Greg Robidoux

Greg Robidoux
Greg Robidoux is the President and founder of Edgewood Solutions, a technology services company delivering services and solutions for Microsoft SQL Server. He is also one of the co-founders of Greg has been working with SQL Server since 1999, has authored numerous database-related articles, and delivered several presentations related to SQL Server. Before SQL Server, he worked on many data platforms such as DB2, Oracle, Sybase, and Informix.

Greg Robidoux is the President and founder of Edgewood Solutions, a technology services company delivering services and solutions for Microsoft SQL Server. Greg is also a co-founder of He has been working with SQL Server since 1999 and has authored numerous articles and delivered several presentations online and at local and national SQL Server events.
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Category Tip Title
Analysis Services Tutorials Getting Started with SQL Server Analysis Services
Auditing and Compliance Auditing your SQL Server database and server permissions
Backup Automating Transaction Log Backups for All SQL Server Databases
Backup Backup to multiple files for faster and smaller SQL Server files
Backup Changing the default SQL Server backup folder
Backup CLR function to delete older backup and log files in SQL Server
Backup COPY_ONLY Backups with SQL Server
Backup Encrypt and safeguard your SQL Server database backups
Backup Issues with SQL Server backup log with no_log or truncate_only
Backup Simple script to backup all SQL Server databases
Backup SQL Server backup and restore to network drive
Backup SQL Server Backup Plan
Backup Stop logging all successful backups in your SQL Server error logs
Backup Using passwords with SQL Server database backup files
Backup What is in your SQL Server backup files?
Common Runtime Language Debugging SQL Server CLR functions, triggers and stored procedures
Comparison Data and Objects How do You Identify Object Dependencies in SQL Server
Comparison Data and Objects SQL Server tablediff command line utility
Constraints Disable, enable, drop and recreate SQL Server Foreign Keys
Constraints Finding and fixing SQL Server database constraint issues
Constraints Finding primary keys and missing primary keys in SQL Server
Constraints How to create a SQL Server foreign key
Constraints Identify all of your foreign keys in a SQL Server database
Data Transformation Services SQL Server DTS command line utility
Data Types How to get length of Text, NText and Image columns in SQL Server
Data Types SQL Server Bitwise operators to store multiple values in one column
Database Administration Different ways to determine free space for SQL Server databases and database files
Database Administration How to determine SQL Server database transaction log usage
Database Administration How to rename a SQL Server database
Database Administration Retrieving SQL Server Database Properties with DATABASEPROPERTYEX
Database Administration SQL Database Snapshots for Reporting, Auditing and Data Recovery
Database Configurations Upgrading SQL Server databases and changing compatibility levels
Database Console Commands DBCCs DBCC SHOWCONTIG Blocking Issues in SQL Server
Database Console Commands DBCCs SQL Server 2005 DBCC CHECKDB with DATA_PURITY command
Database Console Commands DBCCs SQL Server Database Integrity Checks Checklist
Database Design Create Table in SQL Server using Excel Template
Database Design Modify SQL Server database tables to keep similar columns together
Database Design Retrieving SQL Server Column Properties with COLUMNPROPERTY
Database Mail Setting up Database Mail for SQL Server with SSMS
Database Mail SQL Server 2005 Database Mail Install Hangs
Database Mail Troubleshooting SQL Server sp_send_dbmail Error Failed to Initialize SQLCMD Library
Database Mirroring Adjusting the automatic failover time for SQL Server Database Mirroring
Database Mirroring Database Mirroring Automating Failover for Multiple SQL Server Databases
DBA Best Practices Defining and Establishing SQL Server Policies and Procedures
DBA Best Practices SQL Server Comparison Tools
DBA Best Practices SQL Server DBA database management checklist
Dynamic Management Views and Functions Find SQL Server Missing Indexes with DMVs
Dynamic Management Views and Functions Finding a SQL Server process percentage complete with DMVs
