Azure Data Factory Data Transformation with U-SQL

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As I continue to write U-SQL scripts to query and aggregate my big data sets and then run those jobs in Azure Data Lake Analytics, I now want to be able to implement and schedule an Azure Data Factory pipeline which uses U-SQL to transform my data and then load it to an Azure SQL Database. This E-T-L data transformation is a critical need for my data integration, processing, and scheduling strategy.


Azure Data Factory is a cloud-based data integration service that allows me to orchestrate data driven workflows in the cloud by transforming, automating, and scheduling data pipelines with ease. This article specifically aims to describe a working example of the Azure Data Factory transformation layer by calling a U-SQL script which contains code to transform a large dataset before it is loaded to my Azure SQL Database.

Provisioning Azure Resources

I will need to provision a few Azure resources prior to building my Azure Data Factory pipeline that will run a U-SQL script to transform my data and then load it to Azure SQL Database. Let's get started.

Creating a Data Factory

I'll start by Creating a Data Factory by Navigating to the Azure Marketplace in the Azure Portal and then clicking Integration > Data Factory.

Create Data Factory Step 1

Once I enter the necessary details related to my new data factory, I will click Create.

Create a Data Factory Step 2

Creating an Azure SQL Database

Next, I will create my Azure SQL Database by once again navigating to the Azure Marketplace, clicking Databases > SQL Database.

Create a ASQLDB Step 1

Once I enter the required details to configure my new database as seen below, I will click Create. The database will then be deployed and ready for data to be loaded in a later step of the process.

Create an ASQLDB Step 2

Creating an Azure Data Lake

The last resource that I will need to provision for this process is my Azure Data Lake, which will consist of an Azure Data Lake Store and an Azure Data Lake Analytics account. Once again, I will navigate to the Azure Marketplace in the Azure Portal, click Analytics > Data Lake Analytics.

Create ADLA Step 1

After I enter the following configuration details for the New Data Lake Analytics account, I will click create.

Create ADLA Step 2

Uploading the Source Data and U-SQL Scripts

Now that I have provisioned all the necessary Azure Resources in the portal, I will begin uploading the following source data files to Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS).

Upload files to ADLS

I will also upload a U-SQL Script file to ADLS. The U-SQL Script file, which I will call SummarizeLogs.usql, will contain the following code, which Extracts the schema of the log files, summarizes and counts certain fields, and then outputs the summary file to ADLA via a parameter that will be specified in the Azure Data Factory (ADF) pipeline later.

@log = EXTRACT date string,                
               time string,                
               client_ip string,                
               username string,                
               server_ip string,                
               port int,                
               method string,                
               stem string,                
               query string,                
               status string,                
               server_bytes int,                
               client_bytes int,                
               time_taken int,                
               user_agent string,                
               referrer string    
       FROM @log_file         
       USING Extractors.Text(' ', silent:true); 
@summary = SELECT date,                        
               COUNT(*) AS hits,                        
               SUM(server_bytes) AS bytes_sent,
               SUM(client_bytes) AS bytes_received                 
           FROM @log                 
           GROUP BY date; 
OUTPUT @summary 
TO @summary_file
ORDER BY date 
USING Outputters.Csv(outputHeader:true);			

Creating an Azure SQL Database Table

Now that I've uploaded my files and U-SQL script, I will create an Azure SQL Database (ASQLDB) Table in the new Azure Database that I just created using the following Create table statement:

CREATE TABLE dbo.usql_logs (
   log_date varchar(12), 
   requests int, 
   bytes_in float,
   bytes_out float
Create ASQLDB Table

Creating Azure Data Factory Linked Services

Now that I've created my ASQLDB table, I am ready to begin creating my Azure Data Factory (ADF) Linked Services. I'll do this by clicking my Data Factory icon which I pinned to my dashboard.

Click the ADF Icon

Next, I will Click Author & Monitor. This will open my Azure Data Factory in a new tab.

Click the Author and Monitor to open ADF

Creating Azure Data Lake Store Linked Service

Within ADF, I will start by creating a new Linked Service connection by clicking the pencil icon to the left, then clicking connections, and then clicking New.

Steps to create a Linked Service

This will open a New Linked Service Box. I will then click Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 and continue.

Steps to create a linked service 2

Once I select me Data Lake Store name, I'll click test connection.

Click more to view details of failed connection

If I see the following Connection Failed message, I will need to grant the Data Factory Service Identity proper permissions in the Data Lake Store.

Access to is denied. Make sure the ACL and firewall rule is correctly configured in the Azure Data Lake Store account.

I can grant access as a source or a sink:

As source: In Data explorer > Access, grant at least Read + Execute permission to list and copy the files in folders and subfolders. Or, you can grant Read permission to copy a single file. You can choose to add to This folder and all children for recursive and add as an access permission and a default permission entry. There's no requirement on account level access control (IAM).

