SQL Server 2016 there is a new execution related Dynamic Management View called sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats. Its name is similar to the well-known Operating System related Dynamic Management View sys.dm_os_wait_stats. In fact the sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats system view returns the same set of columns of sys.dm_os_wait_stats view with the addition of a session_id column.

This system view returns information about all the waits for each session and allows us to do a quick high level diagnosis of a session's work.

Column name


session_id The id of the session.
wait_type The name of the wait type. You can get the full list of wait types at the MSDN page for sys.dm_os_wait_stats Dynamic Management View.
waiting_tasks_count Number of occurrences of this wait type over session's lifetime.
wait_time_ms The total wait time for this wait type in milliseconds including the signal wait time.
max_wait_time_ms Maximum wait time on this wait type.
signal_wait_time_ms This is the difference between the time that the execution thread was signaled to start executing and the time this thread started running. A high signal wait time may be a sign of CPU pressure.

Something to consider regarding the column names is that if you have your own queries on sys.dm_os_wait_stats view, then you can use those queries with little modifications.

Another interesting fact is that this system view resets the information for a session when the session is closed and a new session reuses the same session_id, or when the session is reset, if the session uses connection pooling.

DBCC SQLPERF Behavior on sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats

If you remember the lessons on sys.dm_os_wait_stats then you may remember that there is a DBCC command that resets the contents of this system view:

DBCC SQLPERF ('sys.dm_os_wait_stats', CLEAR);

Being that the sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats Dynamic Management View is similar to sys.dm_os_wait_stats system view, an interesting question we can ask ourselves is what will happen if we execute the previous DBCC command with the data of sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats view. At first you may think that the data will be reset, but surprisingly it persists.

sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats Demonstration

Now I will show you a simple example of how the sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats system view works. Let’s create a sample database.

USE [master]

( NAME = N'sampleDB', FILENAME = N'C:\MSSQL\sampleDB.mdf' ,
( NAME = N'sampleDB_log', FILENAME = N'C:\MSSQL\sampleDB_log.ldf' , 
	SIZE = 10240KB , MAXSIZE = 2048GB , FILEGROWTH = 128MB)

The following query will create a test table with some data.

USE SampleDB

        A.xtype ,
        A.uid , ,
INTO    TestTable
FROM    sys.sysobjects A
        CROSS JOIN sys.sysobjects B
        CROSS JOIN sys.sysobjects C

In a new query window, run the next query. I decided to use a simple query to show this Dynamic Management View because the query is irrelevant to learning how this view works.

USE SampleDB

FROM    dbo.TestTable
WHERE   name LIKE '%s%'

Keep note of the session_id at the bottom of the query window or in the title bar.

Query execution. Take note of the Session_Id

Now in another query window we are going to query the sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats system view filtering the results by the session_id of the previous step.

FROM    sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats
WHERE   session_id = 56

You will get a result set like on the next screen shot. Of course, you may not have the same wait types as the image.

Query to sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats.

To test the behavior of DBCC SQLPERF command lets query the sys.dm_os_wait_stats operating system view filtering by the wait types from the session being analyzed.

        S.Session_Id ,
        S.waiting_tasks_count ,
        S.wait_time_ms ,
        S.max_wait_time_ms ,
FROM    sys.dm_os_wait_stats OS
        INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats S ON OS.wait_type = S.wait_type
WHERE   S.session_id = 56

The next image shows a screen capture of the execution of the previous statement.

Query to sys.dm_os_wait_stats and sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats.

In order for you to see the values with more clarity, I split the result pane into two separate images.

Result Pane of Query to sys.dm_os_wait_stats and sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats Part 1.
Result Pane of Query to sys.dm_os_wait_stats and sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats Part 2.

Now let’s reset sys.dm_os_wait_stats data with the DBCC SQLPERF command and re-execute the previous query.

DBCC SQLPERF ('sys.dm_os_wait_stats', CLEAR);

        S.Session_Id ,
        S.waiting_tasks_count ,
        S.wait_time_ms ,
        S.max_wait_time_ms ,
FROM    sys.dm_os_wait_stats OS
        INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats S ON OS.wait_type = S.wait_type
WHERE   S.session_id = 56

Here is the screen capture of the previous statement execution.

Query to sys.dm_os_wait_stats and sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats After Running DBCC SQPERF.

Like before, in order for you to see the values with more clarity, I split the result pane into two separate images.

Result Pane of Query to sys.dm_os_wait_stats and sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats After Running DBCC SQPERF Part 1.
Result Pane of Query to sys.dm_os_wait_stats and sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats After Running DBCC SQPERF Part 2.

As you can see, resetting the data of sys.dm_os_wait_stats operating system view doesn’t affect the values of sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats view.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Daniel Farina Daniel Farina was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Self-educated, since childhood he showed a passion for learning.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Comments For This Article

Thursday, January 19, 2017 - 9:53:51 PM - Daniel Farina Back To Top (45430)

Hi Zach!

Exactly! This was a new feature of SQL Server 2016!


Best Regards!

Thursday, January 19, 2017 - 2:38:52 PM - Zach Back To Top (45426)

Were these session level stats not possible before SQL Server 2016?

Tuesday, January 26, 2016 - 8:52:18 PM - manu Back To Top (40510)

Very useful dmv for session level troubleshooting. Thanks for writing a tip.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015 - 10:40:11 AM - Chetan Back To Top (39011)

This is great info.  Thanks for sharing.

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