Dynamic SQL Execute Dynamic SQL commands in SQL Server
Dynamic SQL SQL Server Video Creating Dynamic SQL Commands
Error Handling SQL Server 2005 Try and Catch Exception Handling
Error Logs Simple way to find errors in SQL Server error log
Express Edition Free Job Scheduling Tool for SQL Server Express and MSDE
Express Edition Scheduling Backups for SQL Server Express
Express Edition Send Email from SQL Server Express Using a CLR Stored Procedure
Fragmentation and Index Maintenance Managing SQL Server Database Fragmentation
Fragmentation and Index Maintenance Selectively rebuild indexes with SQL Server maintenance plans
Fragmentation and Index Maintenance SQL Server Index Maintenance Checklist
Fragmentation and Index Maintenance SQL Server script to rebuild all indexes for all tables and all databases
Functions System Dynamically controlling the number of rows affected by a SQL Server query
Functions System Randomly Retrieve SQL Server Records
Functions System Retrieving random data from SQL Server with TABLESAMPLE
Functions System SQL Server Text Data Manipulation
Functions User Defined UDF CLR String Sort Function in SQL Server
Functions User Defined UDF SQL Server CLR and SQL split functions to parse a delimited string
Functions User Defined UDF Standardize Text with Multi Search and Replace Function in SQL Server
Identities Add or drop identity property for an existing SQL Server column
Identities Auto create identity insert SQL Server command to sync tables
Identities Populate a SQL Server column with a sequential number not using an identity
Identities Retrieve identity column properties for SQL Server database tables
Identities SQL Server Identity Insert to Keep Tables Synchronized
Identities SQL Server Identity Values Managing and Updating
Import and Export Different Options for Importing Data into SQL Server
Import and Export Minimally Logging Bulk Load Inserts into SQL Server
Indexing Building SQL Server Indexes in Ascending vs Descending Order
Indexing Deeper insight into used and unused indexes for SQL Server
Indexing Finding a better candidate for your SQL Server clustered indexes
Indexing How to get index usage information in SQL Server
Indexing Retrieving SQL Server Index Properties with INDEXPROPERTY
Indexing SQL Server Clustered Tables vs Heap Tables
Indexing SQL Server Index Analysis Script for All Indexes on All Tables
Indexing Understanding SQL Server Indexing
Integration Services Configuration Options Pass dynamic parameter values to SQL Server Integration Services
Integration Services Control Flow Transformations Dynamic SQL Server Integration Services Workflow Based on Variables
Integration Services Data Flow Transformations Merge multiple data sources with SQL Server Integration Services
Integration Services Development Strip double quotes from an import file in Integration Services SSIS
Integration Services Excel Import Excel unicode data with SQL Server Integration Services
Integration Services Performance Making data imports into SQL Server as fast as possible
JOIN Tables Compare SQL Server Datasets with INTERSECT and EXCEPT
JOIN Tables Join SQL Server tables where columns include NULL values
JOIN Tables UNION vs. UNION ALL in SQL Server
Locking and Blocking Finding and troubleshooting SQL Server deadlocks
Locking and Blocking Understanding the SQL Server NOLOCK hint
Log Shipping SQL Server Log Shipping
Maintenance Maintenance task to delete old SQL Server backup files
Maintenance Performing maintenance tasks in SQL Server
Maintenance SQL Server transaction log backups always fail with maintenance plan
Maintenance Supporting tables for SQL Server 2005 style maintenance plans
Monitoring Determining space used for all tables in a SQL Server database
Monitoring Getting operating system content into SQL Server
Monitoring How to Read Log File in SQL Server using TSQL
Monitoring Methods to determine the status of a SQL Server database
Monitoring Monitoring SQL Server database transaction log space
Monitoring Problems running sp_helpdb in SQL Server
Monitoring SQL Server Command Line Tools To Manage Your Server
Partitioning Handling Large SQL Server Tables with Data Partitioning
Partitioning Switching data in and out of a SQL Server 2005 data partition
Performance Tuning Avoid SQL Server functions in the WHERE clause for Performance