As sink: In Data explorer > Access, grant at least Write + Execute permission to create child items in the folder. You can choose to add to This folder and all children for recursive and add as an access permission and a default permission entry. If you use Azure integration runtime to copy (both source and sink are in the cloud), in IAM, grant at least the Reader role to let Data Factory detect the region for Data Lake Store. If you want to avoid this IAM role, explicitly create an Azure integration runtime with the location of Data Lake Store. Associate them in the Data Lake Store linked service as the following example.

For my Source scenario, I will navigate to my ADLS and click Data Explorer:

Steps to view data explorer

Next, I will click Access:

Steps to view access

I will then ensure that Read, Write, and Execute Access has been granted.

Steps to assign read write access

I will then navigate to the firewall settings and enable firewall and allow access to Azure Services.

Steps to turn on firewall services

Once I do this, I will return to my New ADLS Linked Service and note that the Connection is successful this time, so I'll click Finish to add this Linked Service.

Finish registering ADLS LS

Creating Azure SQL Database Linked Services

I will then follow the same steps to create a New Azure SQL DB Linked service.

Create ASQLDB Linked Service Step 1

Then I'll click SQL Server > Continue.

Create ASQL LS Step 2

I'll then enter the Server Name, DB Name, User Name and PW, and click Test Connection. Once my connection is successful, I'll click finish to create the Linked Service.

Create ASQLLS Step 3

Creating Azure Data Lake Analytics Linked Services

There is one last Linked Service that will need to be created and this is the Azure Data Lake Analytics Linked Service. I intentionally saved this Linked Service for last because it involved the greatest number of steps. In fact, it involved so many steps that I have written a separate tip, titled 'Creating an Azure Data Lake Linked Service Using Azure Data Factory' on how to establish this Linked Connection. For more information, please read this article.

Once all my Linked Services are created, I should see 3 new Linked Services in the connections tab of ADF:

Final Linked Services view

Creating Azure Data Factory Datasets

Before, I begin creating and configuring my ADF pipeline, I'll need to create a Source and Destination Dataset.

Creating the Source Dataset

I'll start by creating the source dataset by navigating to datasets and then clicking Add Dataset:

Steps to add a dataset

Next, I'll click Azure Data Lake Store Gen 1 since my source file will be stored there. The source file is actually the output file generate by the U-SQL Transformation script, and not the actual raw source file.

Steps to add a dataset 2

I can then either configure the Data set with JSON code or using the GUI. In this scenario, I will create it using the following JSON code by clicking Code and then pasting the JSON.

This is the JSON Code ICON to click.
     "name": "DS_Summary",
    "properties": {
        "linkedServiceName": {
            "referenceName": "LS_AzureDataLakeStore1",
            "type": "LinkedServiceReference"
        "type": "AzureDataLakeStoreFile",
        "structure": [
                "name": "dates",
                "type": "String"
                "name": "hits",
                "type": "Int32"
                "name": "bytes_sent",
                "type": "Double"
                "name": "bytes_received",
                "type": "Double"
        "typeProperties": {
            "format": {
                "type": "TextFormat",
                "columnDelimiter": ",",
                "rowDelimiter": "",
                "quoteChar": "\"",
                "nullValue": "\\N",
                "encodingName": null,
                "treatEmptyAsNull": true,
                "skipLineCount": 0,
                "firstRowAsHeader": true
            "fileName": "six_month_summary.csv",
            "folderPath": "output",
            "partitionedBy": [
                    "name": "Year",
                    "value": {
                        "type": "DateTime",
                        "date": "SliceStart",
                        "format": "yyyy"
                    "name": "Month",
                    "value": {
                        "type": "DateTime",
                        "date": "SliceStart",
                        "format": "MM"
        "published": false,
        "availability": {
            "frequency": "Month",
            "interval": 1
    "type": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/datasets"

Note how the connection has been created.

The connection Details

Also, note how the schema contains the 15 columns specifies in the JSON.

Here are the connection schema

Once I'm done creating my Source Data Set, I will click Publish All to complete creating this Source Dataset.

Click publish to complete the process.

Creating the Database Table Dataset

Next, I'll create the Destination Table Dataset, by clicking Add Dataset and selecting Azure SQL Database:

Add the 2nd dataset.
Add the SQL DB dataset.

I'll then enter the following JSON code to configure SQL Table Destination Dataset.

    "name": "DS_SQLTable",
    "properties": {
        "linkedServiceName": {
            "referenceName": "LS_SqlServer1",
            "type": "LinkedServiceReference"
        "type": "SqlServerTable",
        "structure": [
                "name": "log_date",
                "type": "String"
                "name": "requests",
                "type": "Int32"
                "name": "bytes_in",
                "type": "Double"
                "name": "bytes_out",
                "type": "Double"
        "typeProperties": {
            "tableName": "[dbo].[usql_logs]"
    "type": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/datasets"

I'll check to make sure the configurations look correct:

view the Asql Db dataset connection

And sure enough, I see that my 4 new fields are also created:

View to Schema.

