Report Builder menu


Every program typically has a main menu with options to create, open, save, etc.  This menu was often named File.  In Report Builder you won't find a File menu but the same functionality does exist.  This topic covers the Report Builder main menu.


To display the Report Builder main menu click the icon in the top left corner of the Report Builder window as shown below:


The Report Builder main menu is displayed:


The Report Builder main menu provides the following options:

  • New - displays the New Report or Dataset dialog
  • Open - allows you to navigate to a folder and select a report to open
  • Save - saves the report you are currently editing
  • Save As -saves the current report and allows you to specify a different file name and/or location
  • Publish Report Parts - allows you to select elements of the report and publish them so that they can be used in other reports
  • Check for Updates - checks if there are new versions of any report parts you are using in your report
  • Recent Documents - provides a list of reports that you have recently created or edited; click on a report to open it for editing or to run it
  • Options - displays the Report Builder Options dialog; see the Report Builder Options topic later in this section
  • Exit Report Builder - closes the Report Builder program
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