Performance Tuning Correlating Performance Monitor and SQL Server Profiler Data
Performance Tuning Gather IO statistics down to the SQL Server database file level
Performance Tuning Get Current Running Queries in SQL Server with fn_get_sql
Performance Tuning Optimize Parameter Driven Queries with SQL Server OPTIMIZE FOR Hint
Performance Tuning Quick, Comprehensive and Affordable SQL Server Query Optimization from SQLGrease
Performance Tuning Remove some SQL Server blocking issues with the NOLOCK hint
Performance Tuning SQL Server Database Specific Performance Counters
Power BI Getting Started with Microsoft Power BI Training
Profiler and Trace SQL Server Performance Statistics Using a Server Side Trace
Query Optimization Crosstab queries using PIVOT in SQL Server
Query Optimization Using Derived Tables to Simplify the SQL Server Query Process
Query Plans Capturing Graphical Query Plans with SQL Server Profiler
Query Plans Maximize View of SQL Server Query Plans with Full Screen Option
Recovery Models Selecting the SQL Server database recovery model to ensure proper backups
Replication Change Not For Replication Value for SQL Server Identity Columns
Replication Replication support only option with SQL Server 2005 replication
Replication Transactional Replication Snapshot Issues in SQL Server
Reporting Services Overview Getting Started with Reporting Services
Restore Auto generate SQL Server database restore scripts
Restore Auto generate SQL Server restore script from backup files in a directory
Restore Getting exclusive access to restore SQL Server database
Restore SQL Server Database Restores Mapping Users to Logins
Restore SQL Server point in time recovery
Scripts Capture all statements for a SQL Server session
Scripts Executing a TSQL batch multiple times using GO
Scripts Find text strings in character data types using SQL Server LIKE Operator
Scripts Searching and finding a string value in all columns in a SQL Server table
Scripts SQL Server Find and Replace Values in All Tables and All Text Columns
Scripts Standardize SQL Server data with text lookup and replace function
Security Enabling xp_cmdshell in SQL Server
Security Giving and removing permissions in SQL Server
Security Hiding instances of SQL Server 2005
Security SQL Server EXECUTE AS
SQL Server Agent Accessing SQL Server Agent Data
SQL Server Agent Automatic cleanup of SQL Server Agent scheduled jobs
SQL Server Agent Collect Performance Monitor Statistics for SQL Server Agent Jobs
SQL Server Agent How to store longer SQL Agent Job Step output messages
SQL Server Agent Missing SQL Server Agent History
SQL Server Agent Setting Up Alerts for All SQL Server Agent Jobs
SQL Server Configurations Find Last Restart of SQL Server
SQL Server Configurations How to tell what SQL Server versions you are running
SQL Server Configurations Setting SQL Server Startup Parameters
SQL Server Management Studio Copy column headers and query results in SQL Server Management Studio
SQL Server Management Studio Dynamic SQL Server stored procedure execution form in SSMS
SQL Server Management Studio How does SQL Server Management Studio get its data
SQL Server Management Studio Scripting out TSQL commands generated by SQL Server Management Studio
SQL Server Management Studio Using Solutions and Projects to manage your SQL Server code
SQL Server Management Studio Shortcuts Assign shortcuts to commands in SQL Server Management Studio
SQL Server Management Studio Shortcuts Drag and drop query result columns in SQL Server Management Studio
SQL Server Management Studio Shortcuts SQL Query Analyzer Shortcuts
SQL Server Management Studio Shortcuts SQL Server Management Studio Keyboard Shortcuts
Stored Procedures Getting started with Stored Procedures in SQL Server
Stored Procedures SET NOCOUNT ON Improves SQL Server Stored Procedure Performance
System Databases Move all SQL Server system databases at one time
Testing Create delays in SQL Server processes to mimic user input
Tools All In One Database Management and Automation Solution
Tools DBI Web Performance Suite for DB2 LUW and SQL Server
Tools Free SQL Server tools from Microsoft
Tools Quickly Find SQL Server Code Errors when using SSMS
Tools SQL Formatter Tool
Tools SQL Server Documentation Tools
Triggers Auditing DDL (Create, Alter, Drop) Commands in SQL Server 2005
