Using SQL Server Discovery Tool to list installed components

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I would like to get a detailed report of all the SQL Server components that are installed on the local server. Is there any easy way by which I could get this done?


Starting with SQL Server 2008, there is a built-in tool that can be used to get all the components that are installed on the local server. There are two ways by which the report can be generated. Check out the below options.

Option 1: SQL Server Installation Center

On the local server, click on "Start" and use the "Search" option.

From GUI

In the search box enter sql server to find installed programs related to SQL Server and then select the version of the installation center you want to run, in our case it is SQL Server 2016 CTP3.0 Installation Center (64-bit) as shown below.

SQL Server 2016

From SQL Server Installation Center, click on "Tools" on the left and click on "Installed SQL Server features discovery report" as shown below.

Installation Center

A detailed report which has information of all the SQL Server related components gets generated as shown below. As you can see, this report shows all the SQL Server components that are installed on the local server. (Note: there are additional columns, but to make the image readable I left off the last few columns from the report)


Option 2: Using command prompt

Go to the SQL installation folder from where you installed SQL Server. In my case, it is this folder: C:\SQLServer_13.0_Full.

Once you have navigated to this folder on the command prompt, enter this command : Setup.exe /Action=RunDiscovery

command prompt

A new window will appear and once it completes you will see the final report as displayed above.

new window

With this, you can easily collect the details of all the SQL Server components that are installed on your server.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Mohammed Moinudheen Mohammed Moinudheen is a SQL Server DBA with over 6 years experience managing production databases for a few Fortune 500 companies.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Comments For This Article

Tuesday, March 1, 2016 - 4:41:04 PM - mohammed Back To Top (40833)

 Thanks jeff


Monday, February 29, 2016 - 7:21:26 PM - jeff_yao Back To Top (40821)


An alternative way (pretty slow but it works) with PowerShell

Get-WmiObject -computer localhost -Class Win32_Product -Filter "Name LIKE '%SQL%'" |  select __server, name, version | Sort-Object -property  name, version -Unique;


The pro (or con) here is that if you have multipe version sql server components installed here, it will list all of them. If you really want to list of a specific version, then you need to revise the filter to get what you want.


Monday, February 29, 2016 - 1:19:03 PM - mohammed Back To Top (40819)

This can be used only locally. For fetching info for all servers, we need to use scripts

Monday, February 29, 2016 - 12:44:39 PM - Anne Back To Top (40818)

Nice tip.

This is for single server. Is there a built-in tools to find out for all the servers ?



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