Creating the Azure Data Factory Pipeline

The last step to tie all the loose ends together would be to create a Data Factory pipeline which will call the U-SQL script that I saved my Data Lake Store and copy the data to my SQL DB Table. Conceptually, this is a simple source to destination mapping and flow and would look like this:

This is what the source to destination pipeline will look like.

The JSON Code for the pipeline would be as follows:

    "name": "Transform_Data_With_USQL",
    "properties": {
        "activities": [
                "name": "SummarizeLogs_With_USQL",
                "type": "DataLakeAnalyticsU-SQL",
                "policy": {
                    "timeout": "7.00:00:00",
                    "retry": 0,
                    "retryIntervalInSeconds": 30,
                    "secureOutput": false,
                    "secureInput": false
                "typeProperties": {
                    "scriptPath": "SummarizeLogs.usql",
                    "degreeOfParallelism": 2,
                    "scriptLinkedService": {
                        "referenceName": "LS_AzureDataLakeStore1",
                        "type": "LinkedServiceReference"
                    "parameters": {
                        "log_file": "bigdata/{*}.txt",
                        "summary_file": "output/six_month_summary.csv"
                "linkedServiceName": {
                    "referenceName": "AzureDataLakeAnalytics1",
                    "type": "LinkedServiceReference"
                "name": "Copy Data1",
                "type": "Copy",
                "dependsOn": [
                        "activity": "SummarizeLogs_With_USQL",
                        "dependencyConditions": [
                "policy": {
                    "timeout": "7.00:00:00",
                    "retry": 0,
                    "retryIntervalInSeconds": 30,
                    "secureOutput": false,
                    "secureInput": false
                "typeProperties": {
                    "source": {
                        "type": "AzureDataLakeStoreSource",
                        "recursive": true
                    "sink": {
                        "type": "SqlSink",
                        "writeBatchSize": 10000
                    "enableStaging": false,
                    "translator": {
                        "type": "TabularTranslator",
                        "columnMappings": {
                            "dates": "log_date",
                            "hits": "requests",
                            "bytes_sent": "bytes_in",
                            "bytes_received": "bytes_out"
                "inputs": [
                        "referenceName": "DS_Summary",
                        "type": "DatasetReference"
                "outputs": [
                        "referenceName": "DS_SQLTable",
                        "type": "DatasetReference"
    "type": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelines"

Running the Azure Data Factory Pipeline

Now that the pipeline has been created and published, I'll run the pipeline by clicking the Trigger and Trigger Now icon on the Pipeline canvas:

Steps to trigger the pipeline

I'll then head over to Monitor to view the job results by clicking the red monitor icon:

Click icon to monitor the pipeline.

When the job completes running, I'll see that the status of my Pipeline named 'Transform_Data_With_USQL' has Succeeded.

View the Pipeline status and other details.

When I check the results of the Source to Destination copy activity data flow, I'll see the following details:

View the copy activity details.

Exploring the Results

Now that my job has succeeded, I'll head over to my Azure SQL Database to explore my results in my u_sql_logs table. Upon querying the table, I see that the summarized results have been loaded to my SQL server table and my process is now complete.

Notice the final results where the data has been loaded to the table from the ADF pipeline.
Next Steps
  • In this article, we learned how to transform data with U-SQL using Azure Data Factory and Azure Data Lake Analytics. My article titled 'Creating an Azure Data Lake Linked Service Using Azure Data Factory' describes how to set up a critical step in this process for our Data Lake Analytics Linked Service.
  • Microsoft's article 'Transform Data with Azure Data Factory', covers a list of additional Data Transformation Activities available in Azure Data Factory.
  • For more information on understanding pipelines and activities in Azure Data Factory and how to use them to construct end-to-end data-driven workflows for data movement and data processing scenarios, check out the following Microsoft document titled Pipelines and Activities in Azure Data Factory.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Ron L'Esteve Ron L'Esteve is a trusted information technology thought leader and professional Author residing in Illinois. He brings over 20 years of IT experience and is well-known for his impactful books and article publications on Data & AI Architecture, Engineering, and Cloud Leadership. Ron completed his Master’s in Business Administration and Finance from Loyola University in Chicago. Ron brings deep tec

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Comments For This Article

Monday, August 24, 2020 - 9:08:29 PM - Ron Lesteve Back To Top (86355)
Dear Bobby,

Thanks for the feedback. Data Factory can definitely be used store the @logfile @summaryfile values, however in this demo I simply called the USQL script file containing @logfile and @summaryfile from the USQL activity within the ADF pipeline.

Monday, August 24, 2020 - 2:02:12 PM - bobby Back To Top (86354)
where were the @logfile, @summaryfile values set in adf.
great articles btw, this is my go to site for azure, sql

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