TSQL Delete duplicate rows with no primary key on a SQL Server table
TSQL Determining SET Options for a Current Session in SQL Server
TSQL Limit amount of data returned with the SQL Server TEXTSIZE command
TSQL Problem using DISTINCT in case insensitive SQL Server databases
TSQL Renaming SQL Server database objects and changing object owners
TSQL SQL Server Four part naming
Upgrades and Migrations Applying SQL Server Service Packs
Views SQL Server Views Getting Started
XML BCP XML Format Files with SQL Server
Tutorial Topic
SQL Server Backup Tutorial SQL Server Backup Options and Commands Tutorial
SQL Server Backup Tutorial SQL Server Recovery Models
SQL Server Backup Tutorial SQL Server Full Recovery Model
SQL Server Backup Tutorial SQL Server Simple Recovery Model
SQL Server Backup Tutorial SQL Server Bulk-Logged Recovery Model
SQL Server Backup Tutorial Types of SQL Server Backups
SQL Server Backup Tutorial SQL Server Full Backups
SQL Server Backup Tutorial SQL Server Transaction Log Backups
SQL Server Backup Tutorial SQL Server Differential Backups
SQL Server Backup Tutorial SQL Server File Backups
SQL Server Backup Tutorial SQL Server Filegroup Backups
SQL Server Backup Tutorial SQL Server Partial Backups
SQL Server Backup Tutorial SQL Server Backup Commands
SQL Server Backup Tutorial SQL Server BACKUP DATABASE command
SQL Server Backup Tutorial SQL Server BACKUP LOG command
SQL Server Backup Tutorial How to create a SQL Server backup
SQL Server Backup Tutorial Creating a backup using SQL Server Command Line (T-SQL)
SQL Server Backup Tutorial Create backup using SQL Server Management Studio SSMS
SQL Server Backup Tutorial Get Free SQL Tips - SQL Server Backup Tutorial
SQL Server INFORMATION SCHEMA Tutorial SQL Server Check Constraints
SQL Server INFORMATION SCHEMA Tutorial SQL Server Alias Datatypes
SQL Server Performance Monitoring and Tuning Tutorial SQL Server Performance Tuning and Monitoring Tutorial
SQL Server Performance Monitoring and Tuning Tutorial Performance Related Tools
SQL Server Performance Monitoring and Tuning Tutorial Dynamic Management Views
SQL Server Performance Monitoring and Tuning Tutorial Profiler and Server Side Traces
SQL Server Performance Monitoring and Tuning Tutorial Performance Monitor
SQL Server Performance Monitoring and Tuning Tutorial Built in Performance Reports in SSMS
SQL Server Performance Monitoring and Tuning Tutorial Query Execution Plans
SQL Server Performance Monitoring and Tuning Tutorial Database Engine Tuning Advisor
SQL Server Performance Monitoring and Tuning Tutorial Performance Issues
SQL Server Performance Monitoring and Tuning Tutorial Troubleshooting Blocking
SQL Server Performance Monitoring and Tuning Tutorial Tracing a SQL Server Deadlock
SQL Server Performance Monitoring and Tuning Tutorial Index Scans and Table Scans
SQL Server Performance Monitoring and Tuning Tutorial Eliminating bookmark (key/rid) lookups
SQL Server Performance Monitoring and Tuning Tutorial Discovering Unused Indexes
SQL Server Performance Monitoring and Tuning Tutorial Investigating I/O bottlenecks
SQL Server Performance Monitoring and Tuning Tutorial Get Free SQL Tips - SQL Server Performance Monitoring and Tuning Tutorial
SQL Server Restore Tutorial SQL Server Restore Options and Commands Tutorial
SQL Server Restore Tutorial SQL Server Restore Commands
SQL Server Restore Tutorial How to get the contents of a SQL Server backup file
SQL Server Restore Tutorial SQL Server RESTORE LABELONLY
SQL Server Restore Tutorial SQL Server RESTORE FILELISTONLY
SQL Server Restore Tutorial How to restore a SQL Server backup
SQL Server Restore Tutorial How to restore a SQL Server transaction log backup
SQL Server Restore Tutorial Checking to make sure a SQL Server backup is useable
SQL Server Restore Tutorial SQL Server Restore Options
SQL Server Restore Tutorial Recovering a SQL Server database that is in the restoring state
SQL Server Restore Tutorial Restore multiple SQL Server backup files to the same database
SQL Server Restore Tutorial Get SQL Server Restore Percentage Complete
SQL Server Restore Tutorial Restore SQL Server database and overwrite existing database
SQL Server Restore Tutorial Retore SQL Server database to different file name and location
SQL Server Restore Tutorial SQL Server point in time restore
SQL Server Restore Tutorial Exclusive database access for a SQL Server restore
