Transfer On-Premises Files to Azure Blob Storage

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Data integration tasks sometimes require transferring files between on-premises and cloud sources. In this tip I'll explain how to create an Azure Data Factory pipeline to transfer CSV files between an on-premises machine and Azure Blob Storage.


Data Exchange Architecture

I will create two pipelines - the first pipeline will transfer CSV files from an on-premises machine into Azure Blob Storage and the second pipeline will copy the CSV files into Azure SQL Database. For those of you not familiar with Azure Blob Storage, it is a secure file storage service in Azure. In this tip we will cover how to transfer files to Azure Blob Storage and the next tip we will cover how to transfer files to Azure SQL Database.

As I mentioned in the previous post, ADF requires a Self-hosted Integration Runtime (SHIR) service to transfer data between an on-premises machine and Azure, as shown in the below high-level architecture:


Although it is possible to transfer CSV files from an on-premises machine directly to Azure SQL Database, I have deliberately split this data flow into two pipelines, as we will need to use the second pipeline in one of the future posts which will discuss pipeline execution automation.

Preparing Source and Destination Tables

Since I have already installed and configured SHIR on my machine, I can start using it to transfer files to Azure.

For the purpose of this exercise, I have extracted data from the FactInternetSales table from the AdventureWorks 2016 database into a CSV format, divided it into three files, based on order year and placed them in the C:\Data\CSV folder on my machine. The first row in each file contains column headers, as you can see in the below snapshot.

 Source File

Now, let's prepare the cloud location for our data flow jobs. There are a few ways to manage files in Blob Storage, one of which is using Azure Portal. I will use Azure Portal to create a Blob Storage account and related containers to serve as destination for the CSV files. Here are required steps.

1 - Log in to Azure Portal, and I will open resource group 'myRG' which I created earlier and add a new resource, using '+Add' button.

In the Azure Portal, add a new resource

2 - Select 'Storage account - blob, file, table, queue' resource type and confirm.

Select the storage account in Azure

3 - Inside 'Create storage account' dialog window, select resource group 'myRG' from drop-down list, assign the name to the storage account (I named it 'blbstg'), select an Azure region near your location and confirm.

Create Storage Account in Azure

4 - Once the blob storage is deployed, open it using the 'Go to resource' button.

Azure Go To Resource option

5 - The next step is adding a container to the blob storage. Containers are logical grouping of files (called blobs, in Azure terminology) and can be treated as equivalents of file folders. Files could be copied directly into them or you could create nested folders inside containers and copy files there. For simplicity sake, we will copy files directly into the container, which we are going to create next. To add new container from the Blob storage management screen, open the 'Blobs' tab and press the '+Container' button.

Add a Container in Azue

6 - Enter the name for the new container (I named it 'csvfiles') and confirm.

Enter new container name

Creating Copy Pipeline

Now that we prepared the source and destination, the process of creating a pipeline is similar to what we did for database related pipeline in a previous post, see below steps.

1 - Linked services. We need to create linked services for the source and destination, here are the details.

  • To add a source linked service, open the 'Connections' tab on the 'Factory Resources' panel, add new connection and select the 'File System' type from the ADF authoring screen.
 New Linked Service in Azure
  • Assign the name to the linked service name, select 'OnPremIR' from the integration runtime drop-down list, enter your domain user name in the format of 'USERNAME@DOMAINNAME', as well as a password. Finally, hit the 'Test connection' button to ensure ADF can connect to your local folder.
Azure New Lined Service for the File System
  • To add a destination linked service, add a new connection and select Azure Blob Storage type.
Azure Blob Storage
  • Assign the name for the linked service, select 'Use account key' as the authentication method, select Azure subscription and storage account name from the respective drop-down lists.
Configure Azure Blog Storage

2 - Datasets. Now that we have linked services in place, we can add the source and destination datasets, here are the required steps.

  • To add source dataset, press '+' on 'Factory Resources' panel and select 'Dataset'.
  • Open 'File' tab, select 'File System' type and confirm.
New Dataset
  • Assign the name to newly created dataset (I named it 'LocalFS_DS') and switch to the 'Connection' tab.
Local Factory Service Dataset
  • Select the source linked service we created in step 1, check the 'Column names in the first row' box and ensure that 'File path' field points to the right folder.
Configure Local File System
  • Finally, open the 'Schema' tab and hit the 'Import Schema' button to import the CSV files structure.
Import Schema
  • Similar to the source dataset, hit '+' on 'Factory Resources' panel and select 'Dataset', to add the destination dataset.
  • Select the 'Azure Blob Storage' type and confirm.
  • Enter dataset name (I named it 'BlobSTG_DS') and open 'Connection' tab.
  • Select blob storage linked service we created in step 1, type blob container name we created earlier in the 'File path' field and check  'Column names in the first row' box.
Connection Configuration

