By: Ray Barley
Report Builder 3.0 provides wizards to allow you to quickly create reports. The wizard approach walks you through creating a report step-by-step. When you are creating your first reports, it's a good idea to take advantage of the wizards. As you gain more experience with Report Builder, you may choose to bypass the wizards and design your reports from scratch which allows you the flexibility to create reports your way and go beyond what the wizards provide.
This section contains the following topics:
- Table or Matrix Wizard
- Chart Wizard
- Map Wizard
The first two reports we build in this section will use the shared dataset that we created in the Datasets topic in the Getting Started section. Please refer back to that section for the details. The report we create with the Map Wizard will use an embedded dataset in order to provide an example of that approach.
One additional point about how we create reports in this section - we'll launch the wizards from the Getting Started dialog or the New Report or Dataset dialog. This creates a new report and launches the wizard to add a data region to the report. The wizards can also be launched from the Insert tab on the ribbon by clicking the glyph underneath the wizard. Refer back to the Report Editor topic in the Getting Started section for the details.