SQL Server Restore Tutorial Get Free SQL Tips - SQL Server Restore Tutorial
SQL Server Stored Procedure Tutorial SQL Server Stored Procedure Tutorial
SQL Server Stored Procedure Tutorial Different options for creating SQL Server stored procedures
SQL Server Stored Procedure Tutorial Creating a simple SQL Server stored procedure
SQL Server Stored Procedure Tutorial SQL Server Stored Procedure with Parameters
SQL Server Stored Procedure Tutorial Returning SQL Server stored procedure parameter values to a calling stored procedure
SQL Server Stored Procedure Tutorial Using try catch in SQL Server stored procedures
SQL Server Stored Procedure Tutorial Using comments in a SQL Server stored procedure
SQL Server Stored Procedure Tutorial Naming conventions for SQL Server stored procedures
SQL Server Stored Procedure Tutorial Reducing amount of network data for SQL Server stored procedures
SQL Server Stored Procedure Tutorial Deleting a SQL Server stored procedure
SQL Server Stored Procedure Tutorial Modifying an existing SQL Server stored procedure
SQL Server Stored Procedure Tutorial Get Free SQL Tips - SQL Server Stored Procedure Tutorial
SQL Server String Functions SQL Server ASCII Function
SQL Server String Functions SQL Server CHAR Function
SQL Server String Functions SQL Server CHARINDEX Function
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CategoryGroup Category (articles)
Analysis Services Analysis Services Administration (33)
Analysis Services Analysis Services Development (95)
Analysis Services Analysis Services Dimensions (16)
Analysis Services Analysis Services Measure Groups (7)
Analysis Services Analysis Services Performance (14)
Analysis Services Analysis Services Security (7)
Analysis Services Analysis Services Tutorials (6)
Business Intelligence Artificial Intelligence (32)
Business Intelligence Big Data (25)
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Cloud Amazon AWS RDS (22)
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Cloud Google Cloud (10)
Cloud Analytics Apache Spark (13)
Cloud Analytics Azure Data Factory (73)
Cloud Analytics Azure Databricks (40)
Cloud Analytics Azure Integration Services (14)
Cloud Analytics Azure Synapse Analytics (43)
Cloud Analytics Microsoft Fabric (30)
Data Quality Data Cleansing for Validation (4)
Data Quality Data Quality Services (10)
Data Quality Master Data Services (41)
Database Administration Central Management Servers (10)
Database Administration Comparison Data and Objects (14)
Database Administration Database Administration (211)
Database Administration DBA Best Practices (39)
Database Administration Dedicated Administrator Connection (4)
Database Administration Scripts (35)
Database Administration System Databases (31)
Database Configuration Compression (22)
Database Configuration Database Configurations (20)
Database Configuration Database Mail (19)
Database Configuration FILESTREAM (9)
Database Configuration Full Text Search (21)
Database Configuration In Memory OLTP (32)
Database Configuration Linked Servers (18)
Database Configuration Policy Based Management (29)
Database Configuration Recovery Models (4)
Database Configuration Resource Governor (5)
Database Configuration SQL Server Configurations (75)
Database Design Constraints (20)
Database Design Data Types (22)
Database Design Database Design (94)
Database Design Identities (17)
Database Design JOIN Tables (23)
Database Design Synonyms (5)
Database Design Table Valued Parameters (4)
Database Design Temp Tables (16)
Database Design Temporal Tables (13)
Database Design User Defined Type UDT (3)
Database Design Views (17)
Database Development Application Development (50)
Database Development Common Runtime Language (13)
Database Development Debugging (4)
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Database Development Language Integrated Query LINQ (7)
Database Development Paging (5)
Database Development Referential Integrity (5)
Database Development Service Broker (11)
Database Development Testing (32)
Database Development XML (15)
Database Maintenance Database Console Commands DBCCs (25)
Database Maintenance Fragmentation and Index Maintenance (28)
Database Maintenance Maintenance (34)
Disaster Recovery / High Availability Availability Groups (81)
Disaster Recovery / High Availability Backup (81)
