Study material for exam 70-462 Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and 2014 Databases

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I would like to know what books, videos, links and advice you could provide to pass the Microsoft exam Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014 Databases (Exam 70-462)?


In this tip, we will provide links to articles, books and other training material to help you pass the 70-462 exam.

What is the 70-462 certification exam?

This exam is for SQL Server 2012 and 2014 focusing on Administering SQL Server.

What is the price for the exam?

It depends on the country. In USA and Australia the price is $165. In Latin America and Africa it is usually $80 and in Europe €165. In Asia, it depends on the country.

What books can I read to pass the exam?

None of these books covers the exam 100%, however they are a good start:

Are there some practice exams?

Yes, there are several companies that offer practice exams. Here are some:

  1.  Mindhub, a division of Pearson is the official practice exam.
  2.  Boson offers nice practice exams and labs. It has two exams; one of them has 118 questions and another with 150 questions. The practice labs are nice because you have access to remote machines for practice.
  3.  Transcender is another good choice. It includes exam questions and practice exams. It includes 132 questions.
  4.  MeasureUp is another option. It contains 160 questions.
  5.  Selftest is another company. It includes 50 questions.

Can I access virtual labs to practice for the exam?

It is complicated to setup an environment especially if you are new.  Microsoft offers Virtual Labs for free to practice and to checkout features. However, you can ignore the steps on the labs and do whatever you want on the labs in order to study for your exam. The environments are ready to use:

Which forums are recommended to ask questions?

The forums will not only help you to ask questions about the certification exam, but also with real life questions to get familiar with the SQL Server Administration world. Here are some:

  • MSDN or Technet the Microsoft official forums. The main advantage is that it has forums in multiple languages.
  • StackOverFlow it is a very popular technical site to ask questions about different technologies including SQL Server Databases.
  • SQLServerCentral is a forum specialized in SQL Server.
  • SQLTeam is another alternative to ask questions.

Which courses do you recommend for this certification?

Which videos do you recommend for this certification?

  • MSSQLTIPS webcasts, there are several recorded webcasts.
  • Channel 9 is an invaluable resource for new features in SQL 2014. It includes great conferences with Microsoft experts.
  • YouTube has thousands of tutorials about SQL Server.
  • Veam offers some basic videos about SQL Server.
  • DBTNuggets offers 22 videos with a total of 13 hours.

Are there some recommended white papers?

Here are some great whitepapers that will help.

Any other tips for the exam?

There are sometimes special offers for a free second shot to take the exam. Ask the testing center for promotions. Take your time and review your questions. If the exam is in English and it is not your native language, you will have extra time.

Is it similar to the 70-432 exam?

Yes, it adds some new topics, but it is similar. If you took the 70-432 exam, it will not be too difficult.

What is the passing score?

700 out of 1000.

What other things to you recommend to read?

Here are some links to read:

Install and configure

Maintain instances and databases

Optimize and troubleshoot

Manage Data

Implement security

Implement high availability

Next Steps

Here are a few more links that will be useful to you:

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Daniel Calbimonte Daniel Calbimonte is a Microsoft SQL Server MVP, Microsoft Certified Trainer and 6-time Microsoft Certified IT Professional. Daniel started his career in 2001 and has worked with SQL Server 6.0 to 2022. Daniel is a DBA as well as specializes in Business Intelligence (SSIS, SSAS, SSRS) technologies.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

View all my tips

Comments For This Article

Saturday, February 18, 2017 - 1:07:29 AM - Suchita Back To Top (46453)


 A very good article... everything at one place as I was searching for the good one and here it is.


Thursday, December 1, 2016 - 8:41:42 AM - Md Haidar Ali Khan Back To Top (44871)

 This a very useful information for the EXAM MCSA 70-462. You are Awesome. You save my lots of time of my professional life.


Thursday, November 10, 2016 - 3:20:13 AM - Matt R Back To Top (43735)

An excellent article, it's very useful to have all of those references condensed into one list. I am planning to take this exam in the near future and this should prive very useful for study aids.



Wednesday, November 9, 2016 - 3:36:44 PM - Daniel Back To Top (43729)


We will publish a tip related to that exam in few weeks.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016 - 1:37:16 PM - Gaurav Singh Back To Top (43728)

Hi, Could you please help me to get books to start with Exam-461? 


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