Dynamic Page Navigation in Power BI

By:   |   Updated: 2022-06-14   |   Comments (1)   |   Related: > Power BI Formatting


We can use Power BI Desktop to develop more interactive reports and in this tutorial I will cover how to create a custom page navigation for a Power BI report.


Using page navigation, we can navigate to a different page within the report. To setup a page navigation, we can create a button with page navigation as the action type and choose the destination page. To add more functionality we can create a custom navigation pane.

Let me demonstrate how to build custom page navigation in Power BI. Let's get started.

Step 1: Prepared data for Power BI Visual

To demonstrate a custom navigation pane, first I am going to add three reports and set the names as "A", "B"" and "C" and add a visual in each page as shown below.

3 Pages created with any default scatter visual respecitively

Step 2: Prepare Data for Drop Down Visual

To create the data to select the report page, we need to add some data for each page that will be used for navigation.

Go to the Home menu, select Enter data and add rows for each of the page names "A", "B", "C" and assign a Name like "Menu" as shown below. Note the column name is just "Column1".

Populating the page title related data for dropdown visual

Step 3: Prepared a Drop-Down Visual

We will create a dropdown visual to select the page we want to go to. 

On page "A" add a visual slicer from the visualization tab and map to table Menu field column1.

On Selection controls, set Single Select on, so we can only select one item.

Fill the DropDown with respect Table Menu.

Step 4: Set the custom navigation as destination conditionality

Now, I am going to add a Button on page "A" that will be used to take action on the selected item from the dropdown we just created.

Go to Insert menu and select Buttons and choose Right Arrow button.

In Button properties, make sure the button is enabled and Action is enabled. In Type select Page Navigation. For Destination click on fx.

In the Destination Action, keep format as is, choose based on field as First Column1 and for Summarization choose first and press OK to save.

Set the Button action like Page Navigation and set the properties accordingly.

After applying the above steps, Page A is ready with a navigation tab.

Now you need to copy these navigation controls to each page. Note these controls don't need to be in synch for each of the pages, so you can use the no synch option.

Final Report

After applying all the steps, my report is ready with the custom page navigation as shown below.

Report is ready with Dynamic page Navigation.
Next Steps

When creating a multi page report it is hard to put everything on one page, so using page navigation is an easy way to build a better report.

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MSSQLTips author Bhavesh Patel Bhavesh Patel is a SQL Server database professional with 10+ years of experience.

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Article Last Updated: 2022-06-14

Comments For This Article

Wednesday, August 9, 2023 - 2:17:23 PM - Pradeep Mishra Back To Top (91477)
Thanks Bhavesh, I have gone through all steps and find out something is missing in steps , How come measure is coming under Menu Table, at right side. as this is missing in step description, even I followed all the steps one by one, it's not working for me, Please guide.

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