SQL Server 2017 Transaction Log Backup Improvements

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In my previous tip, SQL Server 2017 Differential Backup Changes I outlined how to effectively issue a differential backup based on the percentage changed in the data since the last full backup. SQL Server 2017 RC2 also offers changes for transaction log backups as well. In this tip we will explore how to effectively issue transaction log backups with SQL Server 2017.


SQL Server DBAs often keep databases in the Full Recovery Model in order to issue transaction log backups. This helps to be able to recover the database using point in time recovery.

Normally we create a SQL Server Agent Job to run at a specific duration depending upon the criticality of the database. However, as you know the number of transactions or database load is not the same at all times. Sometimes the database is very busy causing the transaction log to automatically grow frequently thus increasing the virtual log file count. Since our transaction log backup schedule is based on the interval i.e. every 1 minute or every 15 minutes, it is independent of the transaction log activity. Due to this we see a variation in the size of the transaction log backups. The transaction log backup size also varies due to the transactions happening during that time interval.  The problem with this approach is that it doesn't take into consideration transaction log activity, so we see frequent auto growth events occurring in the database.

Pre SQL Server 2017 Transaction Log Backups

Let's walk through an example of transaction log backups prior to SQL Server 2017.  First let's create a database and insert some records into a table.

CREATE DATABASE SmartTrasactionLogBackup

USE [SmartTrasactionLogBackup]

/****** Object:  Table [dbo].[TestTable]   ******/


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Customers]
   [custid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
   [custname] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL

GO 1000

Let's take a Full backup followed by a transaction log backup.

--Full database backup
BACKUP DATABASE [SmartTrasactionLogBackup] TO DISK = N'C:\Backup\SmartTrasactionLogBackup.bak' 
WITH FORMAT, NAME = N'SmartTrasactionLogBackup-full Database Backup', STATS = 10

--Transaction log backup
BACKUP LOG [SmartTrasactionLogBackup] TO DISK = N'C:\Backup\SmartTrasactionLogbackup.trn' 
WITH FORMAT, NAME = N'SmartTrasactionLogBackup-log Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10

In the below script I will run the transaction log backup every 1 minute.  During this time frame the workload will vary i.e. the database will be idle sometimes while very active at others.

WHILE (1=1)
   BACKUP LOG [SmartTrasactionLogBackup] TO DISK = N'C:\Backup\SmartTrasactionLogbackup.trn'
   WITH FORMAT, NAME = N'SmartTrasactionLogBackup-log Database Backup', STATS = 10

   WAITFOR DELAY '00:01:00' --Timer to run the script for backup every 1 min

I have waited for some log backups to finish and then started this transaction to insert records.

GO 10000000

Before we move on, let me introduce a new SQL Server 2017 DMF - sys.dm_db_log_stats. This DMF returns summary level attributes and information on transaction log files for databases.

Below is the syntax for sys.dm_db_log_stats.

sys.dm_db_log_stats ( database_id )

This DMF provides very important and useful output. Some of the important output columns are:

  • recovery_model: Current database recovery model i.e. Full, Bulk-logged, Simple.
  • total_log_size_mb: Total transaction log size in MB.
  • active_log_size_mb: Total active transaction log size in MB.
  • active_vlf_count: Total number of active VLFs in the transaction log.
  • log_truncation_holdup_reason: Log truncation holdup reason. The value is same as log_reuse_wait_desc column of sys.databases.
  • log_backup_time: Last transaction log backup time.
  • log_since_last_log_backup_mb: Log size in MB since last transaction log backup LSN.

We will create a table to insert the output from our DMF every 30 seconds to see the transaction log details.

   DBname varchar(50),
   Recovery_model varchar(20),
   total_log_size_mb float,
   active_log_size_mb float,
   active_vlf_count int,
   log_truncation_holdup_reason nvarchar(100),
   log_backup_time datetime,
   log_since_last_log_backup_mb int

WHILE (1=1)
      DB_NAME(database_id) AS DBName, 
   FROM sys.dm_db_log_stats(DB_ID())

   WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:30'

Also, I have captured the auto growth event using the following query:

DECLARE @trcfilename VARCHAR(1000);

SELECT @trcfilename = path FROM sys.traces WHERE is_default = 1

SELECT StartTime,
       DB_NAME(databaseid)as DatabaseName,
       SUM ((IntegerData*8)/1024) AS [Growth in MB],
       (Duration/1000)as [Duration in seconds]
FROM ::fn_trace_gettable(@trcfilename, default)
WHERE (EventClass = 92 OR EventClass = 93)
GROUP BY StartTime,Databaseid, Filename, IntegerData, Duration
ORDER BY StartTime

So far we have set the stage to gather the data. Once the data is collected, I can create a graph in Excel to show the details as shown below.

SQL Server 2016 database transaction log backup size and auto growth

We can see in the graph that the backup size continuously varies. Sometimes it is very small when no activity is happening while sometimes the log backup size is comparably larger.  We can see a couple of auto growth events occurring which caused the transaction log file to grow.

SQL Server transaction log activity

In the above figure we can see the active log varies because the backup is happening at scheduled times.

So far we have seen the transaction log behavior up to SQL Server 2016.  Now let's what has changed in SQL Server 2017.

Effective log backup - SQL Server 2017

As highlighted above, SQL Server 2017 introduces a new DMF sys.dm_db_log_stats to track transaction log backup status in more granular way. We can use the information to effectively manage the SQL Server transaction log backups.

