Power BI Theme Generator New Methods and Customizations

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New methods and usage for themes were recently introduced for Power BI. In this article we cover how you can use these and customize them for Power BI.


A few years back, Microsoft introduced a preview feature that allowed for the creation, export, and import of themes for your Power BI dashboard. This process was covered in the tip: Power BI Layouts and Themes. However, additional enhancements have been introduced to make the theme generation process easier and requires less manual input and fiddling within a JSON based theme file. This enhancement provides the distinct ability to set the major formatting options for a Power BI Dashboard with ease.

Before we get into the details on the advanced themes functionality, be sure to download the latest version of Power BI desktop.

Additionally, we will be using the WideWorldImportersDW database as a basis for our data sources; this database can be downloaded from here.

If you need a refresher on bringing data into Power BI please see: Querying SQL Server Data with Power BI Desktop.

Power BI Advanced Theme Customization

Create a simple dashboard tab with a column chart, a matrix, and a line chart.

simple dashboard

Starting out, we can export out the base theme to see the default JSON theme file.

Export Theme Base

As seen in the image below, the JSON theme file is a simple list of data colors, background colors, and foreground colors.

default json file

For this particular example, you will notice the name of the theme is Classroom, which is one of the default themes available in Power BI.

classroom theme

As we go through the rest of the tip, you will notice changes being updated in the JSON file.

To begin to make adjustments to the theme, select the View ribbon menu item and then select the down arrow next to the theme box. Next, select Customize current theme.

customize current theme

The customize theme window opens and we are now able to set the name and primary color threads for the theme.

advanced theme
advanced theme

The primary theme colors are used for the color patterns on each visual. Thus, in the above example, the first color would be a lighter blue, then a darker blue, then yellow and so on. Note that you can actually specify more than 8 colors, but for the 9th color and beyond, those additions must be made in the JSON file itself. The next set of colors are the default values for a range when creating items such as a waterfall chart going from a negative red color to neutral yellow to positive green. The last set of colors is the divergent range used in conditional formatting of cells.

Clicking on the down arrow next to the color allows for that color to be changed. The color picker allows for selection based on the clicking on region in the color palate or by inputting the hexadecimal number or the RGB codes.

color picker

As shown in the below illustration, the sentiment colors have been adjusted to orange, blue, and green and the theme name has been changed.

new divergent colors

Reviewing the JSON file, we see that it now shows an adjusted name of Scotts Theme 1 and the divergent color theme has been added to the JSON file.

JSON file

Moving to the advanced tab, several levels of element colors are listed with the ability to change the color used for each level, along with the selection of background colors. Some items that are included in the first level element include: label background colors, card data labels, slicer item and drop-down colors, among others. The second level includes legend color and axis colors. The full list for each level layer can be found here. The list is quite extensive as you pursue all the colors that can be set with these 4 elements.

name and color advanced

The next set of tabs allows for the customization of the text used across the dashboard. The font, font size, and font color can all be easily set.

customize theme

The remaining tabs that fall under the Text window allow for setting the font, font size, and font color for Titles, Cards, and Tab Headers.

customize theme
customize theme
customize theme

By clicking on the Apply button at this point, the theme is saved for this particular file. Notice in the below screen print that the legend color for the text is now green.

new text color scheme

Next, we would move on to the Visuals settings. The first tab allows for setting the background color for a visual along with its transparency. The second window provides a method to set the border on or off and then set the color and radius (how the curves look) for a border. On the third set of windows, the background and border colors are set. As is the icon color for the visual header menu items (such as focus mode or export data). Finally, the fourth screen sets the background and label colors for a tool tip.

customize theme
customize theme
customize theme
customize theme

The color selections are not perfect, but you can see our them adjustments being applied to the current report.

profit matrix

Moving on to the page tab allows for the setting of the wallpaper, page background colors, and transparency (I would love for it to set the wallpaper itself).

customize theme
customize theme

The final tab is for customizing the color scheme and fonts used on the filter pane area. We can set different colors based on whether we are looking at the available items to select or at the actual applied filter cards.

customize theme
customize theme
customize theme

As illustrated in the image below, we have some crazy color and font themes applied to this file.

json theme file

AAfter reviewing our JSON theme file, illustrated below, we see the number of tags has expanded significantly. Each section we changed has added value for the appropriate settings.

{   "name": "Scotts Theme 1",
   "dataColors": [
   "background": "#FFFFFF",
   "foreground": "#070f25",
   "tableAccent": "#0F1934",
   "bad": "#E8A30E",
   "neutral": "#10F22E",
   "good": "#1B4CD4",
   "foregroundNeutralSecondary": "#70D90D",
   "textClasses": {
      "label": {
         "color": "#102AF3",
         "fontFace": "Cambria",
         "fontSize": 12
      "callout": {
         "color": "#EFEF12"
      "header": {
         "color": "#DA1828"
   "visualStyles": {
      "*": {
         "*": {
            "background": [
                  "color": {
                     "solid": {
                        "color": "#0CB2E9"
            "border": [
                  "color": {
                     "solid": {
                        "color": "#E022F9"
                  "show": true,
                  "radius": 2
            "visualHeader": [
                  "background": {
                     "solid": {
                        "color": "#E61414"
                  "foreground": {
                     "solid": {
                        "color": "#A10FC5"
            "visualTooltip": [
                  "titleFontColor": {
                     "solid": {
                        "color": "#EF9A13"
                  "valueFontColor": {
                     "solid": {
                        "color": "#FFFFFF"
                  "background": {
                     "solid": {
                        "color": "#F80808"
            "filterCard": [
                  "$id": "Applied",
                  "backgroundColor": {
                     "solid": {
                        "color": "#0BE8E8"
                  "foregroundColor": {
                     "solid": {
                        "color": "#F38A22"
                  "transparency": 0
      "page": {
         "*": {
            "background": [
                  "color": {
                     "solid": {
                        "color": "#DEEC1D"
                  "transparency": 100

Now that the theme file has been saved, we can easily import it into another Power BI file.

Import theme

OnOnce imported, the theme color and formatting options are applied to the dashboard. In the above screen print, note the dark background behind the file window. Upon applying the theme, the background is now light blue.


Upon importing the theme, you may notice that it seems a color or format is not being applied. Remember if a color, font, font color, or background is already set to a color outside the theme, when the import happens, that value will not be overridden. Instead, you may have to select the "Revert to default" option on the element so the theme color and formatting theme is used.

revert to default

Note that even though the Power BI Customize Theme editor allows for changing many major coloring and formatting options and saving them in a theme file; some detailed customizations still require modifications in the JSON theme file itself. p>

In this tip we covered the new Advance Theme customization that can be utilized within Power BI desktop. It allows for several main formatting options to be set within a Power BI desktop as opposed to setting the items within the external JSON theme file.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Scott Murray Scott Murray has a passion for crafting BI Solutions with SharePoint, SSAS, OLAP and SSRS.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

View all my tips

Comments For This Article

Thursday, January 28, 2021 - 10:07:00 AM - Scott Murray Back To Top (88117)
I not aware of a way to conditionally format the page background color.

Thursday, January 28, 2021 - 6:03:11 AM - Andrew Westgate Back To Top (88114)
That is very useful to know, thanks. Can you set background colors in a theme to be depended on values? I.e. conditional formatting?

Tuesday, January 5, 2021 - 7:39:27 AM - Eric Nichols Back To Top (88001)
Great article. In regards to adding a wallpaper, well you can do a page background. I use PowerPoint to lay it out, save as picture and convert the picture to base64 and paste that into the JSON. Especially useful for custom page backgrounds with logos.

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