3 - Pipeline and activity. The last step in this process is -adding pipeline and activity. Here are steps:

  • Press '+' on 'Factory Resources' panel and select 'Pipeline'.
  • Assign the name to the pipeline (I named it as 'OnPremToBlob_PL').
  • Expand 'Move & Transform' category on the 'Activities' panel and drag & drop 'Copy Data' activity onto central panel.
  • Select newly added activity and assign the name (I named it 'FactInternetSales_FS_BS_AC').
  • Switch to 'Source' tab and select LocalFS_DS dataset we created earlier.
Switch to ‘Source’ tab and select LocalFS_DS dataset we have created earlier
  • Switch to 'Sink' tab and select 'BlobSTG_DS' dataset we created earlier.
Switch to ‘Sink’ tab and select ‘BlobSTG_DS’ dataset we have created earlier

4 - Publishing changes - Now that we've added all required components, last step is publishing these changes-hit 'Publish All' and check notifications area for deployment status.

Execution and Monitoring

By now we know how to trigger a pipeline, so let's kick-off the pipeline we just created, using the 'Trigger Now' command under the 'Trigger' menu.

Execution and Monitoring of Azure Data Factory

To check the execution results, open ADF Monitoring page and ensure that pipeline's execution was successful.

ADF Monitoring page

To verify that files have been transferred successfully, let's switch to the blob storage screen and open the 'csvfiles' container.

Blob storage

Congratulations, all three files have made it to blob storage.

All three files have made to blob storage


In this post, we learned how to create pipelines to transfer files from an on-premises machine to Azure and as you may observed the process of creating pipelines and all its components is very similar, regardless of the type of pipeline. The pipelines we have built so far were simple pipelines, but we will add complexity as we progress.

In the next post, we will build a pipeline to transfer files into Azure SQL Database.

Next Steps

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Fikrat Azizov Fikrat Azizov has been working with SQL Server since 2002 and has earned two MCSE certifications. He’s currently working as a Solutions Architect at Slalom Canada.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Comments For This Article

Saturday, July 15, 2023 - 5:10:21 AM - posike yansi Back To Top (91387)
The best way we use to copy from On-Premises to Azure Blob is by any of the cloud migration tools such as Gs Richcopy 360 and ShareGate

Tuesday, October 12, 2021 - 6:23:37 PM - Fikrat Back To Top (89328)
Hi there,
It's hard to say why IR connection fails on your machine, as I never experienced any issues on mine. Maybe, because I installed it on my local machine, which is fully connected to AD. So, see if adding that VM to AAD helps.
Also, you can try troubleshooting by opening your IR and going into Diagnostics/View logs. That should help you see all of the detailed logs and bring some insights.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021 - 3:13:10 PM - William B Back To Top (89327)
I have an Azure VM that we created with the self-hosted IR on it. I am having same problem as previous user. "...Detail Message: The system could not find the environment option that was entered The system could not find the environment option that was entered Activity ID: 47aa8c9d-a39f-4973-802c-18c085c98060." I have tried root of C, a special share, gave user admin privileges, used key vault, entered password directly, double checked running local IR and it is connected and running perfect, ran diagnostics and everything checks out. Still everything I try yields the same results. Azure VM was not built linked to AAD. But I have AAD enabled so I can login to VM with AAD credentials. (I can grab article if needed). Any ideas what is tripping this up?

Thursday, August 5, 2021 - 3:39:25 PM - Nirav Kothari Back To Top (89095)
i am not able to connect my local source, e.g. user id [email protected].

getting error message as below :

'Cannot connect to 'C:\Nirav\Azure\DataFiles\test'. Detail Message: The system could not find the environment option that was entered The system could not find the environment option that was entered Activity ID: 5a66106d-95fe-4a78-820a-2f1b37814441.'

Wednesday, May 19, 2021 - 3:26:11 PM - Fikrat Back To Top (88715)
Thanks, if you need to kick of ADF pipeline when a new file is uploaded to the blob storage, you can use a event -based trigger for that, if this tip helps:

Wednesday, May 19, 2021 - 6:30:40 AM - Scotty Tarvan Back To Top (88706)
Nice article but in a real world scenario what triggers the file upload pipeline? We need to have a file listener...

Wednesday, January 27, 2021 - 9:32:40 AM - MTJan Back To Top (88108)
Excellent article, and I would to mention that, I was using AzCopy and now I use Gs Richcopy 360, it is GUI based and can control the bandwidth-consuming while transfer to Azure blob, this option is great for who suffer from bandwidth consuming while copying to Azure blob .

Thursday, November 7, 2019 - 4:01:34 AM - Bibhudatta Hotta Back To Top (83002)

Nice Article Fikrat,

Covered all basic concepts. Can you please help me how  to transfer CSV/Flat Files from an on-permises machine directly to Azure SQL Database and also how ADF will get the access on the on-permises location.


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