The DMF, sys.dm_db_log_stats has an output column logsincelastbackup which represents how much log data has been generated since the last transaction log backup. We can use this information to manage the transaction log backups.

Suppose I want log backups to happen only when logsincelastbackup has more than 50 MB for the particular database. So my log backup should execute as:

  • logsincelastbackup<>50MB: No log backup should execute even on scheduled time
  • logsincelastbackup<=50MB: Log backup should execute

To do so, I have executed the below script to issue transaction log backups.  This code will only create a log backup if the threshold of 50 MB has been met.

DECLARE @logsincelastbackup int
DECLARE @logbackupthershold int=50

WHILE (1=1)
   SELECT @logsincelastbackup = log_since_last_log_backup_mb from sys.dm_db_log_stats(DB_ID())

   IF (@logsincelastbackup = @logbackupthershold )
      BACKUP LOG [SmartTrasactionLogBackup] TO DISK = N'C:\Backup\SmartTrasactionLogbackup.trn' WITH FORMAT

I gathered the same data as we captured above to compare the results. The new log backup mechanism shows the results below.

SQL Server 2017 database transaction log backup size and auto growth

We can see that the transaction log backup is happening once 50MB has been reached.  There is no fixed time interval on which the process will issue the transaction log backup. Also, the transaction log backup size is also continuously the same.

Since we are taking a backup once the threshold is met, an auto growth event is not happening which should improve the database performance as well.

SQL Server 2017 transaction log activity does not exceed 50 MB due to recurring backups

In the above figure we can see the active log is not reaching beyond 50 MB since the log backup executes once the threshold is met. So SQL Server 2017 provides us more control over transaction log backups where we can issue the transaction log backup based on the database activity instead of a predefined schedule. We can also improve the database performance by minimizing the transaction log auto growth frequency.

SQL Server 2017 provides many exciting features, effective and smart transaction log backups is a really impressive new feature. Explore this feature in your test environment to see the benefits.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Rajendra Gupta Rajendra Gupta is a Consultant DBA with 14+ years of extensive experience in database administration including large critical OLAP, OLTP, Reporting and SharePoint databases.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Comments For This Article

Monday, July 23, 2018 - 7:21:35 AM - Revane.S Back To Top (76786)

We get log backups from the secondary node. But now I see that [log_since_last_log_backup_mb]  in sys.dm_db_log_stats returns null for databases which are in Availability groups,on secondary replica. But  return value on primary replica.

But I could not understand why it returns null? Have you encountered such a situation?

Monday, April 16, 2018 - 5:07:07 AM - Kris Back To Top (75709)

>> isn't the whole point of backing up a log so you can do point in time recovery?

I agree, backups are defined by the SLA, ours is 10 minutes, but during Index Defrag etc. we have, historically, increased log backups to every minute to prevent bloat of LOG file (SQL can fill it much quicker than our users during normal daily activity!). Creating a scheduled job to make Log Backups every minute, just for the duration of the Housekeeping, and on the database currently being processed, was "complicated", so now we have "Log backup every 10 minutes" (for SLA) and "Log backup every minute, but only if SIZE > xxx" (to prevent Log file bloat)

Monday, January 1, 2018 - 7:19:30 AM - rajendra gupta Back To Top (74641)

 Hi Umar


This is not the mandatory mechanism to implement for log backup, old method still works fine.


So it entirely depends upon the solution you want to implement bases on the environment. But I think it is cool feature to control log backup size bases on the scenerio.





Sunday, December 31, 2017 - 6:07:13 PM - umar iqbal Back To Top (74633)

 I think i agree with chris. this is not practical functionality. its cool feature but not practical . lets say its take 3 hour for log to get to the size of 45MB  now in between lets say after 2 hours system crash . then we have no log backup.  Unless we make a SLA with app team that max data we will loose is 45 MB. but still i dont see the point here why MS introduced it as it will really mess up your point in time recovery if log is not backup for 4 hr due to less activity and system crash lets say when log size was 48 MB . we lost 48 MB amount of data and there will be no recovery.


Friday, September 15, 2017 - 7:34:21 AM - rajendra gupta Back To Top (66311)

 Praveen you might do that but in SQL 2017 DMV makes the process simple to understand and implement...No custom and complex coding required 


Friday, September 15, 2017 - 6:06:26 AM - Praveen Back To Top (66307)


Thanks for sharing the new DMV.


I think in SQL Server versions prior to SQL 2017, we can use DBCC SQLPERF(LOGSPACE) or DMV sys.dm_os_performance_counters to determine log space usage and can then trigger the log backup conditionally.


Thursday, September 14, 2017 - 6:19:18 PM - Chris Woods Back To Top (66293)

But isn't the whole point of backing up a log so you can do point in time recovery? I fail to see the benefit here AND still be able to do recovery as you should be able to. Perhaps you run this one a minute and you run normal log backups every 15 minutes so you have the 15 minute backstop in place and lose at most 15 minutes of data?

Thursday, September 14, 2017 - 9:19:13 AM - rajendra gupta Back To Top (66278)

 Yes, the whole idea is to take the backup bases upon the activity not just on time . You have control over the transaction log backup size. However if you want point in time recovery old .Method still applicable.


Thursday, September 14, 2017 - 8:10:24 AM - Chris Woods Back To Top (66275)

Let's say it takes 2 hours to get 50mb. Doesn't that mean you won't have a log back up for two hours? Making point in time recovery pretty difficult. 

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