Disaster Recovery / High Availability Clustering (77)
Disaster Recovery / High Availability Database Mirroring (33)
Disaster Recovery / High Availability Disaster Recovery (23)
Disaster Recovery / High Availability High Availability (3)
Disaster Recovery / High Availability Log Shipping (18)
Disaster Recovery / High Availability Replication (78)
Disaster Recovery / High Availability Restore (42)
Functions Dates (56)
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Functions Functions User Defined UDF (41)
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Integration Services Admin Integration Services Upgrade (4)
Integration Services Development Data Transformation Services (6)
Integration Services Development Integration Services Analysis Services Tasks (5)
Integration Services Development Integration Services Connection Managers (5)
Integration Services Development Integration Services Control Flow Transformations (14)
Integration Services Development Integration Services Data Flow Transformations (19)
Integration Services Development Integration Services Development (118)
Integration Services Development Integration Services Error Handling (8)
Integration Services Development Integration Services Excel (14)
Integration Services Development Integration Services Execute Package Options (8)
Integration Services Development Integration Services Oracle (4)
Microsoft Office Microsoft Access Integration (8)
Microsoft Office Microsoft Excel Integration (46)
Microsoft Office Microsoft Flow (1)
Other RDBMS Other Database Platforms (16)
Other RDBMS PostgreSQL (15)
Other RDBMS SQL Server and Oracle Comparison (30)
Other RDBMS SQL Server on Linux (78)
Other RDBMS SQL Server vs Oracle vs PostgreSQL Comparison (20)
Performance Dynamic Management Views and Functions (34)
Performance Error Logs (12)
Performance Extended Events (22)
Performance Indexing (97)
Performance Locking and Blocking (44)
Performance Monitoring (110)
Performance Partitioning (17)
Performance Performance Data Warehouse (4)
Performance Performance Tuning (128)
Performance Profiler and Trace (20)
Performance Query Optimization (15)
Performance Query Plans (20)
Performance Query Store (8)
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Power Platform Power BI Charts (59)
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Reporting Services Admin Reporting Services Best Practices (6)
Reporting Services Admin Reporting Services Configuration (10)
Reporting Services Admin Reporting Services Installation (10)
Reporting Services Admin Reporting Services Migration (5)
Reporting Services Admin Reporting Services Monitoring (5)
Reporting Services Admin Reporting Services Network Load Balancing (4)
Reporting Services Admin Reporting Services Performance (6)
Reporting Services Admin Reporting Services Security (9)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services Analysis Services (4)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services Charts (25)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services Data Sources (10)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services Development (67)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services Dynamic Reports (11)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services Formatting (26)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services KPI (5)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services Overview (6)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services Parameters (15)
Reporting Services Development Reporting Services Report Builder (9)
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SQL Coding Change Data Capture (16)
SQL Coding Common Table Expressions (4)
SQL Coding Dynamic SQL (7)
SQL Coding Error Handling (12)
SQL Coding Stored Procedures (32)
SQL Coding Transactions (10)
SQL Coding Triggers (44)
SQL Coding TSQL (353)
Tools Azure Data Studio (18)
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Tools SQL Operations Studio (11)
Tools SQL Server Agent (96)
Tools SQL Server Management Objects SMO (3)
Tools SQL Server Management Studio (79)
Tools SQL Server Management Studio Configuration (22)
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Versions Deprecated Features (6)
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Versions Licensing (4)
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