Query AWS Athena Data from SQL Server

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Every cloud provider has a serverless interactive query service that uses standard SQL for data analysis. As for the biggest cloud providers, we have Azure Data Lake analytics, Google BigQuery and AWS Athena. Due to the fact that my company is using only AWS, I am greatly enjoying the AWS Athena service - I must say that it is awesome.


The Athena service is built on the top of Presto, distributed SQL engine and also uses Apache Hive to create, alter and drop tables. You can run ANSI SQL statements in the Athena query editor, either launching it from the AWS web services UI, AWS APIs or accessing it as an ODBC data source. You can run complex joins, use window/analytical functions and many other great SQL language features. In several cases, using the Athena service, eliminates need for ETL because it projects your schema on the data files at the time of the query.

I will show you how you can use SQL Server Management Studio or any stored procedure to query the data using AWS Athena, data which is stored in a csv file, located on S3 storage. I am using a CSV file format as an example in this tip, although using a columnar format called PARQUET is faster.

Querying Data from AWS Athena

I am going to:

  1. Put a simple CSV file on S3 storage
  2. Create External table in Athena service, pointing to the folder which holds the data files
  3. Create linked server to Athena inside SQL Server
  4. Use OPENQUERY to query the data.

Let’s create database in Athena query editor.

query aws athena

As a next step I will put this csv file on S3. By the way, Athena supports JSON format, tsv, csv, PARQUET and AVRO formats.

Uploading the below file to S3 bucket (don’t put a column header in the file):

sample data
upload data to aws s3

As a next step, I will go back to Athena, to create an external table over in the S3 folder. You can later add as many files as you want to the same folder and your queries will return the new data immediately, just make sure they follow the same order of columns. If in some file you want to add more columns, you will need to alter the Athena table schema definition and the query will return "NULL" values for the files that do not have new columns.

query aws athena data

Now I can query the data through the AWS Athena UI:

query aws athena data
query aws athena data

Querying Data from AWS Athena Using SQL Server Management Studio and Linked Servers

As a next step I will set up a linked server from my SQL Server instance because I would like to offload the big data querying to AWS Athena. Of course, I am using this tiny example data file, but in real life we are querying sometimes 300GB data file in a single query and the query takes just a few seconds.

Athena has an ODBC driver; I will install it on a SQL Server machine (AWS EC2 instance for this example).

Here is an installation link: https://s3.amazonaws.com/athena-downloads/drivers/ODBC/Windows/Simba+Athena+1.0+64-bit.msi.

Set up the ODBC connection. Important, click on the Authentication Option and fill in the AccessKey and SecretKey that have permissions to access the S3 bucket. The S3 output location below will hold the csv files with results from your queries. Remember to clean up the output files from time to time.

install aws athena odbc driver

What is left, is to set up Linked Server inside Management Studio using OLEDB provider for ODBC.

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server =N'DWH_ATHENA', @srvproduct=N'', @provider=N'MSDASQL', @datasrc=N'DWH_ATHENA'

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname=N'DWH_ATHENA', @useself=N'False', @locallogin=NULL, @rmtuser=N'*******', @rmtpassword='*********'

Replace @rmtuser and @rmtpassword with the AWS access key and secret key and now we can query the data files from any script or stored procedure.

Querying Data from AWS Athena Using SQL Server Management Studio and OpenQuery

There is one very important thing that you need to know. Regular SQL Server ODBC destinations query behavior is to send "select *" to a linked server and do filtering inside SQL Server. This is very bad for us since we want to offload all work to Athena and we do not want to retrieve all table data. The way to overcome this is to use OPENQUERY.

Here is example of the query that is using a linked server. The remote query has omitted filtering and receiving ALL columns from the remote table and the filter is being applied later on, inside the "Filter" step.

query data from ssms to aws athena with linked server

The same query is using OPENQUERY instead of a linked server:

query data from ssms to aws athena with openquery


query resutls

Isn’t it wonderful to be able to keep the row data in files and query them with minimal effort from SQL Server!

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Maria Zakourdaev Maria Zakourdaev has been working with SQL Server for more than 20 years. She is also managing other database technologies such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, RedShift, CouchBase and ElasticSearch.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Comments For This Article

Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 1:28:33 AM - David Back To Top (90864)
Any way to query Athena from Azure SQL?

Friday, June 4, 2021 - 12:05:02 PM - mbourgon Back To Top (88800)
1) Partition your tables in Athena. Better performance if you have a decent amount of data
2) This means you can't just do "select from <linkedserver>...tablename", as that doesn't tell Athena to do partition elimination
3) Once you're using OPENQUERY, if you run into issues because it doesn't know what to expect, you can use CAST or CONVERT to force metadata (aka put "cast(fielda as varchar(500))" if it thinks the field is only 255 characters.
4) That doesn't help with over varchar(8000). You need to move to EXECUTE AT instead, but that seems better then OPENQUERY as it appears to just pass the data back - I got rid of my CASTs in the athena query. Plus, dynamic SQL is easier! You will have to enable RPC OUT for the Linked Server.
5) I couldn't do INSERT INTO EXECUTE AT until I disabled Distributed Transactions in that Linked Server.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 4:19:02 AM - Maria Zakourdaev Back To Top (84007)

It depends on query concurrency and how much you want to pay. Redshift has very low concurrency db, and is better for big data processing flows. In case of querying through Athena, if besides full text filter you dont have any strong filtering in your query, then you will scan too many data and your bill will be high. This applies to Redshift Spektrum as well. I personally love Elasticsearch for full text search use cases.

Monday, January 27, 2020 - 8:15:54 AM - Jakob Back To Top (83995)

Would you consider Athena over Redshift (Spectrum) for an alternative to a good old MS SQL Full Text Search database?

We use MSSQL today, to store TBs of raw text for documents, using SQL CONTAINS() for search query, while joining with some internal MSSQL tables, to make sure only to return search results from documents the user has access to. We use sp_linkedserver for this today.

We'd like to move the fulltext db away from MSSQL EC2 instances and into a more dynamic platform, that will reduce the cost, increase the speed and make it possible to do "search as you type" functionality. I'm not sure whether to choose Athena or Redshift (Spectrum) for this, since it seems like they both support linkedserver and/or openrowset?

Sunday, January 26, 2020 - 10:04:36 AM - Maria Zakourdaev Back To Top (83988)

Hi Jakob, you query data through Athena as a part of any join, just make sure you keep in mind using OPERNOWSET instead of a linked server

Wednesday, January 22, 2020 - 8:48:02 AM - Jakob Back To Top (83928)

Great tutorial! I'd like to move huge logging/auditing tables from MSSQL to another lowcost db alternative. Athena sounds like one way. Can I include the Athena query in a join with a local MSSQL table or can I only do queries isolated inside Athene with no external joining?

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