Report Builder Report Footers


The Report Footer is the bottom section of a report.  It may contain the page number, execution date and time, a confidentiality notice, and so on.  This topic will walk through the steps for adding the report footer to a report. 


We will continue with the report that we began in this section.  Our report has the header section completed and looks like this:


When you create a new report by selecting Blank Report from either the Getting Started dialog or the New Report or Dataset dialog, the footer is added automatically; notice the ExecutionTime at the bottom of the page.  To add a Report Footer you can click Footer on the Insert tab of the Report Builder ribbon and select Add Footer from the popup menu:


If the footer already exists, the popup menu will have the Remove Footer option.

Let's make these changes to the report footer:

  • Delete the execution time (we have it in the header)
  • Add a confidentiality statement

To add the confidentiality statement drag a TextBox from the Insert tab onto the report footer area and drop it in the middle of the report footer area; set the value to "CONFIDENTIAL - ABC COMPANY".  After dropping the TextBox onto the report footer area, you can start typing.  The report design looks like this:


Click Run on the Home tab to preview the report:


We will now move on to adding content to the Report Body. 

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